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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    The land rover Curiosity landed on the surface of Mars this morning. The first picture just came through... :ROTF:
  2. 2 points
    Over the last few weeks my two youngest Hunter and Ryan, have been at tractors show driving some friends farm tractors, and having a good time, well this last weekend at the MI show they both pulled farm tractors, and both got second in their classes, so I started looking for a cheap tractor for them to use at shows to pull in the antique and farm stock class, I figured it would be a while finding a good deal, the wife grew up with her Dad using a Farmall, I have always like the Farmalls so a Farmall it had to be, well I started telling a few people I was kinda looking, My parents went up north to my uncles before they headed back to TX, well they spotted a Farmall for sale, and called me, I drove the hour and fifteen min. drive up to look, it's a 1946 Farmall H, barn kept the past 30 years, was overhauled about 35 years ago with light use after that, I drove it around and it runs good needs a tune up, could use paint but it's better than most I've seen, tin is all good, with few dents and no rust showing, it has sat for the past 7/8 years unused, so they decided to sell it 3 days ago, I guess I picked the right time to be looking, I paid $825 for it, heck I've paid more for WH's. The kids are happy campers, they can't wait to drive it, I think Mom is pretty happy also, I might need a bigger trailer now, not sure my car hauler is going to like this.
  3. 2 points
    Thanks to my son Nick ("wh_702") this was delivered Sunday night: It didn't take much to get it running & driving Monday afternoon, so we figured it was worth trying to clean it up: Nick returned today and we "tinkered" & cleaned a bit more. Naturally we had to test-fit my homemade grader blade : This is what I have been waiting to try for years...... an RM-425 on a round hood: :text-thankyoublue:
  4. 2 points
    If he hasn't been... he's at least looked up at it a few times.
  5. 2 points
    Here is your official badge... and your trophy... :ychain: Keep em comin Craig. Your posts are fun and informative. I really enjoy your sense of humor!!! :thumbs:
  6. 1 point
    I thought this might make a good pinned item for FAQ. http://gardentractorpullingtips.com/carbfuel.htm
  7. 1 point
    Before the Wheel Horse show back in June, I was looking for an original seat for my Commando 8. Although I didn't find what I was looking for, I was sent various pieces of seats, which included several seat pans. Among the pans that I received was this one, sent to me by bowtiebutler956. When I went to the show, I looked around various vendors for seat parts that I could make a correct seat for the Commando. But while looking, I found that parts for the 3-piece seat were more available than parts for the Commando seat. So I purchased a pretty beat bottom cushion, several ripped covers for the top cushions, a foam insert to use for a pattern, an adjusting knob, and so on. I took the seat pan to my powder coater, and just picked it up today. Here's the result. After working on the cushions and upholstery for the last couple of weeks, I finally have my coveted 3-piece seat. Now I have a dilemma. The seat looks so good that I don't want to use it. Maybe I will just sell it and buy another seat from Northern Tools. :hide:
  8. 1 point
    Whipped this up the other day. I haven't finished my front loader yet and need to move 7 tons of sand for my dad and 10 tons of limestone for my friends park I take care of. I think it should do the job. Anything is better than a wheelbarrow.
  9. 1 point
    Subject tractor is starving for fuel. Will start but dies out fairly quickly. After it dies I can remove the fuel hose at the fuel pump and see that virtually no fuel is getting to the fuel pump. (Actually after it dies there will be very little fuel present. After it sits a few minutes there will be enough fuel to support a minute or two of run time.) (This is, of course the 8 hp Kohler K181S) So it does not take a genius to take apart and inspect the fuel bowl. Problem is, I do not see a single thing wrong. The wire mesh screen is not exactly pristine but it would not block fuel. And I made sure the open/close valve is all the way open. Cleaned the screen and put it back together but the problem persists. I hate to buy a new fuel bowl when I cannot find anything wrong with the old one. Hoping someone out there may shed some light on this fuel bowl issue. Thanks! I could not resist taking a look at the fuel pump. The diapham looks fine too.
