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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2012 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This is my big tractor collection with of course the daivd bradley! 1952 David Bradley Homemade sulky 1941 A Farmall 1937 AR John Deere 1939 F-14 Farmall 1941 H Farmall which needs a little tlc.
  2. 1 point
    Fellow RedSquare members...... It is with great pleasure that I post these newest photos! A huge to Terry Dennis ("vinylguy52") for his exceptional talent in creating the decals for my black tractor. Terry is a great asset to our hobby/addiction and rest assured..... you won't find nicer decals anywhere - period! (or a nicer fellow either!) Anyhow....... The name is based on the combination of dragster / tractor and I think it fits the tractor well. TD also whipped up some really Kohler decals that complete the look I was after. TD -- I can't thank you enough! :notworthy:
  3. 1 point
    This was set up next to us at a tractor show this weekend, it was built in 1963 it is a buch of parts but I guess it still mows to this day, it has elect. start but you have to plug it in, it has a old IH combine engine in it, dodge truck rear end, old ford trans, and lots of other parts, even has a seat for a rider.
  4. 1 point
    My 520 pulls the wheels very well with the suit case weights on the back, but people are always amazed when I do it, so at the tractor games this weekend I had people ask me to do one or two for pics, my son took this one, it drags the weights about 8/10 feet on the ground or till the engine runs out of fuel tilted like that.
  5. 1 point
    Gonna give danny some power with that engine!!! ~Jake
  6. 1 point
    Haven't paid much attention to this one in almost four years. As a matter of fact, most of the time I forget it's even here. It is on the "long list" for a few improvements, but it's pretty close to the bottom. I will say that it made for a great three month long "therapy session" back when I built it. for the votes & compliments. :handgestures-thumbup:
  7. 1 point
    From there last live performance together
  8. 1 point
    Check e-bay also could be model 218 OMC !!
  9. 1 point
    Looks like it might be from a Cushman Truckster. Google that????
  10. 1 point
    Here's the 1045 I picked up a couple Months ago...been workin on it since! Serial# 21510 Thanks to all the guys who helped me with parts and words of encouragement: I think I'm KEEPING THIS ONE!!!!
  11. 1 point
    "Wheel Horse and Kohler teamed up to pull the a##hole out of an elephant" I swear that should have been the sales slogan
  12. 1 point
    So truth be told I cut most of the roots. Although I hooked the stump up to the WH put it in low 2, let it pull as I rocked the stump. The tractor pulled it out the rest of the way. After the stump was out of the hole I said some dirty words to the stump (F!@# Y!@ B%$#@) usually not heard on a family friendly forum. Sorry. Although it was exhilarating. Thank you WH.
  13. 1 point
    I drilled and tapped a vacuum line on the HH100 I have. It didn't have a pump either. It ran ok without but you have to keep the tank full if you have some grades.
  14. 1 point
    K_H think of it this way say your flywheel has 130 teeth a 10 tooth starter will need to rotate 13 times to turn the flywheel one revolution a 13 tooth starter will need to rotate only 10 times to complete one revolution of the same flywheel the closer the driver gear size approaches the driven gear size - the closer the driven gear speed approaches the drive gear's speed.
  15. 1 point
    Only if the fueltank and hose can gravity feed the carb. Mike..........
  16. 1 point
    All country and classic rock!
  17. 1 point
    I've used both on all the engines they fit fine, infact all the Case tractors I have torn apart ALL had the 13 fine tooth drive, maybe because they turn the hyd pump that is bolted to the engine as it is starting.
  18. 1 point
    Both starters are interchangeable. The 13 tooth will turn the engine over faster. I have a 13 tooth starter on one of my B-100's.
  19. 1 point
    Just a guess but could one of those be a hi-torque starter? Mike............
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Thanks Mike, that's really helping to narrow it down now...looking like it's most probably another 702...sigh! Despite the disgusting humidity, I did make some progress cleaning up the reel mower. I managed to suffer through steam cleaning it today, and discovered that nothing was frozen, and all bearings seem nice and tight. Brought it home and gave everything a quick oil bath, seems like all will be good to go for a quick test run tomorrow, once it's all put back together and mounted up. I also noted the drive pulley has a small gear box with a fluid fill port on the side. I'd like to change the fluids, anyone know what type, and how much is uses? Just fill the box to the bottom of the fill plug?
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Well, I don't have any actual numbers, BUT I do seem to recall a few folks who decided to "woof" at TT during cruise night at the 2008 show. I would imagine they don't particularly like the back view of TT's machine anymore... It's purdy quick. Kevin
  24. 1 point
    Wow TT that is way cool! no thanks necessary. you've been a huge help to me and I am proud to have the Drags-tor sporting some of my work. Don't get any speeding tickets maybe you should put a chute on the back
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