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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2012 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Our local Farming Festival was last weekend so here are some pics of the fun. I had 13 WH's there and a 1962 Bolens that belongs to my Grandson. My buddy Packrat had 7 WH's there too. This is our biggest set up of the year, I take 2 trailer loads over to the show, since it is just 10 minutes from my house!
  2. 2 points
    I've had my 416-H for 20 years next month. I have had a lot of issues: 1. Replaced spark plugs (twice) 2. 2 front tires (rears soon) 3. Screw fell off on the drive belt guard 4. Numerous air filters 5. Throttle cable 6. Mower deck belts needed replacement 7. Mower deck guage wheels replaced 8. Rear hitch bent when (successfully) pulling a tree stump out of the ground. 9. Carbutator required cleaning one time. 10. Seat has a slight tear 11. Had to replace 2 roll pins Don't let anyone kid you, these are troublesome machines as you can clearly see by my long list of problems in the last 20 years, stay clear of them. By the way, where have you seen this for sale?
  3. 2 points
    I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and predict that there will be cold, and snow.
  4. 1 point
    im looking for any information i can getone this tractor she is in great shape but you never know what could happen and i would like to be able to get parts for her any help would be great thanks
  5. 1 point
    My grandpa always said "If you got a hot spring and summer? You get a cold snowy winter, been like that since I was a kid. You kids don't even know what winter is. Look at them crows, see em' bunchin up? Snows comin' early. Cripes, look around ya' boy". Then he would swear at me in Czech. Never knew what he said but, I'd bet it wasn't good. Then he'd ask if I wanted to go fishing. I sure miss him some days.
  6. 1 point
    Waiting for dad to help!
  7. 1 point
    I use conventional petroleum based Rotilla 30W in my Kohler 16 that burns oil in my C-165. 10W-30W disappears too quickly. The engine has over 1200 hours on it and it starts and runs good.
  8. 1 point
    just wondering when theres going to be another update on this build? its been 11 days since the last pics were posted, can we see more of the work thats been done? has there been any work done? any at all? what have you been up to kent?
  9. 1 point
    time to make a decision on splitting the trans case - or not If Tractorville is anywhere near upstate NY, sell me the tractor and when I get there we can spend the afternoon talking about our favorite hair care products !!
  10. 1 point
    Excluding the rare OHV K361 the Kohler K single cylinder engines don't have any valve stem seals as its not an OHV engine where oil would run down through the guides. Constant smoking is most often from worn rings in a glazed cylinder. Best to do as mentioned and buy cheap 30W oil and just keep topping it off until you can rebuild the engine. Going crazy with heavier viscosity oils doesn't stop the burning, and can cause unnecessary wear of other internal engine parts like cam lobes, followers, and valve stems and guides which are parts that don't often wear out on these engines under normal use with the right oil. -Mark-
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    If it's a smoker, my opinion is to use cheap 30w oil until you get it fixed. Heavier oil will not help with the smoking, and using anything that is expensive is just a waste of money.
  13. 1 point
    Whatever we are going to have.........I am not ready yet. Not even close and haven't even had a chance to think about it. Looks like I need to get 4 or 5 tractors ready. A couple at my place, a couple at dad's and possibly one at my grandmothers. Wow.......I need to buy more tractors!!!!!!!!!
  14. 1 point
    Keeping the tractor in shape. Too lazy to take the cab and snowblower off.
  15. 1 point
    I used a 416-H to mow and plow snow for at least 10 years. They're great tractors. The P216, 16 horse Onan does not have any where near the amount of valve seat failures as the P220, 20 horse Onan. Like Kevin said, drive it, look it over closely and listen to it closely. If you're comfortable with it and buy it I think you'll be very happy with it.
  16. 1 point
    Try pressurizing your fuel tank prior to the first crank attempt to see if it makes a difference. I wrap a compressed air nozzle with a rag, and just hold it over the filler neck for a few seconds. You probably won't have to hold pressure in the tank to start it, but rather you're using pressure to push fuel up to the carb. My 310-8 does the same thing, I assume because my fuel pump has a small leak and loses prime.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    That looks like a Kohler towing and Onan. Nothing new about that. :hide:
  19. 1 point
    Very true about the acorns Bob. I have nothing but Oak trees in my neighborhood, they are EVERYWHERE! A few yrs. ago when we had all that snow the acorns falling would wake you up at night. When they fall on the roofs of the cheap steel sheds it makes a hell of a racket! I had to put moving blankets on my cars while parked in the driveway because the acorns were dinging the hell outta them. You almost had to wear a hard hat if you wanted to walk thru the yard if you didn't want to get plunked in the head. Last year no acorns, no snow. They are starting to fall now, matter of fact yesterday I was out in my yard and I got plunked right in the top of the head with one. I have a lot of fun out in the snow but at this point I only enjoy it on the week ends.
  20. 1 point
    The flywheels look the same, I think any single cylinder Kolher with a geared started would fit. You would just have to cut the hole in it. Might be a good idea to use some blue Locktite on the screws.
  21. 1 point
    I'm actually hoping for HUGE amounts of snow this winter. One of the best Christmas's I had was a couple years ago when it started snowing on the evening of Dec. 23rd and snowed until the evening of the 25th (16" with 45-50mph winds) We (wife, both kids, and myself) got snowed in and absolutely couldn't go ANYWHERE even if we wanted to until the 28th. BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!!!!!! Plus, we REEEEEEEEEEEEEEALY need the moisture!!!
  22. 1 point
    I buy em' . Use em' . Break em' . Fix em' . Use em' some more. Break em' some more. And, Fix em' some more. Then I buy some more, and the whole vicious circle starts again. You know, Yadda Yadda Yadda. Wait, I'm sorry Mark. Do you have a copyright on that phrase? . By the way fellas. What is Patina ? I did however, accidentally spill some paint on one of my tractors once, wiped right off. Boy was I happy . I'll stop now and get back in my box .....Pat
  23. 1 point
    This is what happens when you get up 45 min. early and you know if you go back to bed the alarm will wake you up and then you don't know who you are and where you are for at least 15 min. hate that so I had time to kill. Can't run my horses at 4:30 A.M. :hide:
  24. 1 point
    HOLY CANOLI! What a great deal! Top of the line brother!
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