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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2012 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    1963 753 1954 Pond RS 83 1963 753 1970 Raider 12 1954 Pond PT 20 Walk Away 1960 Suburban 400
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    Here are a couple of shots of the 401. Thanks, Jake
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    Ok Dino..here are some pict of my 551 that has an amazing story.. i think most of you know about it. this burban means a lot to me.. but im unsure on what pict to show you.. Here are a few and i have a lot of other pict of it.. that is good too. Thanks Lars
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    It's a 1962 552, but the pics are cool Gotta get rid of that muffler though . . .
  8. 1 point
    Seeing there has been a surge of interest lately in tachometers on tractors, I thought I might ask the group what importance do you place on having a tachometer. If you feel knowing engine speed is important, what are the RPM range(s) that concern you the most? and under what conditions? Of course 3500 to 3600 governed speed is important and I imagine folks may possibly want to know what speed the tractor is idling at, but beyond that, what other speeds, if any, would be of interest. I'm just doing a little market research for building a digital tachometer that could either read RPMS with digits, use an LED bargraph display or just light up an dashboard LED if the engine over revs past expected governed speeds. Thanks
  9. 1 point
    Nice! You could always hang it over the bed and enjoy 2 loves at once.
  10. 1 point
    If it was a 704 it would have had a Kohler. A 654 or 604 would have had a Tecumseh. Whatever it was, if it were mine it'd be getting a Kohler!! Nice score!
  11. 1 point
    !960 Suburban 1988 520 original condition.
  12. 1 point
    Consider researching ebay to determine the value of the bikes individual parts as well.
  13. 1 point
    I'm thinkin that the JD hood was as bad an idea as the plastic rear fenders on the Wheel Horse black-hoods. Mike.......
  14. 1 point
    OK - this one is a 1067. It's quite the smoker, but since I only paid $100 for the tractor, there's definitely some "wiggle room" to freshen up the engine. :thumbs2:
  15. 1 point
    My first choice would still be the ONAN and I would take exceptionally good care of it. You could buy a low hour 520H with no attachments for less than the cost of installing a new V twin. Maybe even put an oil cooler on it. I always look forward to riding my 520HC and my 416H. My second choice would be to soup up my K341 so that it sounds and performs like a single cylinder Harley. That may even sound better than the ONAN. Lets face it, having a neat sounding engine adds some pleasure to the work that needs to get done. But, to each his own.
  16. 1 point
    commando 7 after the first ride after the resto
  17. 1 point
    I have the pricing on the calendars. They are as follows: Calendars are $15.00 ea. shipping is : USA $3.00 1st class mail $6.00 priority mail Canada $4.00 US 1st class mail $13.00 US priority mail Across the pond: $6.50 US 1st class mail $17.00 US priority mail Thanks, Mike
  18. 1 point
    Make no mistake, ag tires are used for both looks AND function. But as you said, they are hard on soft turf. If you plan to use the tractor for gardening (moldboard plow, cultivators, disc sets, or dozer blades to push dirt), they are very well worth it- as are tri-ribs up front. If you're just mowing or using the machine for "yard duties", they are not needed at all. A good agressive-tread turf tire will meet most any requirement without tearing up the grass, and they look good too. Nice 101 by the way. You probably own the only one that far east! Glad to see another NC collector!
  19. 1 point
    I used IH Red on my B-80. The decals you can get from Terry the vinylguy. He is in the vendors section, and makes beautiful decals! Matt :flags-texas:
  20. 1 point
    Thanks Guys! Yes it was quite an honor, and was a great experiance. I can tell Fred was taken by the whole thing also, Its a tuff life being a musician yeah it seem glamorous but I seen alot behind the scenes, how you can have little privacy for example when I went to their Bus after the show people were crowded outside hoping to maul them or get an autograph long after they had allready signed them. Durring the course of our conversation we discussed our age and I asked Fred how old he was and he replied 54 this past July. Then he asked me and I said Son I will be 55 this Nov! He said Duke dont ever get in the music buisness it will age you quick. I think there is alot of truth to that having to work all those crazy hours eat food on the run yes its a fast paced life. I think thats why he enjoyed his visit with us so much as it was relaxing and slow paced. I mean how many times does he go to a do a gig and get to have time to talk and enjoy his hobby with someone as equally enthused as he is? He told MJ when I went out to the garage and locked up so we could go to the festival he said gosh I wished you guys lived closer! MJ said ya know we dont need much of a house.... Just a big Barn and Fred just laughed. He has a great sense of humor and is quite a charachter as you can tell at the end of that video. Sometime durring our conversation I said Fred ya gotta come clean with me on sumptin, who is that chick in the video? He replied its my WIFE! He then laughed and said no Im just kidding Duke and then told me her name and then said he ended up getting in trouble with his wife cause of her givin him a kiss at the end of that video... And I said I can see why.... And then looked at MJ as she gave me the stink eye. Yep it was quite an experiance and one that I wont forget. ~Duke
  21. 1 point
    Dont be shouting too loud that you have been playing around with your neighbors Beaver in your Garage Great looking tractor though
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    It's not red but it's definitly seasonal.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    He said that it became apparent when he hired our new men's basketball coach earlier this year that he was thought of as old. The reporter wasn't trying to be malicious or anything, just a matter of fact. It's not mixed feelings as in good and bad, but mixed feelings as in sad to see him go, but proud and fortunate to have lived here when he was not only a coach and an AD, but also the unbelievably selflessness that he gives to the community and state through his mentoring program. I can safely say that there will not be a more influential person to the state of Nebraska in my lifetime. But we are also optimistic in the way he is leaving the state of the university, we are certain that he has done everything he could for the betterment of not only student athletes, but also students in general. good bye T.O...... :(
  26. 1 point
    Dad likes to put head studs on everything.
