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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2012 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    Was out at my folks property tonight for dinner and to check out dad's brand new zero turn. Started thinking that the weather was great and it was time to have a little fun. Rolled out my 6 year old daughter's (Addison) Lady Ranger and fired it up for her. She has driven it a couple of times already, but not as much as both of us would like. She was in heaven! Then I rolled out the Commando 8 and grabbed my 3 year old boy (Zach) and placed him on the seat. He was so excited and handled that machine like a pro. This was his first solo and loved every minute of it. Needless to say, I trust my boy on the tractor more than my daughter. Addison has a tendency to notice everything but where she is going. Here are a few pictures of the fun.......... Addison on the Lady Ranger..........notice she is not looking forward! Zach cruising on the Commando Both kids moving like turtles across the lawn............
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
    The land rover Curiosity landed on the surface of Mars this morning. The first picture just came through... :ROTF:
  6. 1 point
    I bought a ruff 701 before the show, it turned out to be very ruff, but I'm a man of my word so I paid for it, I can salvage a few parts off it, and believe it or not the hood is not as bad as it looks, only one bigger dent, and no cracks, it will be pitted, but they make good epoxy primer for that. I'll get a number of other parts off it, before the rest goes to scrap. Then sun. as we were starting to load up, I was asked if someone could use my ramps off my trailer, and would I look to see if this tractor was a good deal, so I walked over to see a pretty fair 701 in the back of a truck, the guy had drove by earlier and seen the Big Wheel Horse sign on the fence, so he went home and brought the 701 to see if anyone wanted to buy it, I looked it over and told the buyer it was a pretty good deal even though we could not hear it run, and jokingly I said I'll buy it if you don't, and he said it's yours, he really didn't want or need it, so I looked it over a little better now that it was my money buying it, and still thought it was a good deal, it came with the orig. metal seat pan, mower deck that is ruff, snow blade old style with the foot release also on the ruff side, and a set of tire chains, it also had a newer batt. I had it running in 5 min. after getting it home, no smoke and runs pretty good, has been painted but looks nice under the paint I see no major pitting or dents, and has the orig. choke and throttle cables both in VERY nice shape those are very hard to find, not bad for $225. Ruff one second one in much better shape
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point


    there is a 520 for 450 near me on craig list and i was just wondering if that was a good deal or not does not have a deck but a dozer blade
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Scott, set up some cones for them to drive around. That's how I got Gabby to stop looking around while driving. She had a lot of fun driving her tractor at the Charlotte show. It's so cool seeing our kids getting involved in this great hobby!
  14. 1 point
    I have purchased the after-market cables from eBay and they are not the quality of the originals. After only several hours of use, mine started to come apart. The twist-lock stopped working. If possible, try to find a good working original one from a used tractor. You will be better off in the long run. Just me worth.
  15. 1 point
    You know that once he gets it running, he will then need to take it all apart and clean and paint it, and then he will decide that there is a job for this machine that requires some new attachments, which of course will have to be built from scratch, etc. etc. etc. I expect that we will see the 5 year cupcake....:P
  16. 1 point
    Theory Of A Dead Man - ***** Came Back:
  17. 1 point
    Craig...All I can say is you and I need to hang out and listen to music and drink beer....we have the same taste in tunes !!!!!!! Robbie Blunt on Lead guitar.....one of the most underrated Musicians of this era!!!!
  18. 1 point
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N76CvUL4THE&feature=fvwrel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rhU2r0NVL8&feature=fvwrel
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    :jaw: Old School Mags, Dual Exhaust, and Tough Sounding!! Whats not to love? Beautiful work, and an Awesome !! Matt :flags-texas:
  21. 1 point
    In the last few days, mostly Gov't Mule and Rory Gallagher. Listening to music, both live and recorded, has been a huge part of my life. I go through phases, where something prompts me to listen to one or two artists for an extended period of time. Not sure why that happens, but it's been going on for a very long time now, depends on what the artists have to offer and where my head's been recently. Keep it coming guys, this could be a really fun thread!
  22. 1 point
    Here is spray paint!
  23. 1 point
    It runs! I got the flywheel off this afternoon and found the ignition module all blown up like an alien busted out. Chuck, thanks for the offer I just found my service manual I bought for my 416 I kinda forgot about. I got it running and checked the batt voltage at full tilt and got about 13volts at the cables, I cleaned up the bad terminal a little but it could probably used a repair, some strands are damaged. Is it possible to buy the terminals and remove them from the connector repair and replace? Also the gauges work intermittently and no lights so I have a little more tshooting to do. The P.O. was definatley not a tractor guy or a maintenance guy either. There is no grease on anything, the air filter was a disgrace, tranny had 1mm of oil on the dipstick and he had the deck hitch rod for the mid hitch on backwards . I guess I'll take another look at that fuse block and see if and of the fuses have power. Thanks again for the help Chuck. , Dana
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