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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2012 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    We were all graced with some real down to earth quality individuals. Members of the Pond family made the trip down and spent the day with us. I feel horrible that they were late to a niece's birthday party but so humbled by the fact that they decided to make the trip and be part of our raffle and show. What a fantastic family and a great legacy that Cecil left behind. I really appreciate the time that I was able to talk and hear some first hand history of the Pond family and the involvement of Wheel Horse. I can't thank them enough for taking the time to be with all of us. From left to right......... Johnathan (Cecil's grandson), Linda (Cecil's daughter), Gary (Cecil's son and father of Johnathan), Martha (Gary's wife) Last picture....I was very humbled to be asked by the family to take part in a photo along with them. Thank you!
  2. 3 points
    It's been a very busy summer, my wife & I moved from Millersburg to Goshen, IN mid summer. We were without internet for a bit during the transition too, had to wait for things to get sorted with the provider. I still have misc Horse stuff at the old shop yet that I'm working on bringing over when I have time & make space. I ended up selling a few before the move since my new shop is much smaller, mostly Horse's that I wasn't useing anylonger or hadn't seen daylight in years packed away in my old garage. I dislike leaving stuff sit outside & didn't want to bring them here for them to sit behind the garage. I also started a new line of work with the company I've worked for, for 17 years now. No more asphalt, I am now doing HDD or Horizontal Directional Drilling. 15+ years was long enough on an asphalt roller! With the new job & new home....tractors were on the back burner this season while I took time to get things sorted. Scott's show yesterday really put the Wheel Horse/GT bug back in me. I was Jonesing for a new tractor or start wrenching on one again after leaving Scott's M&G yesterday. So today I spent the day working in my shop organising parts (found stuff I didn't know I had), hanging some man cave art, & working on my 6 speed 10HP short frame mutt. This is all the space I have for now, but the wife promises me a new shop as soon as our old place sells.
  3. 3 points
    Here's a few more in progress... Decided to go ahead and replace all of the nuts & bolts in the entire tractor so I had to make another run to town. After many hours and lot's of coffee, I decided I wasn't going to make my deadline so I didn't repaint the rear wheels. Here it is completely assembled. It's done enough to take to the show. Unfortunately it has developed another fuel leak, this time at the rebuilt carb. I ran it long enough to burn up the fuel in the carb and will just be pushing it around again until I can fix it on Sunday.
  4. 2 points
    Just got home from the meet and greet, met some great guys, and took a few pictures, which I will try to get posted. steve
  5. 2 points
    Have a bunch of pix, lets hope they all load... Ok, there are a few of them. Rest coming. To those that won the "BOOK" congrats, ever want to part with one please contact me.I AM INTERESTED. THX
  6. 2 points
    Ok, I stitched the 3 images of the group together. Unfortunately when I took the pictures, I didn't get enough overlap right near John's 2 seater so there is a little blemish in that area. This is the best I could make it. I guess photobucket can't handle the wide picture so it's not showing it as good as it came out. If you want a copy of the actual image, PM me and I will send you it.
  7. 1 point
    Picked up a Blower this week. Can you tell me what you use to lube your chain with?
  8. 1 point
    I know that Karl had posted that RedSquare raised $1800 to be sent to St. Baldrick's in Max's name, we helped raise that total by adding $1500 more to the cause for a grand total of $3300 that is heading off to make a huge difference. I want to congratulate all of you who chipped in to make a HUGE difference! Well the moment of truth........I am sure many of you have been waiting for this all day long. First ticket that was drawn was.........HENRYG The second ticket that was drawn..........limited 12 and the third and final ticket drawn..............neil Congratulations to all 3 of you. I am going to hand over the responsiblities of these to Karl Lyon and Tom Cornford to make sure that you are able to recieve a great collectible. Great job RedSquare...........you are all to be commended! I will post more later after a chance to get some much needed sleep! Thank you again everyone for making the trip and spending the day with our family. We are truly blessed with many great friends!
  9. 1 point
    Ken - we usually finish off the season with the Jacktown Antique Engine show in Bangor, PA. Check out www.jacktown.org. This year it's on the 19th and 20th of October and it's a really great show and swap meet. The flea market usually has some good deals on WH parts too. I expect to be there this year but there is a chance I will miss it due to a relative having surgery just prior to the 19th.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    These are a few of the photos my brother Lane took today at Scott Mehlberg's Meet and Great. A great time was held by all! This was the third year we went and the biggest crowd and mix of tractors to date. I hope those that could not attend enjoy some of the photos. A special treat for those attending was the participation my members of Cecil Pond's Family that Scott Mehlburg recognized. Some plowing photos: Martin Howard's recently completed 1057 for his son Kent:
  12. 1 point
    So, was this the last show for the year or are there any others? Real bummer if there aren't any more.
