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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I had this 1954 Dodge Red Ram Hemi engine laying in the garage for many years. I wanted to build a power unit out of it but I tripped over these 1959 Copar Panzer parts and thought, hmmmm! So I have it mocked up so far but I'll have to make a new frame and weld it together. It looks pretty beefy so far! Should I do it or what? Looks like a done deal to me! KJ
  2. 1 point
    I had this cultivator for about a year now and I just finished restoring it.
  3. 1 point
    I have a Kwik way loader on my C-195 I use it a fair amount, but the bucket does not suit my needs, I need to move dead tractors, decks, snowblowers, engines ect.... stuff my old back does not like pushing or lifting any more, I've been looking for a set of forks to mount on it for a while, but most are WAY to big, I was at the scrap yard last week and they just got a little fork truck in, so I pulled a few parts off it to make my fork set up, I needed a set of side plates to mount the mast head to the loader arms, I looked and looked about ready to give up I spotted this pink looking brush guard for a truck in a pile, quick check with a tape measure I think I can make it work, so I loaded that up also, after getting home I did some closer measuring, and the mast head was 1" to narrow so I bought some 1/2" thick flat stock to make shims, the mast head already was drilled and tapped on the ends, but was metric so I had to buy bolts for that, and I picked up some 2" angle iron 1/4" thick to make the inside brackets. First I cut the brush guard down to size, no fancy tools just a cutting torch, and a grinder, when I had them looking pretty good I welded the two plate together so I could grind the profile of them and they be the same when done, and when I drilled all the holes both plates would be the same and it saves lay out time, but when I got done with the grinding and hole drilling I found out I welded them together better than I thought it took a little grinding to get them back apart, I drilled the spacer blocks out but not before scraping a 5/8" drill bit glad it was under warranty, but had to wait a day to exchange it, but the bolts I ordered had not came in yet so it was not a big rush, I used long stainless bars to line the inner brackets up when welding, it is much easier to line up the two bars than the short pins, all together this took about 4 nights after work to do, I still want to weld some grab hooks on the top of the side plates to hook chains to, and take it back apart for paint, I have about $175 into this project with buying everything, the forks are a bit on the heavy side I'll keep a eye out for a smaller set, 90% of them are universal fit, these have a 25000 lb rating I don't think I'll need that much. Brush guard I cut the sides out of, the sides are 3/8" thick. Mast head before I trimmed some extras off I did not need Side plates about done and welded way to good after grinding them apart shim blocks to make the mast head wider, this is before final drilling and cutting to size test fitting Where I'm at right now, need to buy hooks to weld on the top of the side plates and paint it all
  4. 1 point
    Welcome to the 520 club . Mine is used for winter snow removal with a 44" 2 stage blower running wide open the tank does not stay full for long. But it loves chewing through 2' of snow hardly slows it down. The newer 520's have a accelerator pump on the carb thats probably were the gas shooting in the carb is coming from. Enjoy your new toy & welcome to Redsquare!
  5. 1 point
    kind of blurry but might help.
  6. 1 point
    well...have a 753 I just bought and the steering wheel is perfect. Even has the original cap in the center...or at least I think it is original.
  7. 1 point
    Here are a couple more pictures with better light.
  8. 1 point
    Stopped in and took a tour of the USS North Carolina on the way home from Myrtle Beach last week.
  9. 1 point
    I had a few of the herd out last weekend. Had a few different one's out this time. around. My 8 year old Grandson stayed over night so we rode tractors out in the woods a few times! He was checking out my vintage bikes(yes I collect old bikes too!) hanging from the rafters and wanted to get a couple down to ride around the yard, cool, here ya go Son! We had a good time all crammed into 18 hours.....Papaw Jones
  10. 1 point
    Well, not sure if this is a monument or not, but sure was monumental in my book. We went to New Hampshire for a long weekend last weekend and saw this. 54 degrees and 35mph wind at the summit and the kids weigh 35lbs each. They were hanging on. (77degrees and no wind at the base). Highest point in New England Not sure if anyone else has been there, and figured I'd share a couple of quick pics. This cog railway is something else for sure.
  11. 1 point
    here is my 875, all correct except rear tires and stack muffler.
  12. 1 point
    As purchased locally, this is a 702 pkg I bought from the original owner. Currently, a work in progress.
  13. 1 point
    Rooster goin to try my darndest!!!!will know in a week or so..have some things to get ironed out before I fully commit!!
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    :scratchead: Looks like a good project! Five types of snakes I hate! Big ones; Little ones; Live ones; Dead ones; and Rubber ones.
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