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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    heres the decals installed...... shifter plate..... engine spec plate... minus rivets version.... battery decal..... generator spec plate and regulator decals.......
  2. 3 points
    She Runs!!! I finally got to spend some time working on it. Checked the oil, cleaned the plug, and added fresh fuel with ethanol eater mixed in. Wrapped the starter rope and gave it a yank. It coughed on the first try. Second pull it coughed a few times. Third pull she turned right over and ran nice and smooth. No smoke at all! Here is quick video of it running (click the pic!):
  3. 3 points
    well im still finishing up a few more things on the tractor. went to visit terry (vinylguy) this morning so we could work on some of the oddball decals i wanted. he didnt have a voltage regulator decal so we worked on getting one of them off a sample cover i had...... also we finished up the starter generator id tag. i wanted this on brushed aluminum sheet so i could just apply it to the generator without messing around with rivets and cleaning up the original plate etc. also wanted the gear shift cover to have something different on there than the red so we did a brushed aluminum decal with a caution decal on it, sort of the 'hydro' cover look without the hydro...... the battery needed to have a more 'period' look to it instead of the napa decal on it. so we made up a 1967 delco battery one for it. i know its not a delco battery and its definitely not from 1967, but i managed to find a delco battery decal from the 1967-1969 gm models, and we worked with that. it had to be reduced in size and the fonts cleaned up a bit first, but i think it will look great on the battery in its spot on the tractor. im getting the caution decal on the gear shift plate right now and soon as its dry, and trimmed i will snap a pic of it installed, same for the others. but for now heres them all together, thanks terry .....
  4. 2 points
    I found this aerator today for 5 bucks
  5. 2 points
    went to visit terry this morning to get a few remaining decals done. one of them was this one. i wanted the off white lettering on this one to match the 1057 decals off white on my tractor so thats how we did it. heres a couple of pics.... i would contact terry on the details of cost, shipping etc.
  6. 2 points
    Best use for it would be to drag that Cub out of range in future pictures. :ROTF:
  7. 1 point
    1956 R-J 35 1957 R-J 35 1958 R-J 58. Picked up two Pond walkers.
  8. 1 point
    So the Commando 8 is this years show model..... That happens to be my first tractor I ever purchased (at 13 no less)... I still have it and I got it autographed by Cecil at the 2008 Show, It will be making an appearance at this years show as a sign of tribute. I also have 5 others all needing restoration. I pulled the best two out of the five and am going to get them running and bring them for my kids to putt around on and to get the Commando 8 numbers up. I might haul my 877 too which is in the pic.... Can't wait to meet up with everyone... Tony
  9. 1 point
    Game Over???? Oh you mean when the Onan 20 spits its rear exhaust seat out on the driveway in the snow so its hard to find? Sorry.... had to throw a chain yanker in there LOL Tony
  10. 1 point
    Yeah, that boom does look awfully close to the power lines, huh? Yep, That's the only thing I could spot that looked wrong in that picture. :dance:
  11. 1 point
    :scared-eek: Wow, thats sharp!! Martin, you and Terry work great together! I know I've said this before, but I can't imagine that ever looked that good when it left the factory! Matt :flags-texas:
  12. 1 point
    I have a 416-H and a 312-H. The Onan sounds the best idling and for sure under load. The Kohler is a great engine but you can't beat the Onan for Torque, and torque is what gets the work done.
  13. 1 point
    NOTHING sounds better than when your 20HP Onan is at 100% power chewing through a 2' snow drift!!!!! GAME OVER!!!!
  14. 1 point
    Yeah, that boom does look awfully close to the power lines, huh?
  15. 1 point
    Very nice suburbans! Jake
  16. 1 point
    This is a good generic replacement for the seat strut (gas spring). I found it at Advance, StongArm F4673 (center one in the picture below). It was $11.99, but if you buy two with the current sale flyer, they reduce them $2.50 each, so the final cost before tax was $9.49. It has the same 3 inch stroke, 9.5 inch center to center length and 3/8 inch holes at each end as the OEM. The shaft and gas chamber are a little smaller in diameter than the OEM. Closing force is about 35 lbs. I put it on this morning and it worked perfectly. Since I needed 4, it was a good savings over the $40 OEM gas spring. Does anyone know the closing force on a new OEM gas spring? 35 lbs on this one seems to work well with the seat.
  17. 1 point
    I got the tires mounted, and I like em! Matt :flags-texas:
  18. 1 point
    Very cool 's !! Matt :flags-texas:
  19. 1 point
    It looks like shes got her eye on one of those suburbans or maybe even both, Nice tractors anyway
  20. 1 point
    Very cool, it's nice when something exciting happens. Note: This thread is about a special event, not a political view. Political posts will be removed.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Nice collection. :text-coolphotos:
  23. 1 point
    Nice looking Suburbans!
  24. 1 point
    Any piece of equipment can last a long time with the proper maintenance if it is used for the duties it was meant for. I have a Central Park that I have cut grass with for 17 years. One battery, a starter, and a muffler is all I have ever had to do to it. It has a 18 HP briggs. Starts every time no problems. It is all about knowing its limitations and using it for that. I wouldst even think about pulling a 10" moldboard plow behind it like i would my 953. Yeah tractors aren't like they used to be but businesses have to adapt to what people will buy to survive. My .02 cents worth.
  25. 1 point
    So Tony already blabbed my opinion but the ONAN 16 in my 416-H has the best sound! I have a Kohler single 16 in a C-165 to compare with so I'm not just guessing here. Mike..........
  26. 1 point
    Guess I shouldn't have shared. I just thought it was cool that something was still being made with a Wheel Horse emblem, and that it's still actually made by Toro, not MTD.
  27. 1 point
    Onan. I actually like the sound of a 416 better than a 520. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  28. 1 point
    Here's the one I did. I made it out of a Simplicity grader. It 's a mid mount or rear back blade on my 704. In mid grader configuration it goes right on my C-160 with no mods!! :)
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