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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I wonder if he's ever heard of the Horses? My wife met the Clintons when they came to Waterloo. They lined up everybody and the "SS" checked everyone out. They looked into my wife's purse and saw something shiny. He reached in and yanked it out. It was my wife's glasses. He threw them across the yard. My wife wasn't happy. When the President greeted her she told him what happened. Old Willie asked her to point out the SS guy. He called him over, dressed him down and made him apologize. :thumbs:
  2. 1 point
    I bought this RJ58 from a guy in White pidgeon Michigan USA, Who is probably quite well Know within the wheelhorse circles . His name is Joe Papke , & im sure there are a few people here that Know Joe. This tractor was bought from Joe nearly 2 years ago and has sat at his work all this time waiting for me to collect some other parts and find a good shipping company , and with the help from one of the other EuroHorse Redsquare Members we got a company from the UK to carry out the shipping . I was pleasantly suprised how easy it was organise the shipping of the the tractor & so far it has been just 2 Phone calls & 3 emails and the tractor is now at the shipping port somewhere in US , ( not sure which docks it would be at but will find out ) When i bought the tractor all those months ago i didnt Know Who Joe was, and i supose i was taking a big risk with paying for the tractor and some parts and letting it sit for two years before being ready to ship the little guy. so i would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Joe for being True to his word and also for being patient and Trust worthy and going that extra mile in getting parts for me . I Kinda restores my faith in people knowing that there are people thousands of miles away that will go out of there way to help others. Hopefully One day i will get to thank Joe in person but i would just like it publically Known here @ REDSQUARE what a great guy Joe is. There is also a few other people i would like to say a big thanx to who are also important in making juniours trip happen and that goes to Glen Pettit Chris Sutton Both Glen & Chris know why im thanking them The tractor is being shipped by sea and is due to land in the UK around 10th of June and can be collected on the 13th after customs clearance etc here is a pic that was sent to me just before the Rj58 started its long journey to the South West of UK I will post a few more pics of the tractor when i can find them on my PC
  3. 1 point
    Here are some pics and a video of my burbans
  4. 1 point
    For the 5960 you can use the Torrington M-1681 or INA BCE168. !" ID, I.250" OD, .5" wide. Thats what I had in my trans so thats whats going back in. If the bearing in your transmission is 5/8" wide then use Torrington M-16101.
  5. 1 point
    hey i can beat that for hillbilly. how about a plastic 5 gallon bucket, upside down with a hole in the bottom.....
  6. 1 point
    hey kiwi, thats a nice little fixture for the trans..... :thumbs:
  7. 1 point
    I'm sorry if I have missed your pleas for help Ed, several years ago I read probably every thread posted on this site, these days its so busy here that there are many posts that I miss. I'm not an expert by any means, but I have been inside a few transmissions and may be able to help. Post up what you need help with and I'm sure someone can help. At this moment this is what I have sitting in my shop: Its a hydro from a 1276 sitting there waiting for me to find my round 'tuit. I have a small pile of new bearings sitting on the bench...
  8. 1 point
    thanx for the oil info Stevo , I like the look of that so i think i will give that a go when i get the RJ back to the stable and i will post some pics before and after oiling
  9. 1 point
    yes, like the others have said, dont give up. your not going through anything that hasnt been experienced by others before. we all have those times when nothing seems to go right. just hang in there. as far as the parts you need to replace, if you could be specific on what you need maybe somebody can help... post up the part numbers you are looking for and im sure somebody can point you in the right direction. hey, even i might be able to help you. i will do some looking for bearings that you mention, just to see if i can help a little. like i said if you could post part numbers of what you are looking for that would help. i havent had one bearing that i was looking for not be available at least somewhere. some of them arent available new, but good used ones can be substituted. this place ( ) has really all the connections you should need....... please dont give up, the tractors need you...... :thumbs:
  10. 1 point
    Thanks Ken, It's slow but sure to get done
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Neil, I like the clean it up and see what it looks like idea. If you decide to keep it original, maybe just wipe it with used motor oil. I think Stevebo did that in a thread a while ago and it looked great. It is only original once, and you can always restore it later.
  14. 1 point
    It's really admirable to see what can happen when people put their heads together. Congrats on your purchase and I hope you get to see it soon. :)
  15. 1 point
    WOW...OK...let's get a handle on all of it. So far I have... This suburban and mower deck at JimD's for Rydogg...Lasueur show 4 engines from CRE1992 for Rooster...LaSueur show a 551 from RWilson for Rooster...LaSueur show a trans from Sqounk for I think...someone that lives close to me??? pick up??? Let me know Mike. Thanks Mike...it is for EdG in Lexington, Ill. an Onan from Jay in NC for Duke...Charlotte show misc. parts (including trans) from DClark for dlpaw...pick up a 10 hsp Techy from Jones and Sons for OL550...Charlotte??? I think that is it...let me know if this is correct and inclusive. I may have to put a stamp on the wife's forehead to get her home. I am going to the show empty so I have room for refreshments to be consumed while there...and don't forget JDogg Customs. (he is going to have some For Sale horses there and he said I could ride one of them around at the show). Thanks Jordon. :) :) :)
  16. 1 point
    Very nice aquisition Neil. I reckon you should give it a thorough clean and see what your left with, then you can decide which way to go. It look's like the Tin and Frame will clean up reasonably well. Maybe just give the Rims a refresh.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    This is the first day in what seems like forever since the sun was actually out. Not a bad day for some roundy pics. This is what I'm bringing to the show.
