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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    Theory Of A Dead Man - ***** Came Back:
  3. 2 points
    Craig...All I can say is you and I need to hang out and listen to music and drink beer....we have the same taste in tunes !!!!!!! Robbie Blunt on Lead guitar.....one of the most underrated Musicians of this era!!!!
  4. 2 points
    Hey Jim.....Where did you get this picture...LOL Uhh, hmm, let me, mmm, no, wasn't there. I think it was, nope, not there either. Huh, It escapes me. Oh ya!! On facebook right after you posted it. :thumbs:
  5. 2 points
    Wanda back in the day!!!!!!
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    He did a couple songs with Wanda Jackson......the Mother of Rockabilly....that are awesome too.....Hmmmmm Maybe I should post it.....LOL
  8. 2 points
    Leonardo would have painted the Sistine Chapel that way had he only known about 's. But you wouldn't have three arms! That's a great pic,kept me smiling!
  9. 2 points
    Excellent pictures Duke! Love all the people ones! I found one however that look awfully suspicious. I have forwarded the photo to the appropriate personnel for futher examination and will report back
  10. 2 points
    Watch out for that Steve! Looks like he likes to play footsie! :jaw:
  11. 2 points
  12. 1 point
    Before the Wheel Horse show back in June, I was looking for an original seat for my Commando 8. Although I didn't find what I was looking for, I was sent various pieces of seats, which included several seat pans. Among the pans that I received was this one, sent to me by bowtiebutler956. When I went to the show, I looked around various vendors for seat parts that I could make a correct seat for the Commando. But while looking, I found that parts for the 3-piece seat were more available than parts for the Commando seat. So I purchased a pretty beat bottom cushion, several ripped covers for the top cushions, a foam insert to use for a pattern, an adjusting knob, and so on. I took the seat pan to my powder coater, and just picked it up today. Here's the result. After working on the cushions and upholstery for the last couple of weeks, I finally have my coveted 3-piece seat. Now I have a dilemma. The seat looks so good that I don't want to use it. Maybe I will just sell it and buy another seat from Northern Tools. :hide:
  13. 1 point
    The things fathers do for their kids!!!!!!
  14. 1 point
    I've been cruising around here for a while and figured it was time for an into. I have 2 wheelies, a 1267 that belonged to my parents that I just rescued from their barn and a 701 I purchased from a friend. The 701 was restored a few years ago and is missing a couple things, like the impossible to find double belt guard. It has some damage to the hood and rear fenders due to being dropped on its lid and at some point early in its life, someone took to the hood with a drill bit. Cooling holes? Speed holes? It also has a functioning 36" RD deck and I've been using it the last couple of mows. The 1267 needs a LOT. It has a 54" dozer blade and a deck. It hasn't run in a decade at least. It'll be quite a project. Or maybe get it running and leave it rough for now. Here are some pics.
  15. 1 point
    The land rover Curiosity landed on the surface of Mars this morning. The first picture just came through... :ROTF:
  16. 1 point
    First day of pic from the pageant of steam in Canandaigua N.Y. Feature tractor Minneapolis Moline.First couple of pics are from our flea market site. The rest are from the seat of my trusty 704. In search of the unusual. There are some cool things like a ride on reel mower,gas powered washing machines and a David Bradley Tri-Trac that runs.
  17. 1 point
    I bought a ruff 701 before the show, it turned out to be very ruff, but I'm a man of my word so I paid for it, I can salvage a few parts off it, and believe it or not the hood is not as bad as it looks, only one bigger dent, and no cracks, it will be pitted, but they make good epoxy primer for that. I'll get a number of other parts off it, before the rest goes to scrap. Then sun. as we were starting to load up, I was asked if someone could use my ramps off my trailer, and would I look to see if this tractor was a good deal, so I walked over to see a pretty fair 701 in the back of a truck, the guy had drove by earlier and seen the Big Wheel Horse sign on the fence, so he went home and brought the 701 to see if anyone wanted to buy it, I looked it over and told the buyer it was a pretty good deal even though we could not hear it run, and jokingly I said I'll buy it if you don't, and he said it's yours, he really didn't want or need it, so I looked it over a little better now that it was my money buying it, and still thought it was a good deal, it came with the orig. metal seat pan, mower deck that is ruff, snow blade old style with the foot release also on the ruff side, and a set of tire chains, it also had a newer batt. I had it running in 5 min. after getting it home, no smoke and runs pretty good, has been painted but looks nice under the paint I see no major pitting or dents, and has the orig. choke and throttle cables both in VERY nice shape those are very hard to find, not bad for $225. Ruff one second one in much better shape
  18. 1 point
    middle of next week so heres another update..... got a metal fender pan from kelly this past weekend, nice and straight, but after bead blasting lots of rust pitting. not bothering to fill the pitting so cleaned it up and shot some powder on it yesterday. tonight i messed around with the hood, spot welded the bad hood/grill seam, straightened it up some to get it fitting ok. its about as good as its going to get now, minor dents to remove tomorrow and will probably paint before the weeks out. heres some pics..... fender pan as i got it.... heres the original paint from behind the decal and the case red powder i use in comparison..... now onto the hood...... hood was welded where it split the spot welded join between the grill and hood, then i worked out the buckles and bends..... here you can see the twist, if you look close at the raised sides one is curved and on is straightened from whatever fell on the hood before i got it..... got it on the bench and spaced up both ends so i could clamp down on it to get the curve back in there....... after much beating and bending, its mounted up and looking good compared to how it was back in the early days of this thread...... heres how it looked before.......
  19. 1 point
    The little yellow guy in the picture fell over when he heard the price .
  20. 1 point
    I could do this all day long...it's you, and TJ that keeps me going Joe.
