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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Got it tonight! Board of review was not too bad and had an overall good time! Now to put it on every application I ever fill out!!! Great feeling to have it done and this deserves a night of staying up late and having fun! School tomorrow? Nah....
  2. 2 points
    My neighbor let me have this Mitsubishi Satoh Beaver to play with. It was in a sad shape the wheels was rusted and the tubes showing, I finally found some wheels and then I couldn't stand it so here is what I ended up with. 1974- 4/4-2cly- Diesel with power take off three point hitch scraper blade-Front-Rear blade for three point.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I would like to see one of Lars Knusern's photos for the month of June, which I think is when he received his Suburban International in Norway from Rooster here in the states. He has many great photos and a lot of the members here had a hand in making that happen. I'll let him know I posted this so he can pick a few pictures to submit. :norway:
  6. 1 point
    Its that time of year where it would be great to start gathering photos for the 2013 red square calendar. If you have a photo you would like to submit please post it here. I'll probably let this thread run for a few weeks, maybe even the whole month of October then at the end i will message you if your picture is chosen. Also for those not posting photos, feel free to "vote" for pictures posted here. i would like everyone's input as its a calendar for all of you! It would be cool to see seasonal pictures (summer, fall, winter, spring) to use on the months that apply. also looking for a wide range of models and years. "posing" shots and working shots. rough or restored. Let the photo posting begin! Thanks! Justin
  7. 1 point
    This is it, the last week to purchase your chance to win one of 3 Straight From The Horses Mouth books. These books are NEW and you are likely NEVER going to have an Opportunity like this again. One of the books is the super rare FIRST Edition! But that's not the only reason to purchase your chance to win. Every day another 36 (or more) kids are diagnosed with Cancer. They could be your neighbor, niece or nephew, grand child or even your own child. The unfortunate fact is that there is not enough funding to help stop this. One in every 330 Americans develops cancer before the age of twenty and you can help make a difference and possibly win the most talked about book for any Wheel Horse enthusiast. If you haven't done so, please purchase your chance to win one of these collectible treasures and help a little boy or girl in the process. The cost is only $10, a little over 2 gallons of gas. Even if you have no interest in the book, please consider buying a chance at the book. You can always decline if you win. The drawing will take place at Scott's Meet and Greet in Indiana. On hand will be Tom Nunn. You all may remember Tom's son, Max, lost his battle with Cancer. Every day kids are dying, real kids with real mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Your donation can help stop this. Our tradition banks on the next generation, please help make sure that they have every opportunity to enjoy this hobby as much as you have! FINAL WEEEK: Ticket sales end Friday October 5, 2012 6:00pm Eastern! Get yours TODAY!
  8. 1 point
    Seeing there has been a surge of interest lately in tachometers on tractors, I thought I might ask the group what importance do you place on having a tachometer. If you feel knowing engine speed is important, what are the RPM range(s) that concern you the most? and under what conditions? Of course 3500 to 3600 governed speed is important and I imagine folks may possibly want to know what speed the tractor is idling at, but beyond that, what other speeds, if any, would be of interest. I'm just doing a little market research for building a digital tachometer that could either read RPMS with digits, use an LED bargraph display or just light up an dashboard LED if the engine over revs past expected governed speeds. Thanks
  9. 1 point
    Found this pile o parts (Charger 12) while cleaning the barn today to make room to winter store the boats. Kinda got side tracted on the cleaning and 3 hours later, the "pile" started to look pretty cool. I moved the front axel over the frame to drop the front end. Now what do I do with it .... Puller ... Dragster ... Rat Rod .... Go Cart ?????????? It has a 3 speed in it now which I assume is no good for a puller. Would this tranny handle speed ? I have a C-101 with an 8 speed that I could put in, but I have visions of a redo on the 101 as it is 99% complete.. needs a carb and starter.