  19. 1 point
    Personally I have never bought a "new" tractor/mower but I've never bought a "new" car or truck either. The cost of one of these old horses "new" was more than I could afford then or now. Spending $5000 or $6000 for a mower is ridiculous to me. That plastic thing in the pictures is not a true Wheel Horse and Toro should be very ashamed to label it as such. I recently sold a 269H and had to buy the emblem for the front and it wasn't cheap. But an emblem and decals don't make it a 'TRUE' Wheel Horse. :scared-ghostface:
  20. 1 point
    Great !! Now he tells me this.
  21. 1 point
    Nice, like the cherry on.............................the bottom.
  22. 1 point
    PICS? As requested: I used T-Posts on the large one, but I think it was unnecessary. Notice the potato plants growing out the side. Here's the large one made from two rolls of screen. The potatoes are really liking the horse manure. I started this one about a week later. No vertical supports. I can just tip it over when harvest time comes. If you notice the dents in the side of it, it was because I backed into it with my D-180 while fooling around. I started this one another week later (I tend to procrastinate on things). Once the potatoes sprouted, then took off like rockets Group photo: It happened that the screening was wrapped with a galvanized wire that was just perfect for tying the ends together to make it a cylinder. It was a bit of a pain (I stabbed myself several times with the sharp ends of the fencing), but worth it as I will use them again next year. If I get a good yield, I will make a couple more. My only concern was something that I suspect might have caused me problems last year. Piling the dirt vertically, resulted in a lot of pressure towards the bottom of the planter. I don't know how difficult that makes it for potatoes to grow. Last year, I went to the trouble of sifting the dirt that I got from the edge of my property. It was fine, and probably compacted very well. This year, I am using the stuff from the manure pile. Still, I am worried about the pressure on the bottom of the planter. I think I will be throwing some old hay in there to create a less dense matrix for the potatoes to grow in. I kinda like the irony of that. I am using the stuff that both goes into and out of the horse! I wonder if I can get the horse to eat potatoes? That would make for an interesting convolusion :)
  23. 1 point
    Guess I shouldn't have shared. I just thought it was cool that something was still being made with a Wheel Horse emblem, and that it's still actually made by Toro, not MTD.
  24. 1 point
    My real 'horses just scurried across the yard and hid under a tarp! Duff :thumbs:
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Had an email from the shipping company this morning to say that the ship arrives in dock tomorrow morning 7 June and it will be a few days before i can go and collect it. I have a 4 hour drive to the docks then a 4 hour drive back so not looking forward to that. I also have an extra Kohler k91 that is coming in the crate for my 1960 suburban so it will be good to see that one running also. I will take some photos & post when i collect from the shipping depot
  27. 1 point
    Thanks foir the advice, I found a good used cam for a cheap price and decided I will rebuild the original engine. Even if it ends up costing a little more, there is a lot of fun and satisfaction in bringing a dead engine back to life -Mark-
  28. 1 point
    Been doing the Model Railroad thing for over 40yrs. Build, scratch build, customize. paint etc. I have earned the rank of Master model railroad builder. If I had the money I have spent on Model Railroads through the years to put on my Wheel Horse. I could probably reopen the Wheel Horse factory and start producing again.
  29. 1 point
    I grew up within earshot of where the Lehigh Valley mainline passed under the Erie Lackawanna mainline in Waverly, NY.. but I was only 7 years old when Conrail arrived, so I mostly missed both of them..I only have vague memories of LV and EL locomotives as kid.. by the time I started taking train photos as a teenager in the 80's, Conrail was well entrenched.. but we also had D&H and Susquehanna running through town, so it was all good! I had an HO scale layout when I was a kid..then dropped out of the hobby for most of my 20's and 30's, and got back into it again with "G-scale" about 10 years ago..I also do G-gauge "Live Steam"..which is locomotive models powered by fire and water, just like the real thing.. all my model, and prototype, railroad pages are here: http://1stclass.mylargescale.com/Scottychaos/ Local railroad history (northern PA, and central and western NY) is one of my obsessions.. Both of my grandfathers, one great grandfather, and one great great grandfather worked for the LV out of Sayre PA..where I was born. Sayre, PA, about 100 years ago: Scot
  30. 1 point
    Really nice 953, and attachments there Mike. Looks like you started your addiction off on the right foot. Glad to have you aboard here buddy. :rs:
  31. 1 point
    :party: Thats a cool Horse you got there and you got a truckload of goodies with it too! I cant even imagine trying to take off or put those wheel weights on by myself, sure as shootin one or both of them would end up fallin on my foot and Id be doing the pain dance for hours !!!!! Great score on your Horse, it looks like you've got yourself a nice one! John
  32. 1 point
    Another member from Battle Creek! nice! welcome to redsquare and I highly recommend you get with Kelly above for any parts you may need. He's very close and has a very large collection of parts, a lot of knowledge and easy to get along with! Love the repurposed wheel weights!
  33. 1 point
    What a cool tractor!! Welcome to the site!! Good to see another Michigan member!! :text-welcomeconfetti:
  34. 1 point
    Nice looking set there Michiganmike, and your newbie story is very similar to mine. Several years ago when I first saw my father in law's 867 I told my wife to make sure that he never brought it to the junk yard or gave it to the neighborhood bozo down the street who buys every old garden tractor in the neighborhood for pennies on the dollar just to run them in to the dirt and pile them up behind his his house. Your 958 looks like an excellent project to dig in to! -Mark-
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