  10. 1 point
    today a found a orginal wheel horse front laoder its an ark laoder here are pics
  11. 1 point
    i recently bought a 520 h , it has the forward swept front axle and runs great,. i found a 60 in. deck for it because i have over 6 acres of lawn to cut, and that 60 in. deck is no lightweight !!! but it cuts better than anything i ever owned !! the guy i bought the deck from had a bunch of 520 h parts he gave me for $20... including the deck lifting arm, he said these have a tendency to break with the 60 in. deck... two things i gotta fix on the 520 h the volt meter is usually at 11 volts, and when the lights are on, it drops like a rock, so i gotta look at the charging system, and the fuel gauge is not working, not a big deal , but why not have all the bells n whistles working ! i have a 416 with a 42 inch deck for where the 520 with the 60 in. can't go ,it wont charge either, is this common with these ? both have onan's.....
  12. 1 point
    Looks real nice Bob. I say use it, it is afterall just a seat and seats were made to sit on. :)
  13. 1 point
    How about some DUAL DUALS: I took this at the first Portland, Indiana Swap Meet I attended in 2008!
  14. 1 point
    looks really nice bob. i can understand you not wanting to use it. for me an original seat on any of mine would be nice, but i dont ever want to not use a tractor because of 'too nice to use' parts. thats why i buy the northern tools ones. i like to use all of my tractors. even got the 1057 plenty dirty this past weekend at the charlotte show.........
  15. 1 point
    I've used carb-clean on a rag to gently rub away the overspray. Rub too long and the black will start to come off too, just take it slow and pay attention!
  16. 1 point
    Here is a Link to our Facebook page to view pics my wife took, and you can join the page if you like. I'll fix the link in a min. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Great-Lakes-Wheel-Horse-Show/266441264299#!/media/set/?set=a.10151066415324300.435826.266441264299&type=1&notif_t=like
  17. 1 point
    we had a great time seeing old friends and meeting some new one's this year didn't take many pic's but here they are our trip first took us to Elkhart IN. to pick up our new wheel horse hauler then on to the show on thursday it's also our new sleeping quarters scott taking the tractors up to the show grounds Brian
  18. 1 point
    Craig, you have to know that Ol550 (Mike) is into Techys. He swears by the mileage they get. Smoreau nailed him with if "They never start you your mileage is fantastic". :) :) Was a 5 smiles rating.
  19. 1 point
    On a trivial note they got the JB Weld in the next day so it's obviously stocked by their wholesalers. Haven't had anything to try it on yet to see how it differs from the range of two pack epoxy products that are more widely stocked but I'll let you know. I'm sure the others will chip in on this Tom but I'm kind of thinking that we only have the manual as a guide to pressure readings and its only recently that guys on the forum have actually been taking readings to investigate issues with the transmission. It hasn't become a precise science yet. The other thing is that if the filter shrapnel scored the motor valve plate then there's more than likely some damage that's been done to the valve plate in the pump though clearly not enough to stop you from pulling wheelies!. Manuals on hydros tend to point to the fact that both will need to be overhauled - as you said, a job for the winter. For now enjoy enjoy some seat time . Andy
  20. 1 point
    Ya Steve, Craig is definitely "old school". :ROTF:
  21. 1 point
    What are you saying...I'm not posting enough? Humm...I guess I need to start looking for another Techy. 5K here I come, guess I'll see you guys in two weeks, huh? :ROTF:
  22. 1 point
    Excellent write up and photos Tom and I'm soo pleased that youv'e got there. Thinking back I can't help wondering if that implement valve had been deliberately jammed by the PO in an attempt to raise the charge pressure and get the tractor to go on a little longer but I guess we'll never know. Loved the strengthening repair to the filter. I'm not sure if we have a similar product to JB Weld made over here or how it differs from the various standard epoxy products but I discovered that it is available in the UK - a chance discovery in that I noticed a pack on the counter at my local motor factors. It wasn't a normal stock item and they'd got it in for another customer but they've now ordered several packs in to make it a stock item so I'm going to pick up a couple of packs. Andy
  23. 1 point