  13. 1 point
    The one advantage of the 518, as compared to the 520, is that without all the bells and whistles the 518 is a lot simpler to deal with than the 520. 520's are notorious for niggly electrical problems and the simpler more basic tractor is easier to diagnose. For towing a cart around and mowing (assuming you dont want a 60" deck) I'd probably go for the better condition tractor - I'd take a nice 518 over a beat on 520. If you do need the 60" deck, then you have to go for the 520.
  14. 1 point
    Not only did I have fun at the show but I was able to pick up some great things to add to the barn........... Friday I was able to pick up a real nice 522xi with a 60" deck........can't wait to get some more time on this machine! Saturday I was able to receive a C-195 pedal tractor to be displayed out in the barn. Thank you Lane for picking this up! Did some trading with Mike and came out with a beautiful 1045. Finally was given a set of NOS 6" and 8" hub caps! (No picture sorry) Add all of this to an amazing day at the show............couldn't ask for much more!!!!
  15. 1 point
    My thinking is the Kohler engineers knew a whole lot more about these engines than I do, I try to go by the book on service and settings on them. Knock on wood but I've got good service out of all but one which was a two cylinder D model back in the 70's
  16. 1 point
    Hopefully Steve will use a short ladder & a big mattress below it in the future.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Steve was very proud to show everyone his new saw! Can't wait to see a video of him up in a tree putting her to use. :ROTF: :ROTF:
  19. 1 point
    Nice haul, but why can't you ride back inside the truck Jake...did you pick up some bad gas along the way?
  20. 1 point
    that is a murry front weight for use with the bagger system. check out the mount i made for the front tatch a mattic on wheel-n-it's 312 tilling my garden & on my C 161 plow tractor. Jay
  21. 1 point
    Is there a tractor behind all those graphics? :scratchead:
  22. 1 point
    Will be a Suedo Minny Mo in future! Was a project "In Process" , still needs some parts. Besides "Everyone" has a Red one, but none Yellow! Or is that Prairie Gold I should say? Besides it was easier to spot then too, heh! :laughing-rofl:
  23. 1 point
    OH sooooooo clean...everything looks like it's surgical steel Denny. Seems Dr. Denny is in.
  24. 1 point
    think this is the last of them. ENJOY EVERYONE, I SURE DID. THANKS TO ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still interested in one of those books !!!
  25. 1 point
    Right chap's, let's get this thread up to date with today's fun and games. First on the hit list was to sort out the wrongly welded up drop link, so out came the hack saw for some careful slicing and I didn't want to use the grinder and risk cutting through the bar inside. A last check I had got it right this time before welding it up again. Time to get the top arms welded on, this long bit of box is the shortest bit of straight steel I have! Despite only using two clamps it was all held very firmly in place. A quick check it's square.. Not the best of photo's, but yep it's square on One top arm welded on.. And the second.. The lower arms are at their lowest height.. And up... I'm rather happy with how these have turned out. On a bit of a roll now, the rams were dug out and plumbed up... Ah...... the rams are a tad to far apart to fit quite where I wanted them to and the hit the lower arms!! As shortening hydraulic pipes is a it beyond my skills another way to make the rams fit had to be found.. As I can't go narrower, let's try up.. With a bit of box bunged under the ram.. The ram can sit where it want's too and there is enough space underneath for the lower arms to go fully up without hitting anything.. As an added bonus I noticed the tops of the rams sit in a very convenient place.. I didn't want to connect the rams directly to the top arms just in case somehow they get bent and bend the rams at the same time.... But I'm sure with some suitable bracing between the top arms they shouldn't move at all.. But that's a job for another day.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Go with the LED's. They are much brighter, draw less current, and will take more vibration/moisture abuse than a standart light bulb and socket setup.
  28. 1 point
    This is a fall picture of my 1964 604 . :)
  29. 1 point
    Here is some more pictures for consideration........ "Lady Ranger" 1968 Commando 8 1045 and 4 Wheeled Wagon
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    1997 516 (Custom) with 1997 2 Stage Snowblower
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    These were won last year by my daughter and i.. well mostly her. Lol
  35. 1 point
    1963 753 1954 Pond RS 83 1963 753 1970 Raider 12 1954 Pond PT 20 Walk Away 1960 Suburban 400
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    Here are a couple of shots of the 401. Thanks, Jake
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    can you take any pictures of what you are talking about...I , for one, would like to see what somebody else did to make things work...right or wrong I would like to see. :)
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