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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2012 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    A few weeks ago while setting up the MI WH show a guy stoped in and asked if I wanted to buy a old WH?? well I said yes but what is it and how much? he said he thought it was a 1964 something, and wanted $40 for it, we swapped phone no.s and went on our way doing things at hand, well I lost his no. in my truck till the other day it was under the seat, so I called him today, and he said he had been thinking of me but lost my no. anyways he said it was in the barn under a semi trailer and I could come look but it might be a while before he could get it out, my oldest son Nick was over today so we went to take a look, this guy has a old barn that was so full it was spilling out in to the yard around it, and only had trails to walk through, with flashlight in hand I found the WH tucked under the trailer, where it had been for years, it took me and Nick 20 min. to dig a trail to pull it out, I think it's a 704, but has a 8hp in it now, blade is a bit rusty, very cool weights not sure if they are home made or not, but I like them, bummer the ags are so dry rotted, I have another set like them Firestone 23x8.5x12s not bad for $40 even came with the orig. front tires that are not so good and the recoil that has a broken spring.
  2. 1 point
    While out tracking down some CL 702 parts this morning, I stumbled upon an early morning gathering of some big ol' farm tractors nearby in Montgomery NY. Unbeknownst to me, this gathering was for the 23rd annual General Montgomery Day tractor parade, only 20 minutes from by back door. I say to myself...humm, better check this out real quick. Took a quick walk around to discover...yep, not even one in attendance there. So here it is, eleven this morning, and the parade starts at noon. I've got just enough time to fly home, pick up the wife, load a tractor, and return to be the only little red horse represented in the parade. Man, what a show...I bet, at least 150 to 200 farm tractors took part, and mine was the littlest guy out there. Lots of love shown for my little 653 today, looked so cool out tooling around town with all the big guys. Easily an hours worth of seat time riding around town in the parade...who knew? If you're in this area, this is a great little show not to miss, wouldn't it be great to see our tractors turn out en masse next year...just a 20 minute ride to exit 5, west on Rt 84, past the Newburg Beacon bridge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIC6X3RjBNE&feature=youtu.be
  3. 1 point
    seeing that it wasnt raining here today and i had just about all of them running and complete(except for a battery in the 875), i thought a group shot or four was in order......
  4. 1 point
    Last weekend we took the Farmall to a local tractor pull, it was a dead weight pull, you only have to pull the sled I think it was 10' but I tell you what as they added weight to the sled it got very hard, lining up your tractor for the hook made a big difference in how well it pulled, we were going to all use the Farmall but they said only 2 drivers per tractor, so me and my oldest Nick pulled the Farmall, my Daughter Hunter pulled a friends Minneapolis Moline, and Ryan who can't reach the foot clutch on the Farmall yet pulled a big MM, with a hand clutch, in some of the pics when he is pulling you can only see his hat over the fenders, he had to stand up to drive it around the pits and to hook it up on the track, he has pulled this one a few times at other pulls and is getting pretty good at it, the Farmall went on a diet the day before we pulled the HYD pump and few other items to make the tractor lighter, we weighed it the day before at 3900lbs with no driver, as we pulled parts we weighed each part and we took off about 200lbs then we found out the weight classes are 2500, 3500, 4500 and up with driver, so we had to put weights on it to make it up to the 4500lb class with driver, dead weight pulls are fun you get to pull and pull as they add weight, till you can't pull any more, I found out the Farmall needs more HP the stock 24hp is not enough, I pulled a friends MM the one Hunter pulled in the 5500lb class we had weights hanging off everything we could find to make it weigh that much, but it had a 34hp engine and pulled very well, but in the end we all had fun, but I can tell you weighting up tractors sucks, moving 75lb and 100lb weights as fast as you can from one tractor to another to make the next class at 1000lbs between classes. we plan to pull more this fall, a family that plays together stays together, and we play hard. Me pulling the H for the first time My little girl pulling a MM My oldest Nick pulling for the first time. My second hook. Nicks second hook Hunter with the sled getting full of weight, the sled empty weighed 1200lbs, each block was 500lbs, so there is about 9000lbs she is pulling here on a sticky clay track. Ryan my youngest pulling a big MM, this pic it to show him standing driving it up to hook up, during a pull you have to be seated, he has to watch the flag man and the ground he can't see over the hood sitting, but he does very well. Ryan, or the hat as the anouncer called him during a pull.