    Before I put the replacement hubs on (also from jdog) I made sure they fit on smoothly and would not freeze up again by smearing it with anti-seize compound. Did this for the keyway, too. It also acted as a lubricant to help them slide on even easier. Everything assembled except for the last hub. Since I had it this far, it made sense just to put a coat of paint on the project. So I made sure it was cleaned up, and sprayed it with Rustoleum Regal Red. Didn't quite match perfectly, but that's the best I could do. Used a hardener to make it dry faster and keeps it looking glossy. Transmission back in place on the tractor. Finally, after everything got hooked up, it was the moment of truth. I started the engine with everything raised up off the ground and made sure the wheels turned. They did, much to my excitement. (Hey, little victories here, OK?! ) After the first test, I throttled it up to about half way. The pressure was reading about 100 psi give or take. I'm not sure the accuracy of the gauge as I could tap it and make it read 120 psi and tap it again and make it read 80 psi. So I guess I'll just use the average of 100 psi. Does that sound about right? The real test, however, came when I got the tires on and backed it out of the garage. I throttled it up, pushed the lever forward and almost popped a wheelie! This was no fluke. This was a 100% difference from what I was used to. While I couldn't test it that night, I couldn't wait to get home from work to cut the back yard. The result was nothing short of amazing! That tractor had so much power to those wheels I could not believe it was the same tractor. The pressure stayed pretty constant, dropped a little as it heated up, but no more than 20 psi. That doesn't sound too significant to me. Still, I would like to see that pressure over the 100 psi mark all the time. But I can't complain. The transmission oil temp never got into the warning zone. about 175 deg F. SOOOO, I have to say that the motor overhaul was a resounding success! Thanks for all the help and encouragement! I'm thinking that this winter, I might do the same to the hydro pump, just to make sure everything is working as good as it can work. I am thrilled with the performance of my D180 and my new ability to tackle a challenging project! I was definitely worth the effort!!!
  24. 1 point
    Kelly, tell your wife she did a fantastic job taking those pictures! I loved watching your mom towing your dad on the sulky! That was priceless to watch! Thanks again Kelly for all the hard work that you do to make this show happen! I know there is a lot more then most think that you have to do so we can get together for this great show!! I love seeing every one and had the best time I have had all summer! Great Job Kelly and Family!! :handgestures-thumbupright:
  25. 1 point
    Well, I got more info today after I went and looked at it again. It is a 1994 (73501-4900XXX). After seeing it out in the daylight, I found quite a few little things that would decrease the value in my opinion. Being 18 years old, 1455 hours means that it was used quite frequently. Over 80 hours per year. Around here, you have to have a lot of grass to put in 80 hours per season mowing. If not grass, then snow blowing. This tractor was not originally sold by this dealer. He does not have, nor is he aware of any of the service history. He does know that it is a one owner, and says the owner did have it serviced regularly. Don't know if it means anything, but the wiring harness looks too clean for an 18 years old. There is some rust under the hood and around the rear of dash, indicating to me that it was used in wet conditions, or left outside for a while. One headlight bezel is missing. The deck is a 1994 (78360), but has been welded and modified at the discharge. The engine is clean, but appears to have been power washed or steamed, so it's hard to tell if there has been any oil leakage. So, after careful consideration, I think that I am going to walk away from this deal at this price.
  26. 1 point
    If he didn't have that Tecky, he'd only have 2000! :ychain:
  27. 1 point
    It looks like they had a pizza party waiting for them...
  28. 1 point
    yes i have a c-101,c-85,520h,314h classic and a 211-5(i think thats correct) its a little guy. i also have a bunch of decks a snow plow and a snow blower. the 211-5 has a rear tiller and a snow blower. They all are workers but now i was given a new cub cadet(mtd makes them i think) 1042 to mow the grass with so i can start restoring and repairing the big horses.
  29. 1 point
    For anyone with a daughter, a "must see." Loudon Wainwright III - Daughter:
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