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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Well while Will (Truckin88) was crossing over the line into CT I was in his backyard buying this one. It was on ebay for what I would consider short money for this tractor. It looked clean in the picture and all original. It will need the left rear tire to be repaired and then tubed. It is missing the hydro lift pump and front grill. I have to admit I was never a big fan of this model but that may change. I plan on getting it right and leaving it as is. I know I need a hydro pump, front grill and not sure what the deal is on the gas tank? I would love to hear more about what is right and what is wrong with this tractor. After bringing it home, I changed out the fuel line, added a new filter and placed the jump pack on it and she fired up and ran very nice. Here she is... Here is the video of my sone riding it...
  2. 1 point
    I'm sitting in pizza hut posting this on my phone because I can't wait until I get home to post on my computer. Just picked up a c160 with excellent looking deck and snowblower. Very straight and complete tractor and nice looking attachments. Here's the only pic I have at the moment, more to come .......... Like I need any more on my plate right now....... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. 1 point
    Had most of the Herd out for pics with grand daughters
  4. 1 point
    finished assembly today on my Ranger revamp.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    evil,wicked,mean & nasty I love it !
  7. 1 point
    evil,wicked,mean & nasty---- I Love it
  8. 1 point
    Cool lookin ride! Shiny red and flat black is a good combo. But where the beer in the trunk?? Mike.............
  9. 1 point
    Looks like the little guy isn't so little any more!! Nice job!! I like the looks :handgestures-thumbupright:
  10. 1 point
    Lookin' good! You did a great job on it!
  11. 1 point
    Hey everyone, couldn't resist this. As I've said before I was a John Deere man before and my father still is 100%. well his jd 318 battery went dead in his barn and I needed to use the cart which was parked behind (of course). So we go down and hook my wh 416/8 to it to pull it out of the barn. Well we forgot to pull the lever to let the 318 in free wheel and my dad got on to steer it out, the wheel horse dragged it out with the wheels locked ! Hahaha. Mind you , he has wheel weights, tires filled and a plow on the front along with the deck underneath , I feel bad for him cause I embarrassed that 318 but I couldn't hold back lol, you all have any stories like this, please share them:)
  12. 1 point
    And my B100 is a hydro. Lol
  13. 1 point
    Necessity is also the mother of adaptation. I would guess this thrower to be a Haban (perhaps for a late 60's / early 70's Sears) that had the hitch parts added for use on a Wheel Horse. Red paint and the early 70's WH hood decal are nothing but "optical trickery". :handgestures-thumbup:
  14. 1 point
    Be very careful Martin, it sounds like a trap to me. Nice score!
  15. 1 point
    Priceless, but get all of that "we" stuff in writing before you start. :)
  16. 1 point
    What? There's no cars in the garage. Hey, I have the biggest garage in the neighborhood and all our cars/ trucks have been outside all year round for years....... It's only 24 x 40, nowhere near enough room for cars..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. 1 point
    Paul, I've got a call in to one of my old instructors at the local tech college where I used up my GI Bill in the welding and machinist programs. Hopefully I can get in there between the day and night classes one day this week to cut new keyways myself. If not I do have a go-to guy that can get it done as well. Martin, the "plug" that is on the hydro now is just some plastic cap someone was using to plug the hole. I guess I should be thankful they did that much. I did look down the tube in the case that the dipstick had separated from the handle at one point, but no dice. Don, since I'm going to have to pretty much strip the frame to fix the old repair, I'll make sure and check the mounting plate as well. I'm afraid if I did find a replacement frame I'd probably pay more in shipping than I paid for the tractor. Not to many of these old Horses in Georgia that I've seen. Still waiting on carb kit that should be waiting at NAPA in the morning, along with the axle seal. I've searched the entire town for the bushing that tightens up the throttle shaft with no luck. Will probably have to order that from Brian Miller I guess. The only real progress tonight was breaking down the back tires/wheels. Tires are shot, and from the looks of the inside of the wheels they are probably the originals. This is possibly the first time I've cracked the beads on a pair of garden tractor tires and neither of them had slime or fix-a-flat in them.
  18. 1 point
    I hear stainless steel ones are the rarest Brian
  19. 1 point
    Brian gets my vote for "talks the least, says the most" Your posts and project are always great.
  20. 1 point
    Me and Ryan were out by the trailer tonight, and he stuck his head in the wheel well and says Dad the rubber is THICK in here, and it still smells like when you burned them off, and we could still smell the sweet smell of the race fuel, if he is like me and most other people 20-30 years from now he will remember that night by a smell of rubber or race fuel, I remember things when I was a kid by smells.
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