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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I just bought these 2 wheel horses from a guy who was going to scrap them...
  2. 2 points
    Thanks Matt! I agree with you on that. I could look at that front end picture all day!! Lol...Looks like a nice snug fit under the hood, what a monster! I think the Mopar rearend in these old Panzers are strong enough to handle the Mini Elephant Motor. I'll probably have a long shifter knob that sticks way up in the air or a Hurst shifter from one of my hotrods back in the day. Also want some wheelie bars, aluminum gas tank up front like the old gassers had and a wind up handle on the rearend like the old fuelie cars had in the 1960's. Cool beans for now..KJ
  3. 2 points
    He's putting a Coyote who can't catch a dumb bird or a wise-cracking rabbit in his shed. Or he's filling it it with worn out ACME equipment he got off of E-bay.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Agree you don't need to put ur soul into it. to make it looks like a nice work
  8. 1 point
    Nice save....and a really good price too! Where are my manners...I see you are new here...Welcome to Red Square!
  9. 1 point
    I started a thread on another site a while back about the things people scrap. You would not believe the treasures that get sent to china & melted down & then sold back to us at twice the cost
  10. 1 point
    I like as it is, I am more into function rather than shiney but that is just me. But I sure wish my 653 looked as good as yours. Jim
  11. 1 point
    UPDATE--The Mishawaka Cavemen lost 21- 7. But for my grandson...it was victory....against all odds..coming from abuse...to one of the greatest experiences of his life...#97...well done! Thanks Guys..Al
  12. 1 point
    I grease them at the start of and mid-season when mowing.
  13. 1 point
    Nice videos Martin! I see the neighbors have there house up for sale, Too many red tractors running around? I have one neighbor that doesn't like mine running around, so make sure that when I do drive them Gabby and I drive by there place at least 4 times to ruffle up there feathers a little :thumbs:
  14. 1 point
    I would strip it down to the yellow paint and leave it there. :)
  15. 1 point
    Shipp it to :laughing-rofl:
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    I would not say greed so much as accounting software glitches. I work in engineering and manage large inventories of repair parts for OEM industrial machinery. The problem lies in when the parts in stock were made. If the parts have been in stock and the last run of parts was say 15 years ago the software looks at how much it cost to manufacture the parts when they were made and adds appropriate mark ups. If the parts were machined in the past few years the price will be much higher as the price of steel and labor has more then doubled in that time and since the parts have been out of production a smaller quantity has been ordered so the price goes up substantially. It is akin to going to the local supermarket and finding a box of cereal that has been on the shelf for 20 years, the price sticker has stayed the same all these years while all the newer stock has gone steadily up. So the cereal that sold for $2.50 20 years ago is now $6.00 but no-one changed the price tag. Gotta love inflation.......
  19. 1 point
    The things fathers do for their kids!!!!!!
  20. 1 point
    I put my Vanguard in a 1977 C-120 you will have a lot more room in a C-125. There is no room to spare in a 120 everthing is tight. I believe my Vanguard had a !"x 3" long shaft. I had to add 3/4" below the engine to get the shaft in the same place as the old solid mounted Kohler. Not sure if your Kohler with the shaker mount is the same height . my belt guard bolted up in the same hole. There is one model Vanguard that comes with a 1 1/8" shaft that would make it easier to find the parts. I did my conversion in 1990 with a 16 HP Vanguard changed to an 18 HP in 2010. Here is a picture of the 18 HP. The exhaust side.
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