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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2012 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Unfortunately this one will not make it to the show this year. I was trying like mad to get'r done but work picked up and time got short. I'm building this as a two seater to cruise around the shows since the wife has been going to some of them with me. It's sporting an 8 speed tranny powered by a small Clinton.
  2. 2 points
    That thing may give a new meaning to "Hot-Rod"! Good Luck & be careful!
  3. 1 point
    I have a few remaining decals in my set for the C-121 auto and I have no idea where they should be located ... Any help? Thanks, David
  4. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Terry!! Hope you're having a good one. :woohoo:
  5. 1 point
    Matt,I have a 66 model L-156.its absolutely the cats meow.It is sliced bread its the bees knees.No way on gods green earth is it worth that kinda loot but 1300 wouldn't get mine Outta the garage either!Lol.That lil red beauty isn't going anywhere so wait it out!If you could jump on mine and even mow with it you'd be sold too! I also have a complete L-107 I am putting an 8 kohler in this winter.Should be fun!
  6. 1 point
    I'm not going into detail on this death machine but it has a 22hp v twin stuffed into a stock dimension suburban frame....valve cover is right at the groin.... Should move pretty good. May have to make a wheelie bar... Charlie
  7. 1 point
    I don't know Matt, Danny's little Bantam is pretty much perfect as is. :thumbs:
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Do little duals count??
  10. 1 point
    Charlie just wait till you're married with kids, house etc. You'll be happy to head out early and just sit around !!!
  11. 1 point
    A couple of weeks ago, I joined the Forum to get some info on a 414-8 that I was buying from a buddy at work ( really, his MIL). you guys pointed me in the right direction for a lot of info, but the biggest request was for pictures. Well , I brought her home yesterday (HAPPY FATHERS DAY WEEKEND TO ME!!!!!) and snapped some pictures before I mowed the yard. This is my first tractor ( at least I went with the best right) and like a few of you said in my first post, it wont be the last....I want a bigger one ya see that the tire on the cart is flat...no hole just neglected. put the compressor to it and good to go with very little weather checking to the rubber. the blade is a bit rusty on the face and on the cutting edge, face will clean up with a wire brush, the cutting edge will take a bit of work to clean up though GreenMntRanger
  12. 1 point
    That is what I would call quality father and son time! My older boys, and I take our little off road buggies out, and it never fails to be loads of fun with the kids. Matt :flags-texas:
  13. 1 point
    Bob, I would extend the pipe so the muffler is just outside of the hood. After all the work in painting, its cheap insurance that the heat wil not effect the paint. If someone has a problem with the muffler placement, IMO ignore them, LOL!
  14. 1 point
    MOD adjective 1. very modern; up-to-date; being in the vanguard in style, dress, etc. 2. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to a style of dress of the 1960s, typified by miniskirts, bell-bottom trousers, boots, and bright colors and patterns. noun 3. a person who is in the vanguard in style, dress, etc. 4. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) a British teenager of the1960s who affected a very neat, sophisticated appearance and wore fancy clothing inspired by Edwardian dress. SUPER MOD 1. all of the above, but wears a cape and has a large red S on his chest.
  15. 1 point
    something like this would be a fabulous addition to the tractor, and he could use it to scoop up the stuff that he is running over...or maybe you could build an FEL on a similar principle...
  16. 1 point
    Heres the 2 latest things that have come to roost at the house...Wheel Horse Dump Cart from 1973 $67 and the 60 inch mower deck for the Suburban 551 project was more than that, but It was everything that Charles (CRE1992) said it was and definitely worth the wait. He is truly a first class guy. I wish we had a whole day to talk tractors.... Now to get moving forward on these things in time for big show
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