  21. 1 point
    Thats very cool, thanks for sharing that vid!! Matt :flags-texas:
  22. 1 point
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N76CvUL4THE&feature=fvwrel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rhU2r0NVL8&feature=fvwrel
  23. 1 point
    Thanks Matt. It's getting there slowly. I guess it's all down to what kind of work needs to be done on an 'orse as to how good your shop needs to be... If you get slightly carried away with a build (like me) then things like a lathe come in handy.... Then again, every one should have a lathe, such handy machines The vid's and picture will keep on coming, just maybe a little slower than they have been. Slow is the only speed my body works at at the mo. 3 years eh... How time fly's when your having fun You may have a point there Matt.. Meet you in the middle and call it a "mini saga" That's 3 days of your life your never get back.. Only kidding. Thanks for taking the time to read through it all. Sorry guy's yet another small update, I'm just very short on energy at the mo. Anyway, with all six spacers for the axles made, it was time to see how the chain clears the bolt heads now.. Yep, that's enough space. The sprockets only sit 2mm proud of the axles, nowt a thick washer won't solve. At long last the skateboard wheels finally turned up. A bit of trimming is needed but they should make good chain guides. This is a first for me, turning a skateboard wheel on the lathe. The original plan was to cut a groove in the center. But today I decided just to make them a smaller diameter. An invisible Pete seen here having fun on the lathe. And that folks is where the build stands at the end of play today. Other than..... Happy birthday to this build thread.. 3 years old today.. A slice of cake for Pete.. A slice for me.. And of course let's not forget... :D
  24. 1 point
    Yeah, Wanda's one of the greats...still sounds hot.
  25. 1 point
    Steveasaurus, I have one of them walk behinds, mostly restored but wrong engine and I have most of a sulky for it too if you really like the ride :ychain:
  26. 1 point
    Very cool...I love how the little guy leans it into the turns. :thumbs:
  27. 1 point
    Looks Like another day wasted in Youtube land...LOL...Problem is I always have the purest of intentions when I start watching Youtube Videos but I always end up somewhere wondering how did I get to this video....all I was looking for was supped up Power wheels and Here I am watching ......well I will leave the last part to your imagination...LOL
  28. 1 point
    Jack White is an amazing artist.....I watched a special on VH1 with him in it called It Might get Loud Jimmy Page and the Edge from U2 was on it too. If you get a chance check it out!!!!! Jack White is an amazing artist.....I watched a special on VH1 with him in it called It Might get Loud Jimmy Page and the Edge from U2 was on it too. If you get a chance check it out!!!!!
  29. 1 point
    Intentionally designed to prevent vapor lock. :thumbs2:
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    He's got the pose down :handgestures-thumbupright:
  33. 1 point
    Hey Jim.....Where did you get this picture...LOL
  34. 1 point
    The before...as it came off the truck Friday night, and the after... is that Sunday morning, after it's first cutting with the reel in over twenty five years. :text-woo:
  35. 1 point
    Well now you just have to buy a tractor the seat is correct for.
  36. 1 point
    does pushing them counts towards the mileage thing or not?..... steve, mike did have that techy going on the weekend, didnt you hear that big rev when he went past our display at the show?........... congrats on the 4k too, craig... :woohoo:
  37. 1 point
    looks really nice bob. i can understand you not wanting to use it. for me an original seat on any of mine would be nice, but i dont ever want to not use a tractor because of 'too nice to use' parts. thats why i buy the northern tools ones. i like to use all of my tractors. even got the 1057 plenty dirty this past weekend at the charlotte show.........
  38. 1 point
    Definitely old school anyway. Besides, I don't mind living on the edge...that's the way God made me.
  39. 1 point
    Ya Steve, Craig is definitely "old school". :ROTF:
  40. 1 point
    Kelly and family put on another wonderfull show this year. Thanks guys for all your hard work . we spent 4 nights there and had a great time as allways. we got lucky and the storms missed us on saturday night. and Scott (smoreau) makes some killer cheesy tators on the grill . also like to thank the rest of you'all for the great hospitaly and laughter around the camp fire. these pics are in the camping area on sunday afternoon as people were leaveing and it was clearing out . my 877 Dukes horse hauler my site
  41. 1 point
    If he hasn't been... he's at least looked up at it a few times.
  42. 1 point
    It looks like they had a pizza party waiting for them...
  43. 1 point
    and some more...... denny's (dclarke) very nice 701.... brian's very nice 854 with stainless sickle mower.... mike (ol550) and mj catching some shade from the hot sun with duke's (horsefixer) 702 and rj dave's (funengineer) trailblazer mower/snowblower, commando and 857.... mike's (ol550) 2 nice ones......... david's (new2horses) very nice 'wooden wagon'.......great story behind this one........ dave thought the grass needed mowing....... that hot sun was effecting everyone in different ways.......
  44. 1 point
    2 Cellos (Sulic & Hauser) - Smooth Criminal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjOQac1vOEc&feature=player_embedded#!
  45. 1 point
    Paula Cole - Until I Met YOU:
  46. 1 point
    and it just doesn't get any better than this...
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Did just pick this up a while back. Spent it's whole life outside I do believe. Had three flat tires when I got it. Fixed that and it runs good. 1982 Workhorse GT-1848.
  50. 1 point
    Well this seems to be the only pictures I had on this new laptop...This is a $50 tractor that I picked up for parts about 7 years ago..Thought the motor was locked up when I first got it but upon taking it about the motor rolled over once I took the starter off..went and took the started off the other ( working tractor ) put some fresh gas in and it fired right up and ran better than the other one, LOL...Its a 1983 GT 1642 8 speed..Attached to it is my ( what was NOS never used ) $75 tiller.. Kevin
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