  5. 1 point
    happy birthday, denny..... looks like you got a good present, working on the 701! :thumbs:
  6. 1 point
    too bad someone let it go to crud
  7. 1 point
    Thanks Steve Well since Im waiting on putting my parts order in tomorrow for my tranny parts I have been sandblasting and painting some Parts, brake parts, linkage parts, pulleys, wheel hubs and other odds and ends. I noticed the tie rod boots are all bucked up and flat looking not giving the grease pockets a good seal. I went to Auto Zone and in the HELP! Section that has odds and end parts they have a package of two boot covers # 13566 I put a small notch and that holds the boot on the Rod better and really seals nice. So theres an option to useing orginals and I dont see just the boot listed in the parts breakdown. Here some pics Cheers ~Duke
  8. 1 point
    You have a 1974 B-100 Automatic. If the solenoid (as pictured) clicks, and the starter turns over and starts the tractor, it appears that the solenoid is probably okay. As far as the drained battery is concerned, I would try this. Do you have a volt meter or multi-meter. If so, check to see if you still have 12 volts between ground and the (+) connection on the ignition coil with the ignition switch turned off. If you do, that is probably where the battery drain is coming from, and you should replace the ignition switch. If not, then there are other places and things that might be draining the battery as well. There is a thread in the electrical section on how to find a "parasitic battery drain". It involves using the ammeter portion of your multi-meter and using the process of elimination to find what is drawing current. Do a search using the term "locating parasitic battery drain" and you will find the thread.
  9. 1 point
    Come see me I'm just south of Charlotte and have a few blades to fit your tractor, I bet I'm not 15 min. from you. send a PM I'll give you my phone no.
  10. 1 point
    Well quick update, I got it running, I even got the steering wheel off to remove the hood, it had a cotter pin in it and the wheel worked off with a little wiggling, I got tired of raping a rope around the starter drive so I pulled my 314 in front of it and took a long deck drive belt and ran it in a figure 8 from PTO to drive pulley, so much better than pulling a rope, just turn the PTO on and off on the 314, I cleaned the points and hooked up my tank I use to start tractors and it fired right up, no smoke, carb needs cleaned only runs with choke on some, but runs pretty good, I also looked closer to see what it was when born, I'm 99% sure it was a 654, it still has the correct split key switch with start position, the 704 and 604 both used a toggle switch, this still has a plug in the toggle switch hole, after cleaning the frame up where a batt. tray would go I can see it had one at one time, the 704 and 604 didn't have a tray, so like I said pretty sure it was a 654, but they did put a Kohler belt guard on it when the engine swap was done, and the belt guard looks to have never had a model # decal on it, so they may have bought a new one, or this may have been a dealer install, after the tucky gave up, it will make a very nice parts tractor for my 704, and a good running pull start 8hp for something, the rest that I don't need is up for sale.
  11. 1 point
    That one doesn't look anything like my reel mower, but mine is a front mounted unit...so...it's hard tellin' not knowin'.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    The 418A may have a higher top speed (7 vs 5) if you have a lot of lawn to mow and top speed is important to you. I prefer the single stick hydro lever of the 418A over the column mounted forward reverse mechanism of the 520H for mowing in tight places. You can't beat the sound of the ONANs. If you can swing it and get a good deal, buy both and then sell the one you like the least.
  14. 1 point
    Squonk, maybe it was operator error. The way you're talking I am just waiting for mine to explode in a giant fireball! Kelly, nice find it looks barn fresh.
  15. 1 point
    Anyways here are mine.... Subject to adjustment after due research this week IOWA ST. AT IOWA............................................................. IOWA AIR FORCE AT MICHIGAN.................................................. MICHIGAN MICHIGAN ST. AT CENTRAL MICHIGAN............................. MICHIGAN ST. NEW HAMPSHIRE AT MINNESOTA..................................... MINNESOTA NEBRASKA AT UCLA.......................................................... UCLA VANDERBILT AT NORTHWESTERN................................... NORTHWESTERN ILLINOIS AT ARIZONA ST.................................................... ILLINOIS INDIANA AT MASSACHUSETTS........................................... U MASS CENTRAL FLORIDA AT OHIO ST........................................ OHIO ST PENN ST. AT VIRGINIA........................................................ VIRGINIA PURDUE AT NOTRE DAME................................................. PURDUE WISCONSIN AT OREGON ST.............................................. WISCONSIN
  16. 1 point
    The coveted 2012 parade participant, and survivor ribbon.
  17. 1 point
    In my opinion the teeter totter would be much safer if nut roasters are no longer allowed to go on it. They flip way too easy if the front tires aren't loaded. I hope it isn't off limits next yr. The kids love it and its a ton of fun to watch them. I'm sure we could get a few volunteers to supervise it for a few hrs. a day no problem. I'd give up some of my pickin time.....
  18. 1 point
    Here it is! The long awaited video of it's first ride. After I took the kids to "meet the teacher day" at school this morning, came home and started clearing a path out of the work shop. I had been working so much down there I didn't realize the mess I had made. SInce I added a longer run to the fuel line, I had to disconnect it from the engine and get all the air out and make sure fuel was right to the end. Reconnected it and proceed to crank her over. It fired after just a few seconds. So without further adieu, here is the video. The kids and I have named it Diesel Ranger.
  19. 1 point
    Of Course- you all know who I'm pulling for! My grandson found this in one of my old scrap books! GO ILLINI!-Thanks-Al
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
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