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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Put a few things together the last couple of days. can't get too much more done until I blast and paint the hood,and a few small parts and get a few of some other small parts plated. Had to put the seat on just to see how it looked.
  2. 2 points
    so you know the boaters saying,the 2 happiest days of a boaters life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it
  3. 1 point
    Hello All, As you can see I'm a new guy around here. I've had a few tractors but the only one worth mention besides this is my A-90 (my daily driver that I've keept alive over the years. I have never dug too deep into a project like you guys have. I guess I'll get my feet wet with this 550. I picked this up 2 days ago from my Dad that lost interest or motivation, and fiqured the best place to start is seeing if the engine would breathe life. (Dad was going to put a brand new Briggs on it) I did get it to fire a little before the rope broke and seeing as the starter needs a new drive gear and brushes, I've come to a stop there. I think I'll clean the carb while I scratch my head on how to proceed. I think I'll need the starter parts and correct pull start assembly first. http://s715.photobuc...mview=slideshow
  4. 1 point
    Well Folks..... Wheel Horse when it was Pure Wheel Horse made some "shaky" equipment too----remember the 200 series and all the vertical shaft setups? Wheel Horse has always turned out some lower cost equipment that definietly wouldnt stand up to the beatings we put our full fledged tractors through. I have a soft spot for Wheel Horse and like seeing new tractors of any caliber being produced and marketed.... Even those arguably junk mowers that where put in Home Depot etc.... where nice to see with Wheel Horse decals and emblems. Would I buy one... definietly not.... Is it still nice to see "new" ones instead of having to realise that Wheel Horse is truly dead and buried definietly yes. just my .02 Tony
  5. 1 point
    Nice, like the cherry on.............................the bottom.
  6. 1 point
    PICS? As requested: I used T-Posts on the large one, but I think it was unnecessary. Notice the potato plants growing out the side. Here's the large one made from two rolls of screen. The potatoes are really liking the horse manure. I started this one about a week later. No vertical supports. I can just tip it over when harvest time comes. If you notice the dents in the side of it, it was because I backed into it with my D-180 while fooling around. I started this one another week later (I tend to procrastinate on things). Once the potatoes sprouted, then took off like rockets Group photo: It happened that the screening was wrapped with a galvanized wire that was just perfect for tying the ends together to make it a cylinder. It was a bit of a pain (I stabbed myself several times with the sharp ends of the fencing), but worth it as I will use them again next year. If I get a good yield, I will make a couple more. My only concern was something that I suspect might have caused me problems last year. Piling the dirt vertically, resulted in a lot of pressure towards the bottom of the planter. I don't know how difficult that makes it for potatoes to grow. Last year, I went to the trouble of sifting the dirt that I got from the edge of my property. It was fine, and probably compacted very well. This year, I am using the stuff from the manure pile. Still, I am worried about the pressure on the bottom of the planter. I think I will be throwing some old hay in there to create a less dense matrix for the potatoes to grow in. I kinda like the irony of that. I am using the stuff that both goes into and out of the horse! I wonder if I can get the horse to eat potatoes? That would make for an interesting convolusion :)
  7. 1 point
    Well I like my Onan and my Kohler, Hell i'm just happy when either of them make any sound at all. But I'd have to give the edge to an old Kohler just love the sound of them Thumpers.
  8. 1 point
    Started putting the front loader that I built on my D 200 today. I have everything but hydraulic hoses and those are in the process of being built. I was at napa this past week and had 1 of each of the hoses that I need made, now they have to get all the fittings ordered and the rest of the hoses made. Installed wheel weights, 110 lb. each and will be making a 3 point bracket to hold steel weights. Redone the steering on this also, new thrust bearings on the spindles, new wheel bearings and one of the old thrust bearings I installed on the steering pivot so it has something to pivot on. Fab'd a bracket for the hydraulic pump and a way to adjust belt tension, now I need a proper size belt. Steering wheel needs new bushing in the top, very sloppy, so I have it sitting in a puddle of PB Blaster. ( wish me luck on that! ) Will update as time goes on and hoses come in. 110 lb each. All new bearings in the PTO The 160 had to make in too!
  9. 1 point
    I dont know if its cheapness can be determined from a snapshot Taylor. I bet if you bought it to mow a 1acre or less lawn and didnt ask it to pull stumps, push snow-dirt-gravel or haul firewood out of the woods if would be just fine. I think the biggest reason tractors of this caliber die early is because of poor maintenance and the owner using it for chores that a garden tractor should be doing, not because its a cheaply made machine. Mike.......
  10. 1 point
    Well I might as well stir it up a bit..lol...I have a 416 with an Onan, an 18 auto with the K482 and I must say the 482 sounds great but, gimme a Kohler Thumper under load any day. My opinon may change once my 18 auto is running strong and mowing lawns with a big 60 inch deck, but for now......
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Big single Kohler for sure!!!!!!!! KEN
  13. 1 point
    Wow, what a fantastic garden. I wish mine were half as large. I love the idea of using the pony tiller to weed in between the rows. I think I'm going to try that next year. BTW, have you ever tried planting the potatoes in a vertical planter? This is my second year doing so. The first year was more of an experiment to see if it works. It did! It makes harvesting pretty easy. The first year was only one planter, this year is three. Next year will probably be at least five. Has anybody else here ever tried it? I'd love to hear your results.
  14. 1 point
    push on the stub as you turn it, if it feels bumpy or rough it's time to change it, it may spin nice with out putting pressure on it.
  15. 1 point
    i just blow the leaves with the 42side into the bush,and for branches i just run them over with the mower and make mulch,even bigger ones
  16. 1 point
    I don't mind the leaves too much. I love the fall, allergies are gone. I use a blower to get them out of the nooks and crannies. Grind them up with the C-160 and then get the 704 and sweeper out and sweep them up and dump in the garden. Seat time! :)
  17. 1 point
    Angie sent some pics to me today. She pulled some radishes and a sample of the salad onions. Anyone have a pointer on keeping radishes after they are pulled. Should we hang them like onions?
  18. 1 point
    1961 551 Suburban
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