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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2012 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Show me yours and I'll show you mine.....lol Mine has a blower on it now....haha..... heck, I don't even have a tractor with decals.... WARNING...you asked for it, here they are... this is my main mowing machine/multi function machine. now its set up for spraying(home made sprayer) Your turn... :laughing-rolling:
  2. 2 points
    Yeah... that's what were are goin' for (are those your stock wheels?), looks tuff and stout, great hitch too, and those front hubs are great, is that original or modified? Gerry Yeah... that's what were are goin' for (are those your stock wheels?), looks tuff and stout, great hitch too, and those front hubs are great, is that original or modified? Gerry The front hubs are not stock Gerry, they're aftermarket. The rear rims are from a 520 and the rear tires are 10.50's Here it is with 10.50 turf tires although not as good a photo to show you the depth of the rim.
  3. 2 points
    Step 1-Start tractor and partially run up ramps. Step2- Remove seat and steering wheel. Step 3-Push tractor in, place front wheels on top of mower deck and deflate tires. Then secure tractor by using ratchet straps attached to floor. Step 4- Pack everything in using blankets to protect the paint. Step 5- Head for home,take tractor to baseball game with son, and show friends and relatives. Start conversations with "Hey,betcha don't see this in a minivan!" 2 days later ,unload van! Wait a few months while you try to figure out how to make an interesting post (hopefully)on forum! :)
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Show me yours and I'll show you mine.....lol Mine has a blower on it now....haha..... heck, I don't even have a tractor with decals....
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
    About two years ago I bought a rough Bantam 8000 with a very rare belly mower. I've stripped it down to every last nut and bolt and have been slowly going through it. The body has been totally blasted, repaired and blocked numerous times. The fenders were all hand dollied to straighten them out too. I had the body parts professionslly painted by a friend of mine and finally got all the orange parts back from him this week. He still has to clear the hood and finish the black items (seat, rear rims and all engine tins). It's 1968 Chevy hugger orange and urethane clear. The rear fender stripes were re-stenciled, sprayed and cleared in as well. The plan is to get it back together for spring.
  8. 1 point
    I posted on the 79360 Snowblower that I picked up while at fishing camp a couple of weeks ago and this is the tractor he gave me with it. Along with wheel weights and chains. I couldnt pass it up but it took 2 trips to get it all home. . The more I think on it I would like to make a Winter project out of it and redo it. If I can locate an M 12,14 or 16, I just might tackle it. I think theres just to much there to strip and discard the rest. I do have the guards and all sheet metal also. Its an 87. 16K 803.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Duke- Save some of that ammo for Sparty next week.... -BK
  11. 1 point
    I'm the same way with friends and family constantly asking the same thing. It's something only engine fanatics understand and appreciate (Hey, I recon they have to be more interesting than collecting china figurines, right on!) -Mark-
  12. 1 point
    Me Too! A 45 - 0 Feelin! :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: ...............................Happy Holloween Illinois!
  13. 1 point
    I've only used mine a couple of times Perry, but thats how I used it. Kinda awkward. I seem to remember tying a rope of some kind onto the end of the bar so I could drive up to a bank that I wanted to cut and lower the bar down to the 30 degree or so slope, didnt really want to just drop the bar onto it. The whole raising the bar and transport deal is pretty scary with these things, I'm always very wary of the PTO somehow engaging and making the thing start cutting when its in close proxomity to my body. I'll try and get a length on the lift bar - mine is a homemade one, but it works. I wish someone would post up measurements of the travel hook, there are quite a few of us that need to make them.
  14. 1 point
    very nice engines my father thinks im crazy with all the engines i have he asks "what do you do with all those engines". and i reply i just run them for fun and to have something to tinker around with. :roll:
  15. 1 point
    I loved these decals that you put out Terry, I have only one complaint though, The words "made in the USA" Need to stand out a little more. They are a little too faint, and hard to see when on the tractor. It might just be me, and like I said before I love these decals and have two sets of them.
  16. 1 point
    BK...true...I could not sleep last night...lay awake until almost 4:00AM watching "The Borne Identity" when it hit me that I was just not comfortable with that pick. I decided I would change it in the morning. After I made that choice, I slept like a baby dinosaur. We will see mate...Rock & Rye. :bow-blue:
  17. 1 point
    That is going to be a very cool little tractor I can't wait to see it done. I passed one at a swap meet and was going to come back to it later if I had cash left but it sold pretty quick I have been searching for one ever since but try searching for bantam on CL or ebay and all you get is bantam chickens :banghead:
  18. 1 point
    My Ghost Chili Pepper plants have died from the frost, I had to go ahead and pick all the peppers while they were green. I hear they still have quite a kick to them before they are ripe...
  19. 1 point
    Thanks, I just picked this about an hour ago...
  20. 1 point
    Yes we gotta have a 417! But please NOT mine :hide:
  21. 1 point
    Hey Rich - beautiful 520 and I can't believe you managed to get it in the minivan! Makes me feel a little better about getting one someday You should complete your new tractor with a hydro foot pedal control kit since they are on sale this month hopefully we all get a lot of snow this year so we can finally use our beastly snow machines. I bought my 520 and 2-stage blower last year and only got to use it once!
  22. 1 point
    I always feel that you can get a better deal if you buy a package deal. I would say $700 tops for everything shown. But that's just me.........you seem to be in a Wheel Horse heavy area. Should make it a little easier for you to get a good deal.
  23. 1 point
    i made one up out of heavier gauge material..... dont have the measurements right now but give me a day or three and i will get them..... heres one i made for my 1277....
  24. 1 point
    This link you gave me is the correct size for the shaft right.
  25. 1 point
    First one (restored) is an early 55. Second one is a 56 and third is a 57.
  26. 1 point
    It will be next summer before I can get to the tractors that have the fan guards, on them, they are both in the back of the barn and anyone that has been here will tell you it would take a day to get to them.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    The van wasn't my first choice. I was going to rent a Uhaul trailer but it was impossible due to the students going to college. I actually stuffed the 312H in the van the night before just to make sure it would work. Here are a couple more pics-
  30. 1 point
    The lawn rangers are what got me into this hobby. I have one now, and sold a 67. Great little tractors....
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Small air cooled engines used on power equipment should always use the governor if so equipped. They are mechanically designed for a top RPM, (usually between 3500-4000 RPM), and as you mention they will keep the engine speed steady under varying loads. Many people bypass engine governors for various reasons- the springs break and they are too cheap to replace them, they can't figure out how to adjust the governor linkages and don't want to read a manual, they think bypassing it will get them more power (it will, at the great expense of engine life), or they replace governor linkages or carbs with different parts and end up with a mess that can't adjust. There used to be this old dirty idiot who lived behind my parents house who had a pile of a governor-less Cub 108 he would attempt to mow with. He would start this thing up to a cloud of oil smoke, and it would wind up to about 6000 RPM. He would then fire up the mower to the nice sound of grinding spindle bearings and belt smoke. Every time he hit one patch of grass the engine would slow to just about a stall, backfire loudly through the exhaust, then he would stop and let it wind up again and keep repeating the process. It was annoying and amusing to watch all at the same time -Mark-
  35. 1 point
    Craig we can all be scared at times :ROTF: :ROTF:
  36. 1 point
    This is a fall picture of my 1964 604 . :)
  37. 1 point
    1997 516 (Custom) with 1997 2 Stage Snowblower
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
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