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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2012 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Got a little restless today, and got involved in a little project. Allrighty...I admit....the handy work isn't mine. We are expanding one of the buildings at our shop, and I couldn't resist the photo op. Pretty awesome to see the right equipment in action. They have a vibrating roller to matt it all down, 6inches at a time. When it's in action, we can't machine parts in the buiding, as the whole earth shakes. (machinist by trade).
  2. 3 points
    My weedeater tractor: 6.00-12's with three Sears wheel weights on each side for spacers. :handgestures-thumbup:
  3. 2 points
    There are no rules stating that you need to be a collector, restorer preserver or rebuilder of these tractors to join. The seller has done nothing wrong as far as Redsquare rules are concerned. >>>>>TOPIC CLOSED<<<<< Mike..............
  4. 2 points
    ok, I will say what everyone is thinking.. No he didnt do an excellent job explaining.. he said "I know i'm nuts but since people won't pay what a restored tractor is worth leaves me no options.".. wrong, you have options.. "wont pay what it is worth" is YOUR OPINION..not a fact. your opiniion about "what its worth" is simply wrong.. the truth is, you were asking MORE than what it is actually worth.. the fact that it didnt sell, at your asking price, proves that..it proves it was NOT worth what you think it was worth.. the amount of money you put into it is irrelevant.. if someone wants to spend $2,000 to restore a tractor worth $1,000 when its done, (just as an example) that's fine, if they choose to do that.. but you need to be smart enough to know the amount you spend doesnt automatically equal "what its worth".. your option was, sell it for what its actually worth..keep a rare 701 alive. you chose not to do that.. instead, you parted out a complete 701 only for the money.. IMO, people like you are a disgrace to the hobby.. and I dont want to hear some sob-story about "I need the money".. no you dont..you just *want* the money.. Scot
  5. 2 points
    I think a commando eight would look better with just singles. Jake
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Here are my two, I like the looks my nieghbors give me when I mow my little yard. All the tractors in this post look great. Gene...
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    Post 'em if you got 'em...if you ain't got 'em...why not?
  10. 1 point
    :WRS: I am glad to see younger people collecting . :wwp:
  11. 1 point
    :WRS: Good luck with the pulling business when you get to that point. Post a wanted ad in our classified section for the throttle cable. Original motor with a starter gen? If so the voltage regulator is probably your charging problem. Mike...............
  12. 1 point
    Nice Cant wait till you guys get back and post all your pic's. Some of us are not lucky enough to be able to make THE BIG SHOW! Hopefully some day :beer:
  13. 1 point
    Yes, especially when you dont have the right size tires. But I see a monster 18 auto in the future :eusa-whistle:
  14. 1 point
    Just missing the sprig of straw hanging from the corner of his mouth.
  15. 1 point
    heres my 308 with duals,i dont allways run them unless i want to show off
  16. 1 point
    I bet when it is done, he sits down on it and sleeps for a week!
  17. 1 point
    I didn't see it in RS classified section until now, and I do understand the need to get top dollar out of a tractor. Sometimes you need money more than the tractor. I just think this tractor is beautiful and I wish I was made of money so I could give him what he needs and not have it parted out.
  18. 1 point
    Will set up another pair next to mine and get some pics this evening.
  19. 1 point
    Its pobably a violation of forum etiquette because this is a duplicate post from the decarbon thread. However everyone was right! Adjusting the valves fixed the problem! I adjusted the valves and replaced the gaskets and it is a huge improvement! I was going to decarbon and adjust the valves but I didnt have time to decarbon last night. The valves were really really tight especially the rear intake valve. Adjusted them to .005 intake and .013 exhaust and it runs like a new machine! I still intend to decarbon soon, and I'll post the results of that in the decarbon thread. Thanks for the advice!!
  20. 1 point
    You can't fix stupid! No matter how many laws get written. Some people just won't learn.
  21. 1 point
    Shucks Matt Sent my pickup down just south of Houston from NY with an empty bed, for that kind of money I could have sent ya a couple. Duane
  22. 1 point
    Loaded and now currently in Gettysburg..............
  23. 1 point
    Thanks guys, yep....I'm getting older, but my horse is even older and I can't get repainted and overhauled. ( sorry, stupid joke) Thanks again :greetings-waveyellow:
  24. 1 point
    Here's my 753 dually! What a heavy beast! KJ
  25. 1 point
    I don't know Matt, Danny's little Bantam is pretty much perfect as is. :thumbs:
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Well Craig, I don't have duals, but when Danny's Bantam grows up it wants to look just like this. That's a sweet 653 you have there Craig! Matt
  28. 1 point
    It's all loaded up and ready to go! Went to start the Senior to put it on the trailer and gas started to pour out of everywhere on the carb. Pulled the carb and took it apart. The inside looked as if water had sat in there for while. There was no gasket between the main two halves. The float was bent and I think it was not allowing the needle valve to close all the way. Cleaned out all the mess inside, straightened out the float and put some form-a-gasket between the halves. Bolted it back on and she fired right up and runs even better than before. Of course that added an extra hour plus getting things ready!
  29. 1 point
    Betcha wanna ride?
  30. 1 point
    <p>Right 3/4 rear</p>
  31. 1 point
    Charlie just wait till you're married with kids, house etc. You'll be happy to head out early and just sit around !!!
  32. 1 point
    Way to go Mike! I love the 953's also. I have 3 of them, a 1054 and a 1054-A for the pile! These were considered a luxury tractor back then, with the electric start, head and tail lights, hydraulic lift and all the ground clearance you'd ever need! Your's looks pretty good to me! Nice pile of stuff to go with it too. Keith
  33. 1 point
    After 4 years of derusting, streightening dents, rebuilding trans and motor, finding parts, and alot of help from my dad. Here it is the finished product! And the man that helped bring it all together. (woodchuckfarmer) Thank you dad for your hard work and help with this project. Thanks to my wife for all her patience and time taking the photos.
  34. 1 point
    You are down playing this with your answer Jason. You should say it like this::: "IT MEANS I HAVE ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS AND AN "S" ON MY CHEST...CAPE IS OPTIONAL".
  35. 1 point
    MOD adjective 1. very modern; up-to-date; being in the vanguard in style, dress, etc. 2. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to a style of dress of the 1960s, typified by miniskirts, bell-bottom trousers, boots, and bright colors and patterns. noun 3. a person who is in the vanguard in style, dress, etc. 4. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) a British teenager of the1960s who affected a very neat, sophisticated appearance and wore fancy clothing inspired by Edwardian dress. SUPER MOD 1. all of the above, but wears a cape and has a large red S on his chest.
  36. 1 point
    Finished and ready for the show This was a tail of two old horse's that needed a helping hand although this thread is ending the story of these two wheel-horse's is just beginning anew Brian
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    This tractor was repainted by kj4kicks and was offered to me as a gift from RedSquare members back in 2008. Little by little I am getting it back to the way I remember my Dad's C-160
  39. 1 point
    1964 Wheel Horse 1054 Tractor with 48 inch Mower Deck Owned by Lane "Lane Ranger" and David " Travlindave" Ralph
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Clifton, Lane and David Ralph's 1964 Wheel Horse 1054's and one 1965 1054-A Tractors. 1054-A has the 52 inch Wheel Horse Sickle Bar Mower on it!
  43. 1 point
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