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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    HAHA Thanks Matt!The Silverado is WH red too!The 14 has a nearly perfect dash to boot!
  2. 1 point
    My name is Marc. I heard of this site from Rooster, whom I race mowers with. I have heard all sorts of stories from him about this site. I am a small engine repair guy, and was looking for some Kohler parts, and did a search, and I found a link to what I needed, and the link was based out of here. Even though I am not an avid tractor fan, and more along the lines of a lawn mower racing fanatic. I saw the potential of learning about old engines from this site. Plus my buddy Rooster is over here too. Who knows, I like the looks of some of the Wheel Horse tin, I may make a racer out of one. I have posted a pic of my mower, and here is a video of her in action.
  3. 1 point
    As promised. And I know it took a long time. Here it is. I hope you enjoy The plow didn't go in as well in some spots, I think the ground was too hard. I was a pasture for 45 years and never worked. ..... It was great fun though. Pat
  4. 1 point
    Hi Guys- I'm sure everyone had a Wheel Horse that hooked them on the brand and started their collecting-For me it was this My C-125A Blackhood. I bought it off a widow who said her husband was "in love with it"He bought it from Chandlers-I believe the original Dealership. He had used it to its fullest-I had to repair the deck spindles, rollers, and eventually the Engine. I have been using this "little guy" to do my mowing-it does a great job and really saves gas. BUT_Today my grandsons helped my remove the snow plow from the "C". We installed the completely rebuilt deck ready to cut. I longed for the sound of the big single Kohler taking charge. I fired it up and managed to get my old bones to saddle up- I pulled out and started cutting only to see my big shot neighbor bring out his twin cylinder Craftsman. This time instead of seeing my "little guy" he saw the "C". The big Kohler sounded great-made the sears jockey envious. Good times had by all today-Thanks to my grandsons-Al
  5. 1 point
    I see you don't have a 1973 14 Auto in the main gallery page,maybe this would make it in?
  6. 1 point
    my first was a c-81. had to rebuild the engine but man was she clean. now a year and a half and 12 or 13 tractors later it is still the cleanest one i've had lol.
  7. 1 point
    I would much rather have an all orginal (unrestored) RJ vs. one that has been restored...and I would pay more for the original one too !
  8. 1 point
    :text-datsphatyo: :text-coolphotos:
  9. 1 point
    nice,and lots of power too,that was a big engine in the day :thumbs2:
  10. 1 point
    That's what I'm talkin bout!! That would be a good one for the gallery! Matt :flags-texas:
  11. 1 point
    they are about 50lbs each, and these are real WH weights, some have notches for valve stems, but look just like WH weights, other than that.
  12. 1 point
    I'm not sure I understand why he felt the need to pay the guy a hundred dollars more then the seller listed it for? Especially after all of that nonsense. I'm just sayin' :teasing-poke:
  13. 1 point
    34 waist and 10 inch inseam! :ychain:
  14. 1 point
    :WRS: Glad to have you aboard. The ID number 1-4831 is a 1968 Commando 8. The Commando 8 is the featured tractor this year at the Wheel Horse Collectors Club annual show in June. How about posting some pictures.
  15. 1 point
    well hell have that machine for a long time,and 19.50 is too much with a teccy in it anyway :ychain:
  16. 1 point
    I can't do anything but add more confusion to this discussion... I changed the differential out to an 8-pinion on my Bronco 14 (just because I have a phobia of 10-pinions), and it had ATF in it. Prior to 1973, this was what was used in the Sundstrands. I can tell you my transmission was the cleanest, rust free, and wear free of anything like it I have ever seen. The teeth on the gears were sharp-edged and all the bearing surfaces were smooth and quite frankly looked absolutely new. I mic'ed all of those areas and found no apparent wear at all. To this day, that transmission runs faster than any other hydro I have, and has no power issues at all. It also is ready to work from the moment it is started even in freezing temperatures. Of course, the tractor was serviced regularly before I got it, so I'm certain that is a contributor as well. So, in my opinion- If the tranny has ATF in it, and it works just fine that way, stick with it. The stats on the Hy-Tran Ultra are impressive, but I can't give an opinion there simply because I've never used it. If you do decide to, please keep us all posted on how it works for you. It does appear to have some interesting qualities. Good luck either way.
  17. 1 point
    It's ironic that the 854 was used at Cayuga Lake to mow the owners cottage lawn and to 'rake' off the "beach" when they lowered the lake down for the winter with a set of rear cultivators. The owner passed shortly before (or after) the flood so I'm sure he's looking down on Buckrancher with pride as I know that was the kind of guy he was. Now it's back in the Finger Lakes area !! The RJ was a local "one of our first" sales.
  18. 1 point
    excellent job,i love how iterchangeable these machines are,hydro today,8 speed tomorow :thumbs2:
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