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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    now this is country music. this crap they are coming out with today is just that...crap http://youtu.be/u2V4UUjYBsA
  2. 1 point
    My son playing his self taught guitar (the good)and singing horribly off key (not so) bless his heart...
  3. 1 point
    Yeah! MM, now we're talkin'! I have painted SS12 Sears and a Power King Economy in MM colors. No Sense in being just like everybody else is there? More fun to make a "modified" standard brand. I usually label them EX for Experimental then too. Heh! Clean here up and leave it that way, be diff! :eusa-think:
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Even Country? I'm not into this new Country Music where it seems everyone thinks you can toss a cowboy hat on yer head and call yerself a Country singer. Its Waylon or Cash for me. Old rock rocks, the Allman Brothers are pretty tough to beat when working on tractors in the shop. Click the link for one of the best tunes ever.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    So...you ride a horse, and she rides a broom? :ROTF:
  8. 1 point
    Hi Andy, good to catch up with you at Ardingly. Yep, your right the 6X6 special does weigh a ton... Well, nearly.. If the tracks had of stayed on they might of made quite a mess of any tarmac it went on, instead it spat the tracks off after a couple of turns on the grass! Hope you not still on the edge of your seat waiting Brad, I don't think your legs would work after this long wait. Man and machine made it to the show ok, a great if damp time was had. X2 always look forward to your updates, they always make my day IAN. Once again guy's you have blown me away with your cool, kind, and caring comments. They mean a lot to me. As you have noticed I've not been about for a couple of weeks, the mad month or so run up to the Ardingly show and indeed the show itself has really kicked the stuffing out of me and got my Dystonia really playing up, making me have more fit's/pain than I've had in a long time! My energy level is also at an all time low, somedays just moving around the house is a real effort. It's all my own fault of course for pushing myself too hard for too long on this build.. Sometimes these things have to be done... But I wasn't expecting quite the amount of rebelling my brain and body have been doing!! Oh well.. On the bright side, now the stress and rush to get things done before the show is over I've at long last been able to shut my brain down from thinking about the project.. No longer am I laying awake at night working out what's left to do, how to do things, or even have I got enough coffee to keep me going for the day One thing the past couple of weeks has taught me is I need to slow down... A lot... My body just can't take the strain of doing too much any more.. That's not to say things have not been happening in the Shack.. Even though I may of mentioned at Ardingly that I would take a couple of weeks off the project, I have been working on it slowly. Not wanting to tackle anything that invovled too much thought, I thought I'd have a bash at the hood. First up was to fill up the gaps with steel.. Masking tape came in handy for making templates. Welded. A light skim of bondo later.. I don't use a DA sander often, but when I do need it I'm glad I have one. DA and Rob in action. The hood slowly taking shape. While the Workshack turns into a winter wonderland! With the shack now full of filler dust, I thought it was only fair that the garden got a dusting too... The downside of doing this sort of thing outside is the good old British weather keeps raining on and off, which has slowed the speed of things down even more with plenty of "grab hood, head for cover, wait for the rain to stop again" kinda moments. The hood is seen here with a dabbed on guide coat. This is how the hood looked after a bit more sanding down today.. It's not far off now.
  9. 1 point
    Well, being that is what the guy is asking, you're saying you'd now buy it. Dang Bob, make up yer mind will ya? I'd say it's a steal for the money. I have one and it's definitely not a low end lawn tractor. Snap it up before someone else does. :thumbs:
  10. 1 point
    As discussed in the other Suburban footrests post, here are the rare footrest's I am talking about. These were made in late 1960 or early 1961. I have seen 2 1961 Suburban tractors with this type of footrest's and a few 603 Special's with this type of footrest's. I sold a 603 to a member here on Redsquare(hey Mike!) and his 603 has this type of footrest also. Since the 603 was considered a parts shelf clearing Model to clear out old parts from earlier Models left in stock, you can have a 603 with alot of old parts, almost all the 603's were different in many ways. That is one reason they are one of my favorite Models ever made. All 4 of my 603's are different in one way or another. I consider these footrest's, Part # 3651-C to be the rarest footrest's ever made, unless they made the set like what is in the 1960 Brochure as discussed in the other thread. They are the same part # from left to right since they mount straight off the mounting bar instead of angled like the left and right 1961 types that have 2 different Part Numbers, 4200 and 4201. Hope this makes since after all this....Hammerhead
  11. 1 point
    LMFAO you wanted it!! Its no worse than my 400 was.
  12. 1 point
    The last thing I listened to earlier....... note the late Keith moons duct taped headphones around his head and all the strange faces he makes while drumming. He was quite the character with a tendency to blow up toilets up at hotels.
  13. 1 point
    Hey guys.. I finaly found me another "worker" for a good price to be here in norway.. it is a 1988 312-8 whit 222 hrs on. the pw owner had the tractor outside so it has some rust spots etc..other than that the tractor is tight as new.. here are some pict..before i have had time to clean it up... and it came as pict shows.. im gona post some pict after i have clean up the tractor.. im gone need some small parts to it.. so if anyone have pm me ill need ign switch tail lamp 1 light "bensel blackplastic" right side. and some other stuff.. need to look over it Thanks Lars..
  14. 1 point
    Aaron Lewis is the lead singer of Stained.....He rocks hard with them
  15. 1 point
    Well the Plain City Ohio Steam Threshers show was a big hit again this year. They have it all down there. Alot of cool garden tractors were seen all weekend. Here's a few pics of the show.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    The only and I repeat only country I will listen too is Johnny Cash and maybe a little David Allen Coe or Charlie Daniels. As Hank Williams III says in "Dic in Dixie" "pop country really sucks" But mostly it is Classic Rock, Zeppelin, Floyd.... I also listen to metal like, Iron Maiden, Pantera...
  18. 1 point
    The 1101973 is the number I took off the Delco builder plate so it should be the Delco part number. This S/G number is from the original K181 used on my WH 867, Commando 8 setup should be identical. The same fellow selling that bracket set I posted before also has the flywheel mount pulley for the K181 that will be needed for Damon91's S/G setup. Again I'm not the person selling those parts, but its a good way to point out what they look like to those who have to track them down. I can point out what parts will work, but I'm not at all in to the exact concours d'elegance restoration "numbers matching," thing- that's a little too psycho for lawn tractors IMHO. -Mark-
  19. 1 point
    eveything ok with ian? hasnt been an update in 2 weeks. hope all is well
  20. 1 point
    Hey as most of u know im restoring a suburban 551.. and the tractor are on my buddys place waiting to get in the paint box so i can get some coats of epoxy primer on it.. and i get tired to wait on time to get it in the paintbox.. so i took care of my rims to my raider 10. i had red back rims on it and some spot rusty front rims, well here are some pict of it Primed And whit some paint but i dint like the color it was way out of what it should be so i sandet them again and got another color.. beforeafter whit new color. ... matching almost the old color now Thanks for watching.. Lars
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Well I filled it to just below the "F" level with the dip stick sitting on top. It took four quarts. Seems to run just fine. Actually, it runs much better with the new filter and fresh Dexron. Replaced both axle seals and no more leaks. Grandsons are coming over today, so the Charger is refreshed and waiting for them.
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