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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2012 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    It keeps me young! I used to have a noisy Cub Cadet that I called "Mr. Clank!"
  2. 3 points
    Actually I think this a plague we have sweeping the nation these days!! :ROTF: :ROTF: Matt Karl can we get a smiley for this :ROTF:
  3. 2 points
    Happy Easter Everyone!! Sorry no pics..... stupid phone battery was blinking low and wouldn't let me snap even one..... I showed up to field maintenance day today for my kids soccer..... well I was the ONLY tractor of any type or caliber (riding lawn mower, lawn tractor, garden tractor) to show up with my 10 cu ft trailer and my implements of destruction. Day started off by me moving 3 full pallets of pelletized lime and 3 full pallets of fertilizer to 4 different fields on a 1/4 mile stretch.... then they asked me to move ten yards of topsoil to all the bad spots on the 4 different fields--- I ended up shoveling most of it into the trailer.... finished that and they hooked up a 30" wide 300 lb lawn roller and I rolled every square inch of all 4 fields.... re-hooked up the trailer and hauled the trash and moved the goals around and put all the other tools away. It never ceases to amaze me how everybody oooohhhhhsss and ahhhhhhssss when they see a Wheel Horse in action!!! I had a ball running the old C121 and it definietly proved that my charging system repairs worked. Tony
  4. 2 points
    It's a Power "King" so I named it Elvis. My 160 is the "Spirit of 76". I had a 210-H that I named Gossamer after the red monster in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. I still haven't named the 704 yet. I'm leaning towards Reddi after a red stuffed horse I had when I was 3 or Ed.
  5. 2 points
    No Pictures .... Didn't happen ... Just sayin! :eusa-think:
  6. 2 points
    How about these Ian? Side effects may include: Inability to breathe Intermittent ignorance Temporary tooth loss Excessive belly button lint Unwanted Pregnancy Reverse Peristalsis Intermittent ignorance Ramndo Dylseixa In rare cases: Inner-ear euphoria Olfactory hallucinations Rectal-cranial inversion Idiopathic Colitis Complete collapse of civilization Andy
  7. 1 point
    Trying to get ready for the pulling season and thought I would post a couple pics.
  8. 1 point
    I went to an auction and picked up this 1257 this morning not sure why I guess I wanted to make sure it went to a good home of course my daughter had to hop on it after I got if off the truck I let her take it for a couple laps around the yard before putting it away...I will probably be putting it up for sale in the classifieds if anyone is interested but I will need to clean it up first it also came with a box of extra parts. After winning the bid on this one I was approached by two people offering me more wheelhorses one is a B80 and the other is a C120 or 121 it's been pretty slow for me lately and just like that I am onto 3 horses Here is a picture of it... it hasn't been cleaned up yet it should look pretty good after a good cleaning.
  9. 1 point
    Got the tiller mounted up to get the garden all tilled up for this planting season. I expanded it at the end of last year so part of it is pretty rough. It's still a bet wet ... Let it dry and I'll hit it again tomorrow. Onto the photos! And just so everybody can see em, cause there are always questions, each spring about the pullies..
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    :woohoo: love it when a plan comes together and another horse is rescued. :party:
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    My 520-H with newly rebuilt Roxy-bonner gang reel mowers. I just got the 520 when it stopped working and after careful investigation, ruled out, no spark, fuses, battery issues, switches, etc . and with helpful RS advice. I ended up dropping the tank and cleaned it out crud and it then she fired right up!
  14. 1 point
    I am computer illiterate. My wife said she can help me get pictures on here, but she hasn't yet. Too busy. I took some plowing and I will get them and some pics of my stuff on here asap.
  15. 1 point
    I see no cape, and it isn't not bedazzled with rhinestones, so...why is the other machine called Elvis?
  16. 1 point
    :text-yeahthat: Just sayin' :D
  17. 1 point
    MOLES!!!, My old girlfriend had a big one on her face, after I told her to pluck the hair out of it because it tickled my nose when I would kiss her, She Left Me.. If I Only had A Brain..
