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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Our local Farming Festival was last weekend so here are some pics of the fun. I had 13 WH's there and a 1962 Bolens that belongs to my Grandson. My buddy Packrat had 7 WH's there too. This is our biggest set up of the year, I take 2 trailer loads over to the show, since it is just 10 minutes from my house!
  2. 2 points
    Our club doesn't give out trophies, just an envelope with cash in it. Here's my puller: ' And here's my "trophies" from last season and so far this season:
  3. 1 point
    Dummy me, having issues starting it and running it anyway... I have always suspected the fuse block and it melted the middle fuse. I chiseled out the fuse and put a new in with the burnt connections and started mowing. She stopped, shorted out and started smoking wires... Luckily the + battery cable was just about corroded in 1/2 so I broke it off the battery. Pictured is the tow of shame, glad the 308 was up to the challenge 1st in low range. I just walked back and forth steering them both back into the garage. Luckily just replacing the terminal end and put waterproof fuse holders where the fuse box was.
  4. 1 point
    Just picked up a 520xi. This one has a limp though. The hydro has a leak. Must be pretty bad, had right much fluid on my trailer floor. It runs good, has 711 hours. Came with a snow blade and deck. Picked it up for 350. Figured for that price I could keep the blade for my 520H and sell the rest if I could not fix it. Will the blade fit my 520? I have never worked on a hydro. Do you think an average shadtree can handle it?
  5. 1 point
    It doesn't hurt to ask my friend. Actually, it was graciously donated to me by Hodge71. If I had it as a spare, I would certainly help out a fellow dysfunctional family member. FWIW, it was from a different tractor, and I had to enlarge the hole in the center to make it fit. You might look for the cheapest screen from any type of k482 or K582 and adapt it.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and predict that there will be cold, and snow.
  8. 1 point
    Bought this 552 from Les Henry last fall. Originally I was planning a full restoration,but the more I looked at it the more I like the way it looked original. Soooo, I decided to wet sand and clear coat the whole thing and do redo the wheels & tires Before Not sure what it was, but I liked the original look, so here we go . . . Miller Tire paint . . . stuff works great, but I suspect based on consistency/smell/etc. you can do like rmaynard said and use latex paint with the same results. Finished product Best part is Mrs.Zeek liked it Might do some exhaust work yet :techie-eureka:
  9. 1 point
    It looks great. I have a Commando 8 that might get the same treatment, "Zeekonized"!! Beats having "Chef Salad Shorts". :ROTF:
  10. 1 point
    I predict that one day the Smileys will achieve conscientiousness and take over the world. :)
  11. 1 point
    I thought I had too much time on my hands!
  12. 1 point
    You know Jim, you are absolutely right, any one of those bottom bolts would work to drain the oil without messing up the gasket. Good call mate...thanks. :)
  13. 1 point
    Love that "Silver King"... A Meet & Great should happen even if its not at this location.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Just picked up a Wheel Horse 414h from a guy for $50.00 missing the engine but have engine my self for it. The deck is like brand new and the body in great shape. He was going to scrap it!!
  16. 1 point
    It's a shame I have to go to a tractor forum to see bugs anymore. :banghead:
  17. 1 point
    " You doggone ldgit Galoot!!" Yosemite Sam in Capt. Hareblower http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_Ho7a8Owac&feature=related
  18. 1 point
    I heard of a gent with a lil wheel horse resting area behind his barn and called him up to purchase a 6 speed tranny.He sold me a newer ten pinion he had sitting around for a spare for 85 bucks.I got it home,tore it down and found the only thing good was the case.I called him up and asked if he had any others and replied he had another from an old Raider and would pull it for me and send it my way for 50 clams.I went up to see a yard cured 68 Raider 12 rolling chassis sitting there.I thought"what do I need with more crap".I got it home,enjoyed some amber pops and noticed her shape in the twilight and vowed not to send or part out any Horse so I gathered all my loose applicable parts,12 horse Kohler,dashboard from an electro,old suburban fenders,rear tires and some other small goodies and cleaned her up.I tore the rear end out and regasketed a perfect specimen and here she is.
  19. 1 point
    Karen and I got into this hobby too get away from the car hobby. I own a nice 64 Impala. But, when I go to a show I get that this is wrong or that is the wrong color. It just got me to the point that I do not show I just go to cruises. Even at those events you still get the moron that thinks they know more about your cat then you do and you built the car. They are the same people who when asked do not even have a car at the event or even own a classic car. Ok my rant is over. Jim
  20. 1 point
    Really neat But if you dont mind I have something I do on everyone of these I rebuild I take the axle shafts and put a new roll pin hole in the other end and turn the axles end for end this gives your outer bearings and seals a fairly new surface to run on. If this makes any sence to you. If I still had a milling machine I would just cut new woodruff key slots and make new shafts but this works just about as well. My old shafts have not been the very best on the outer end. Jim In TEXAS
  21. 1 point
    That's also a good way to separate the boys from the man. :ychain:
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Stacks are cool no matter what the Make :thumbs:
  24. 1 point
    I just finished the motor so here are some pictures. Now I can move on to paint the rest of the tractor.
  25. 1 point
    Well I ( and my 8 yr old daughter) tried the aluminum foil on rusty chrome ...well I'll be, it actually worked fairly well. I am posting 4 photos , the first two are the hubcaps before cleaning and the other two are after cleaning. Also I should mention that my daughter(did I mention she is 8) did one of them and I did the other. What a lil helper she is(sometimes) LOL. One other thing to add, we only spent about 10 - 15 min on each one and these have NO polish on them.
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