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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2012 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 2 points
    I like it...with this 90 degree stuff we have, I think fill it with ice and a few of your favorite beverages and mow the lawn. :)
  3. 2 points
    And you're worried about locking up a gas can? She's a beautiful girl Kelly and she'll break a few hearts for sure. :)
  4. 1 point
    Well, couldn't contain my enthusiasm Friday ! Had the Sears plow mounted up on the 312H and my father in law came over to see it . I've got to tell you that it took a lot of head scratching for me to figure out how to make it work. I'm about as GREEN a farmer as you will ever find. Oh the plow worked, but I had a hard time getting it to plow by the right tire. Actually, I'm still not sure it's set up right. Also I have to tell you that my ''garden" is in full sun and clay type soil. I want to make it larger but I just might keep it more manageable this year. I plan on running the tiller next on it. I would like to know what should I put on the garden before I till it in?I'd like to get the dirt more loose? The soil gets very hard and seems to bake everything. I'd show you a picture of the plants I started from seed but they aren't much to look at. Probably going to have to buy starter plants before I'm done. Anyway, I thought I'd start this post as a small log of my gardening experience this year. I'm always looking at other gardens wishing I could grow those 6 foot tall tomato plants (mine were like 2 ft?). If there are any tips to be had I'm all ears. I do read the posts in this section and You all have great looking gardens.
  5. 1 point
    I have been looking for a 5.5 W/Horse dump cart for a long while now so if I can not find one for now I will build one. I had the old 4 cu body hanging a round and I saw this what looks like a generator frame and said I can make this work for now till I find a cart. I will extend the axle so I can put tractor tires on with some rusty moons.I hope u enjoy the picks. I will paint it flat red to blend in with the old bones that is towing it. Gary B...................
  6. 1 point
    Well my little girl is not so little any more, and she is heading out for her first prom, here is a few pics. With my 520 this was just for RS. Dad is ridin shot gun, (she was mad we used her shotgun) All dressed up waiting for her boyfriend
  7. 1 point
    :wh: Pullers beware the wrath of the mighty Bantam! Matt
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Set up correctly, or not...looks like determination won your day Oliver. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Wendell_Douglas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MzfDcAUkb8&feature=related
  11. 1 point
    my 2cents is, Too much fluid + too much pressure =bad things like blown gaskets. drain out some and add small amounts.. I think the Eaton manual states adding 4 qts (for my 520-H) and then add a little bit at a time until its at the correct level (max 5 qts).
  12. 1 point
    ...or anybody else's. :hide:
  13. 1 point
    Hi Steve i say :handgestures-thumbup: :thumbs2:
  14. 1 point
    She looks so excited to be on that tractor She's a very pretty young lady Kelly, keep them shells close by!
  15. 1 point
    One of the biggest I've seen. We have it all over in our park system where I work. Someone (staff) gets it every winter when they're out trimming and removing trees. As others said, watch out for it on your tools and clothing. Shoe laces are a favorite place for it to hide. PS Wash your hands really well before doing your business. Otherwise you'll be really, really sorry. :(
  16. 1 point
    Or you'll be scratchin like a Hound!! :banana-guitar:
  17. 1 point
    I have pics on my desktop but I'm out of the state and on my laptop so I'll get some posted Sunday evening when I get back home. The single throttle cable is correct for the GT-1100. When the handle is lifted all the way up it sets the choke to closed on the Briggs. Once its running you back it down just a smidge and your off and mowing. Mike...............
  18. 1 point
    Hi Andy just to say that your D 200 is looking great. I've got the decals on the 312-8 now and not to be outdone with your Landrover picture, I attach picture of the SRN5/6 Well Deck hovercraft, with a landy and the wheel horse aboard. Regards Jeff.
  19. 1 point
    "Due to the rising cost of ammunition there will no longer be a warning shot"
  20. 1 point
    Nope.......looks like the left side was never welded.Musta been a Monday or Friday tractor.Maybe I can get it fixed under waranty.Not bad,lasted 40 yrs with only one side welded.Should last 80 yrs once it's repaired. :ychain:
  21. 1 point
    Another project so soon? Oh, to be young again!
  22. 1 point
    Check with the local Harley Dealers and Customizers. Bikers tend to have lots of Chrome work done. Many local dealers will combine orders with their own. It is worth checking out. Good Luck!
  23. 1 point
    Does anyone know if there's a 12 step program for this kind of illness? Worse yet I'm pulling my son down with me! Matt :flags-texas:
  24. 1 point
    Planted tomatoes,brussel sprouts, and three different kinds of peppers today. While I was doing that, looked up just in time to see my oldest grandson rading the radishes and onions. Can't blame him though. They tasted great.
  25. 1 point
    Last year was our first year with our new large garden completely fenced in. We are doing fewer items this year to those things we really know we will eat and can preserve. This year we are planting more potatoes and more kinds of lettuce. Last year the high wind storms knocked most of our corn and tomatoes. We'll still plant corn, but will stick to only Roma and cherry/grape tomatoes. Less zuchinni and other squashes (still have some in the freezer), including fewer pumpkins. But, the kids want to try a few super sized ones to make jack-o-lanterns. Our broccoli last year was a failure, so we'll abandon it this year. We'll try carrots again, though last year our crop was pretty wimpy. The wife is allergic to a number of veggies, especially onions. So no scallions or onions. Hoping the strawberries come in strong. Moving the blueberries into the fenced garden as the deer at all of last year's crop. Just finished tilling up the garden (55' x 90'). Did not attach the tiller this year; instead used a 4' x 6' spring tine drag harrow. The harrow is half of a larger harrow that I dismantled to make it pullable behind a garden tractor. This harrow is REALLY old, but did a great job. The 310-8 had trouble pulling it with the spring tines set deep, so I did a first pass at a shallow dig to chop up the weeds. I used my "new" Deutz Allis 1920 to pull it the next two times and the difference was remarkable. Even without chains, the DA's additional 10 hp and about 300 lbs pulled the thing like it wasn't there. And power steering! Talk about getting spoiled!
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    I like it Jim, a special hood decal..."Dukes Motha Chucka" :thumbs2:
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