  10. 1 point
    We have an Apple Festival each fall in my home town, and when I asked a friend of mine who is the Apple Festival President who this years entertainment was and he Replied The Kentucky Headhunters, I just about fell out of my chair. Not only am I a fan, but also if you are a long time subscriber to LAGC(T) you will know that the drummer Fred Young is a Lawn and Garden Collector ant Enthusiast, and LAGC did a feature on him in Jan/Feb 2009. Well Knowing that they would be performing Friday night, I contacted their buisness office and asked in my message if Fred would call me, and asked if he would like to see my Wheel Horse Collection while he was in town. I recieved a call back from Fred's Brother Richard Young, and he gave me Fred's E-Mail, and said that would be the best way to contact him. We made connection by E-Mail and he said he would call Friday afternoon when he was Awake. (they left friday morn from KY at 12:00 a.m Musicians sleep durring the day as they perform at night). Fred gave me a call at 3:00 pm, and we hooked up at 3:30 and I went to their Bus and Met Fred and the band his brother Richard Young, Rhythm Guitar, Doug Phelps Base & lead singer, And their cousin Greg Martin Lead Guitar. Fred showed me pictures of all his tractors and home. After that we walked to my house (which is actually about 400 yards from their Bus). We then hung out at my Horse Stable for about 3 hours and had a great time. I showed him my Stable, My collection and my hauler. Fred is a wondeful person, and really loves tractors. We talked about everything from A to Z and he was really Taken by the New Snow Chucker, and he even gave me some painting tips.Those 3 hours flew by in a blink of an eYe. I gave him a few WH Goodies A few Jars of Apple Juice, and MJ set him and the band up with some of Her Famous Baked Goods. Around 9:00 pm we watched them perform and they brought down the house. After their show, MJ I and my granddaughter Henny hung out with the band at their Bus, and Fred had their PR guy give us Hats T Shirts and the band signed them and then he gave Henny a set of signed Drum Sticks! You talk about a wondeful afternoon and evening, I had the best time of my life. It just goes to show you, Ya meet alot of great guys in this hobby. Fred has invited me and MJ to his place to see his collection from what I have seen by pictures he has a heck of a collection 30 cubs, Wheel Horses, a Shaw Du All, Bollens and many many more Looks like that will be a nice Road Trip. Here are some pics of his visit. Cheers ~Duke Below is a link to one of their Videos Â
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    It's not red but it's definitly seasonal.
  13. 1 point
    Anytime somebody earns his Eagle gets high marks in my book! Congratulations Charlie. In regards to taking school off tomorrow, you better recall the brand new 13th point of the Scout Law: A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent and NEVERS SKIPS SCHOOL... OK, I added that 13th point, but you get the idea.... -BK
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    All it needs John is an aaaooogah horn mounted on it now! (and some black leather on the seats)
  17. 1 point
    It's a 1962 552, but the pics are cool Gotta get rid of that muffler though . . .
  18. 1 point
    Ummm....your wearing a vest....shouldnt the dog have a sweater on ? Mike.............
  19. 1 point
    Dude! You know...the resto police are watching?
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Ag's work best for maximum traction, when pulling somthing heavy or working in the garden. Now if all your doing with your is mowing, then I would stick with a turf tire. I love the looks as well. Matt :flags-texas:
  22. 1 point
    WOW! That's one nice lookin' beaver you've got there. :scared-eek:
  23. 1 point
    Ok Dino..here are some pict of my 551 that has an amazing story.. i think most of you know about it. this burban means a lot to me.. but im unsure on what pict to show you.. Here are a few and i have a lot of other pict of it.. that is good too. Thanks Lars
  24. 1 point
    I was just going to start a thread on this. I JUST went thru this with mine. I put a spare 1970's starter on it and the difference was night and day. The newer late 90's and 2000's starters were really chapened up and don't last as long.
  25. 1 point
    She is your tractor and it is up to you to decide how you want to use it. I think maybe it is the much earlier tractors that once restored might see limited heavy work use. Parts are a little harder to find for the earlier models. Your C-101 is a pretty rugged tractor and parts are still plentiful for it and at reasonable prices. Personally speaking, when I do a restoration on a later tractor (1965 and up) I do what I call a worker restoration. By that I do mean totally gone thru and looking nice, but not over the top. This way I can still use it for yard chores without having a fit if I scratch it or ding it up. I have gone the show tractor restoration route in the past and all I wound up with were a bunch of tractors collecting dust in my garage because I didn't want to dirty or scratch them up. A worker restoration will take me about a month or so to do. A show restoration I have spent upwards of a yr. doing. This is an example of a worker restoration that I used pretty hard! Here is a video of a worker restore in action.
  26. 1 point
    Looking very nice scott! :handgestures-thumbup:
  27. 1 point
    It's coming along nicely, Scott. I seem to be at a snails pace at the moment on Kent's 875. Shows just about every weekend of late, and the spare time is being taken up doing the engine, so it doesn't look like much progress is happening. That should change soon I hope, I'm really enjoying working with kent on this one, even if he doesn't show quite as much enthusiasm as I do...... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Wow! what a day! 11 hrs total driving time. Just got back from unloading it all. Get to do it again in a week or two but it will be a lighter load and take alot less time. Here's the ultimate find going through some of the nos parts. I am going to go through them all after school tomorrow and see what I have. This is a nos. not a repro NOS belt guard for a 551. I don't know if there's another one that is nos in the country but I could be wrong. Jake here's a shot of the belt guard and the barn after we unloaded it all. Keep in mind there is still 8 more tractors in ohio and we took 3 of the rj's home!
  30. 1 point
    Finally made some progress on this. It runs and drives great so I'll bring it to the Zagray show next weekend. There are still quite a few things that need to done but most are just cosmetic. This isn't what I originally had in mind for the seat but it works for now and doesn't look too bad. It has a pull start Kohler M8 for now but will be upgraded to an electric start eventually. Here's some pics
  31. 1 point
    Look like rear discharge mowers! :laughing-rofl:
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