  27. 1 point
    I would like to see one of Lars Knusern's photos for the month of June, which I think is when he received his Suburban International in Norway from Rooster here in the states. He has many great photos and a lot of the members here had a hand in making that happen. I'll let him know I posted this so he can pick a few pictures to submit. :norway:
  28. 1 point
    Here are some of my photo's for consideration: 76 C-160 Auto 1964 704
  29. 1 point
    Most small equipment dealers sell a small digital tach/hr meter for about 40-45 bucks. I have had the same one for about 4 yrs. now with no problems with it. I just attach it to the dash with a small piece of velcro to whichever tractor I want to use it on. It does work great, not as cool looking as the tach on my 520 or what Martin now has on his C-125 though. If you could build something that has hrs. also that would be very cool. I find that to be just as important as the tach itself, very handy for oil change intervals and how many hrs. are on a freshly rebuilt motor. If you could make one a tad on the larger side so us guys with crappy eye sight that would be swell. The digital that I have is a little harder for me too read while cutting the grass not having my reading glasses on. I'd be on board for one, maybe two.
  30. 1 point
    I like to check the tach on my 520HC before I engage the 48" deck to be sure I have the RPMS up over 3,000. I also like to see if the governor is keeping the RPMs up when I hit tall grass. I also use the tach to check and set the idle speed. The more instrumentation the better for me. I like to see what the engine is doing rather than just relying in sound. There is also the cool factor. If I had a choice I would pick an analog display over digital for the older wheel horses. If the display is digital and if for wheel horses, then the instrument should display RPM in digits and the case should have the same size and look (face and trim) as existing wheel horse gauges. A digital tach in a wheel horse style case (with the case matching the model series) with installation instructions would be neat to have available.
  31. 1 point
    pick this up saturday for $125 (sorry Joe it's not the same one this one has both front tires and a motor) stopped by to vist with Charles (CRE1992) while we were down there as he lives 5 min. way from where we picking up the tractor (NJ) looks to be a good one for total restore someday ( too many projects so little time) Brian
  32. 1 point
    If your looking for just the outer PTO bearing, the part # is 109842. The part is available from a Toro dealer. I don't know what the actual bearing number is. That is just the number Toro uses. Press the bearing out and look for numbers on the bearing and you should be able to go to NAPA or any bearing shop and get it for a lot less than Toro will charge. Someone else may chime in here that knows what the actual number is. It is a common bearing to replace.
  33. 1 point
    if you have a 110 generator wouldn't you need to know the rpm.s to keep from burning up tools ? Jay
  34. 1 point
    jack, yes i seen that thread the other day. thanks.... just as an experiment, i went out after my last post here and messed around with the levels. i even checked the dipstick level against the sundstrand in the 875. the c160 dipstick is short and is hard to get to and i always wondered if it wasnt correct for this tractor. the levels are exactly the same as the old square plug dipstick on the 875. i didnt check it against the 1277, but i think that both the 875 and 1277 are the same so i didnt bother. anyway the levels are all the same, should be slightly above the axle tubes (rough description)... on your c160 what does your dipstick look like? is it short enough that you cant reach it through the dipstick access hole in the seat pan? looks like the dipstick on mine should be for the tilt up seat pan instead of the fixed. maybe the 75 has the tilt up. mine is a 76 and is fixed with the seat only tilting up on the fixed seat pan. maybe they carried the short dipstick over for a bit onto the 76 setup... anyway i topped up the level a little to get it dead on full. running or stopped the level stays the same on mine....... it didnt make any difference to my problem. the thorough warm up the other day seems to be the only way i could stop the problem..(only happened once though) like you, at the moment i am leaning towards valves (sticky not broken springs) as being the culprit for my problems... theres an orifice in the accel valve that i need to look at too..... i dont want to tear into this one yet as i have another tractor for my son to start on, so it will wait until i have some spare time......
  35. 1 point
    There are no rules stating that you need to be a collector, restorer preserver or rebuilder of these tractors to join. The seller has done nothing wrong as far as Redsquare rules are concerned. >>>>>TOPIC CLOSED<<<<< Mike..............
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