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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    On My way to Buffalo to start bringing home my son's stuff from college. I looked in the mirror and saw this: Well Hot-Diggity-Dog! I've been looking for a spare motor and hydro for my C-160. And there they are! Complete with a 42" SD deck.Tractor's been sitting for a couple of years, but the hydro oil is clean and the motor is free. Turns out to be a 75 tractor with a 79 C-161 hydro unit. The overall condition fits right in with my Fred G. Sanford Memorial Trailer! Had to dig out some spare wheels to get the thing back off and rolled into the shop.
  2. 2 points
    looking great, now ventilate the belt guard so the onan can cool itself. heres my 518 Jay
  3. 1 point
    This is the part that I didn't get when I bought my used tiller. From what I've gathered,it's a commonly sought after part for the used tillers. Since I don't have the big bucks to buy it from Toro I decided to make my own. Having researched this awhile I've been able to approximate some of the dimensions . I scaled up some pictures that I came across. I'd really like the help from anyone who has an original for correct measurements. I will be using this exploded diagram from Parts Tree for Identifying the parts .http://www.partstree...1-57R10004-0002 Let's start with part 38 the mid mount idler support. So far, I know that it is 3/4" diameter round stock approximately 9+ inches long. I can cut to length after but for now I'll make it 10". It needs to be welded to 1/4" flat stock which I have determined to be 2"x3".If you have the correct dimensions please post and I will change it. We need to drill 3 holes in this plate. One 3/4" for the round stock to be welded to and two 3/8" holes on either side of the 3/4" for placement idler arm 58 with single or twin cylinder engines. Looking at this picture I've determined that the 3/8" holes are about an 1 1/8" apart and 9/16" from the center of the 3/4 " hole. Could be wrong,let me know. For now I've cut the 3/4" round stock and will be getting the flat stock for the 2"x3" and the idler arm 58 which I think is 1/4" x 1 1/4"stock . Don't hesitate to chime in if you have dimensions! I'll also be giving credit for the pics once I know the original poster. Sorry ,as I just saved them over the past year.
  4. 1 point
    Hey.. Nice job there mister looks very good
  5. 1 point
    No shorting us with picts either Matt! A resto that nice deserves to be shown off in a video of the boy with his Standard, and ear to ear smile... just puttin' around the yard. :auto-biker:
  6. 1 point
    looks really nice, matt...... now we want to see it back together and running...... is it done yet? :ychain:
  7. 1 point
    :USA: Well she is done It took me a week but she is ready for the show next weekend. I have some decals coming that say W/Horse collector on them just to dress it up a bit. This was a fun project and it all comes a part to save room in the trailer as it is getting tight now. A couple of hitch pin clips axles are off. Wing nuts hold the the tow bar on, so in about 2" it is apart or together. should be fun to tow around the the show enjoy the Picks. Gary B.
  8. 1 point
    That's what I do too!
  9. 1 point
    WE HAVE COLOR!!!!! The sky was looking really gray this morning, but I went ahead, and started preping the parts for paint anyway, and low and behold, about 12 the sky cleared, and the sun came out. I didn't waste any time, I started spraying! Can anyone say Tangerine? That's what it looks like. The paints not perfect, but it turned out pretty well. I had a couple nats land in the paint, but once it dries really well, I'll buff them out. Stupid Bugs! Anyway, here are some pics. Matt :flags-texas:
  10. 1 point
    Bought it from him last night and I got a really good deal as he was moving today and didn't want to take it with him. Hood is not perfect has some holes. Has 6hp Kohler Engine that is free. The bad is the trans is stuck in gear going to figure out how to take it apart and see what the problem is soon. There seems to be alot of wear in the trans the pully the brake band grabss wobbles really bad when you move the tractor back and forth. The other side of the shaft seems to be worn also. I am hoping you can just put new bushings in and that will fix the wear in the shaft. Took several pictures for you guys to see. Keeps Saying Pictures too big to upload I willtry and size them down later.
  11. 1 point
    Nice horse Jake, might want to go buy a lottery ticket today.
  12. 1 point
    Hey Jake, it was Karl's birthday yesterday...not yours. Nice horse mate. :)
  13. 1 point
    Well I made a ton more progress in the last 2 days. I ripped the old wiring harness( if you want to call it that) Installed the new fuse block and harness assembly and routed the harness and wired up the ignition, light switch, and solenoid. I got the gas tank installed and put fuel in it to make sureit was leak free before filling it more. As I was working, I keep hearing voices and noises. I'm checkin the wooods around the house as its rather desolate where I'm at. Eventually I turned around quickly and found the source Apparently someones jealous that I'm not trying to get the Techy running on the 551. Heres a link to the youtube vid of the fireup and short run. Hopefully more progress and run time tomorrow
  14. 1 point
    The axels are specific to GT as are the hubs.I do beleive the axels can swap out. You will need to drill new mounting holes in the top of the trans. Be a tuff job to stuff a hyd pump like the 1054 has because of space limitations. and I triple dog dare ya too!
  15. 1 point
    Maybe Louvres would look very tidy on the Belt Guard for venting .........Nice job you've done on that, worth all the effort you've put into it.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    OK then, I'll triple dog dare ya...how do you like that? :ychain:
  18. 1 point
    Don't you double dog dare me!
  19. 1 point
    I am on a mission now.Seems like forever since I have owned a unidrive now,the return to neutral pedal would be your belt tension/ brake with just a different rod? The chassis on the gt seems higher where the shifter goes so the sticks would need extentions and done?Sounds easy.
  20. 1 point
    :woohoo: The show is tomorrow. Just got home from setting up & my tractors are ready to go. I will get pics for you guys.
  21. 1 point
    Yeah them Deere are terrible ugly green and yellow always in my way and the worst thing is idiots seem to love them....oh wait you mean the brown ones :ychain:
  22. 1 point
    Good thing we all like our show offs here. :icecream:
  23. 1 point
    a little closer to being done...... finished the black on the seat pan, i guess its growing on me, looks better in the flesh than the pics, for some reason the pics i took today dont have the same impact as the red and matt black looks in the sun. also got the pto bearings and seals installed and on the tractor. heres some pics of the pto install and when i dragged it outside on the lawn with the steering wheel propped in position and the seat sitting on some spacers....
  24. 1 point
    there is always the alternative steering wheel removal method... third gear, lean back, drop the clutch - snap ! thats how I removed the wheel off the C-101 - it was hard to steer using the boss that was left :ychain:
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