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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2012 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I'm not sure if anyone has done this but here are pics of the progress so far. I wanted to do a larger garden this year and purchased a tiller before I rebuilt the 312H last year. I talked to my wife's uncle and he had a Sears cat 0 3pt hitch and plow that he used in his garden. My plan was to plow then till the new ground this year. So , I needed to fabricate a mount to put it on the . It bolts to the axle similar to the rear attachment for the tiller. I had to space it out enough so the handle wouldn't hit the fender. Here are a few pics of the progress so far: While I was making the mount, I realized I could make the top link mount and the lift arm brackets and arms. I want to do this so I can use the rock shaft to raise and lower the plow. Then I can get rid of the handle. I also need to tie into the hitch mount for added support. That's where I'm at right now and I'll post pics of the progress.
  2. 2 points
    Just do the best you can with what you're given Matt...that's all. Even if it's not perfect, it'll still be glowing in your sons eyes...and mine too :bow-blue:
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I was looking on CL lastnight and seen a ad for a 68 Wheel horse, I clicked on it but the pic was a 701, after sending the guy about 6 emails he finally called me today, I asked a few questions as the pic was small and not very good, well it sounded like it was complete, so we set up a time and I drove over to take look, it was only 25 miles away not a bad drive, I get there and find this 99% orig 701 that has not ran in 30 years parked in his shed the whole time he told me, he said when he parked it it was low on power, and planned to restore it someday, well after 30 years he said someday has came and gone, he looked to be in his mid 70's, I gave a little more than I normaly do but it was in good over all shape, I think between the 4 701's I have now I can put together a very nice machine, or two, this one has the orig. seat cover on it not in good shape but orig. and it has the linnen biege seat pan on it, my other ones have red seat pans, the deck on it is in sad shape but I don't care about the deck, the hood is probably the in the best shape of all the ones I have with 2 dent, and no major rust, in fact no pitting I could see. any way here is pics before I get yelled at for not posting some.
  5. 1 point
    kpinnc emailed me a week ago about a WH wagon , it was up the road from him, the owner was firm on the price an the unit was rough. i told him to get it and i would take it, well it wasent as rough as it looked! the paint underneith could be cleaned up, all the grease zerks took grease all 4 tires took air & are holding all decals are great the serial # is A-74598 , any one know the year of manufacture? it has surface rust only ,still has the masonite bed liner with no holes, no rust holes any where. it was kept out off the weather. my plans are to spray clear over the decals and the wife will use it as is . it will not be left outside over night. so here are the pictures. looks right at home behind the bronco dosent it !
  6. 1 point
    i'd say use GRAY primer............................. sorry somebody had to say it lol. yes use the self etching for good results.
  7. 1 point
    I think it was a 10hp a 12hp and a 1hp, but I would put my money on the 1hp
  8. 1 point
    Steve, come on man - you already have 10 of everything and you still want more? Save some for the rest of us lol. I'm going to keep the insert and use it on occasion. But Steve, if I ever lose my job and need money, I'm just gonna load up all my stuff in my truck and drive it over to your house.
  9. 1 point
    Cummins is the best diesel and I'm not a dodge man at all but I have a 01 ran with cummins that's I love huals and pulls trailers great Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  10. 1 point
    I am coming to Scott's again this year. What would be cool is to bring the graphics and do an install demo Will you be modifying the hood or frame in any way?
  11. 1 point
    I like it, but then I like "Frankenhorses"!
  12. 1 point
    That looks like the most dangerous option I have ever seen. Definitely not OSHA approved !!!!
  13. 1 point
    Happy to have been able to offer something useful for the project. p.s. For total authenticity try to make the fuel shut off valve as inaccesible as possible. Andy
  14. 1 point
    I guess you never had a Kohler with a broken tab on the governor cross shaft then....... they'll go way past 3600 rpm - regardless of where the stop is set. I actually said that. The hour was late. The brain shut down. Note to self - don't give advice when you are not fully conscious. Thanks TT for checking up on, and clarifying my mis-guided answer.
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