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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2012 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    If you are rebuilding your snow thrower, many models from the 60's, 70's and 80's, use the same bearings for the chain drive shaft. ST-323, 6-0200, 6-0201, 6-0202, 6-6212, 6-6213, 6-6214, 6-6215, 6-42ST01, 66-42ST01, 76-42ST01, 86-42ST01, 86-48ST01, 98-42ST01, 06-37SB01, 06-37SX01, 06-42ST01, 06-42ST02, 06-42ST03, 06-42ST04, 06-42SY01, 06-42SY02 and others. The bearing part numbers are 107743, 100908, 101702, 101781, or 1968. If you have checked, you probably found that replacement bearings from Toro cost you around $60.00 each. These are the bearings that are inserted into the 3-bolt flanges that hold the shaft on either end. They look like this: The inside diameter is 3/4", and the outside diameter of the widest part of the outside is 52mm or 2-1/32" +/-. This is called an insert bearing, and the outer housing is curved so that when inserted into the flange, it's allowed to self-center. Here it is in the flange To replace both of these bearings will cost at least $100 with shipping if you buy them from Toro. If you search for this bearing online, you will find that a 3/4" inside diameter insert bearing is available, but with an outside diameter of only 47mm, or a little under 1-7/8", which is too small to properly fit into the flange. Here is my solution. I purchased insert bearings with a 7/8" inside diameter. This bearing has the proper outside diameter of 52mm. I also purchased bronze bushings with a 3/4" ID, and a 7/8" OD. I removed the 1/4-28 x 1/4" set screws, and pressed the bushing into the new bearing. Then I drilled and tapped the bushing, and inserted two new 1/4-28 x 5/16" set screws. My total cost for two new bearings, which now is a perfect fit for the flange, was $30.00 which included shipping. On my snow thrower, the outer bearing (closest to the chain) was attached to the shaft with a 1/4" roll pin. Since these bearings only come with set screws, I rotated the shaft so that the set screws avoided the holes in the shaft. There is really no need for a roll pin at that location. 7/8" Insert bearings - UC205-14, $5.63, Bearingson.com 3/4" x 7/8" x 1-1/4" SAE 863 Bronze Sleeve Bearings, #2868T172, $2.51, McMaster & Carr 1/4-28 x 5/16" Black Alloy Steel, Cup Point Set screws, $.11 each, McMaster & Carr All the prices are plus shipping. Hope this helps someone to get their snow thrower running quietly and smoothly again without having to spend an arm and a leg on Toro bearings.
  2. 1 point
    Got some of the boys out for dusting this weekend and my wife took a picture of the line up. the guy's at work would rib me about how big was the one I had tried up for this years hunting season Brian
  3. 1 point
    A100. Payed $140 for it. All it needed was a new starter. It came with the plow.
  4. 1 point
    Thanks for all the help. I have one with needle bearings on the brake shaft. I think I found one at napa part # 7410 I will go get one in the morning and see how it fits. Thanks again.
  5. 1 point
    I expect to see some pictures of these
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Don, fingers crossed for a couple of weeks but no guarantees at the mo.. I have been having a bit of fun at the lathe for a couple of days... The time had come to sort out the engine pulley I made. Quite what happened to my measuring when I made it I don't know, but somehow the groove ended up a lot smaller than it should of been! The belt won't quite fit! Yep.. That's a lot smaller than it should be! Best bung it in the lathe then... Hhmmm.. That doesn't look that well held to me. Normally for a hole this size I would use the drill chuck in the tail stock to hold bits steady.. This time the chuck was too small... Time for a bit of this So what I need is a bit version of one of these.. Which can be made out of this. Some interesting tool setting up later. Part way through the narrow taper. Ta-Daa, the finished article. So after all that work did it fit and did the pulley spin true?? Yep Pulley taken out to the correct size... For some reason my camera wouldn't focus too well on it, so sorry about the naff photo. The belt fits much better now. Well, the belt fit's the pulley quite well.. But as for the length!! The previous belt was a B140 which was a bit short.. So short it would fit under the belt tensioner... So this time I bought the next size up, a B144 which is too big I guess it's time to make this black pulley a lot more adjustable.. But that can wait for another day. In other news, all parts needed to get this beast rolling again have been ordered, fingers crossed they should all be be by Tuesday :handgestures-thumbup:
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