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Juicy fruit took care of our problem in just one night...Thanks for that tip.
  20. 1 point
    Hmmm, yours looks quite a bit better than what I started out with. Just an FYI, the F40 was only made in 1956 and 1957, the last of the true Ferguson's after the merge with Massey. A little over 9000 of them were built i believe. They originally came in grey w/green belly(very early one's, very rare), beige w/green belly, and beige w/silver belly. Most were beige and silver. They are fairly collectable. More useless info that you probably didn't want to know. Nice tractor! Tom B
  21. 1 point
    That is what I do depending on the soil, plow it first then till, works great! Sandy soil tills easier, plow the clay type soil the till it.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    We aged ours until the mold started, thats what our family always did... Took about 30 to 40 days in the cooler and once the mold began it was ready. Wish my uncle still had his ranch, it was the best aged beef ever.
  24. 1 point
    Yes just clean the carbon off the top of the cylinder, and measure that. The lip at the top is just the part of the cylinder that has not been worn out. This would at least tell you if its standard or not. Calipers are not as accurate as a dial bore gauge, but plenty accurate enough to tell the difference between STD 3.75, and .030 3.78. Matt :flags-texas:
  25. 1 point
    Maybe its the factory piston, in which case it would be standard. Do you have a caliper that you could check the bore size with? I,m going to look up the bore size for your K-341 and then get back with you. Matt :flags-texas:
  26. 1 point
    Pretty Much, .030 is as far as you can overbore your Kohler. You really need to clean the top of your piston off, there is usually something stamped on the top of it like STD., .010,.020,.030. If it is stamped 030 then you would need to have the cylinder checked for wear, if it still happens to be ok then you could just hone it and put another .030 piston back in it and be on your way, but not likely. Like I said tho, clean the carbon off the piston and let us know what you find. Matt :flags-texas:
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Were all nuts, laughed so hard I have to go weewee now, put cant find it, looks like a button on a fur coat... maybe the beers are getting to me..I better eat...
  29. 1 point
    Rectal-cranial inversion.... I Know Some Guys That Have This Side Effect, and They Don't Even Know It, But I Know They have It......It's More Common Than Someone Would Think.
  30. 1 point
    Golly I have enough of those repetitive meaningless actions the way I am now without any more. But they tell me it has a lot to do with a RED addiction I have as well as my (A) (G) (E) JIM
  31. 1 point
    Yeah, what he said. Sounds cool, I'd like ti see a pic. Matt :flags-texas:
  32. 1 point
    :scratchead: What...no picts? :popcorn:
  33. 1 point
    I'm not sure what size the mower deck on it is but it's not the 60". I think it is a 42" or 48". I only know this because the trailer isn't 60" wide... My understanding is the 60" deck is a 3 blade setup, this one is a single, but the sides of it can whip around like a bush hog. I got it out and pressure washed it yesterday, pulled the old useless battery out, both cable ends broke so I'll be replacing them in the near future. Then I'll put the carb back on and see if she'll fire. I'll try it with the current distributor cap / rotor / etc. first and see what happens. Here's the truck damage....
  34. 1 point
    Picky picky picky. Matt :flags-texas:
  35. 1 point
    This has got to to be one of the best forums around!!! This place has some truley helpful and generous members here. Terry "you da man". Thats what I call helping your fellow members out!!!!!!!!!
  36. 1 point
    whew!!!!!! that's good to hear. i was all ready to split the cost of a coil with ya.
  37. 1 point
    I wish it would! :kbutt:
  38. 1 point
    Chocolate Exlax. Throw it in thier hole. Gives them diarreah. When they crap in thier hole they won't come back. Works for possum and skunk too. Good luck :kbutt:
  39. 1 point
    thats a fine lookin original horse,its a real treat to see them in that shape for their age :dunno:
  40. 1 point
    Roger, I heard that Terry's shop is getting really busy again so he may not be checking the forum regularly. If you go directly to his web site (ReDoYourHorse.com), you may get a quicker reply. I can tell you, though, that his decals are of the best quality you'll find anywhere! Duff :thumbs:
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