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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Actually I think this a plague we have sweeping the nation these days!! :ROTF: :ROTF: Matt :flags-texas:
  2. 2 points
    Today I discovered, I'm not only the president of the club, but I'm also a client. Hi...my name is Craig, and I suffer from rectal cranial inversion. :blink: Boy o boy...I need an intervention. :confusion-helpsos:
  3. 2 points
    They even have a website ok, now I have to ban myself for a week!
  4. 1 point
    Group, Please excuse all the newbie questions... especially if they have been asked before. Looks like I will be picking up my first horse tomorrow, and dis-assembly and sand blasting will follow. My question is what color of Red? Is there a specific Wheel horse red... a paint # from a specific vendor or do you go with the closest bright red out there? I will be picking up this RJ58 tomorrow....it's original red looks faded orange. Brian SLC-UT
  5. 1 point
    I was able to get the rearend back into it today. Not as bad a job as i thought it would be even with having to split the case to put the parking pawl in. The new diff went together well. When i have time I will make a thread and show the differences between the old style and the updated one. Anyway onto the vid.
  6. 1 point
    My 520-H with newly rebuilt Roxy-bonner gang reel mowers. I just got the 520 when it stopped working and after careful investigation, ruled out, no spark, fuses, battery issues, switches, etc . and with helpful RS advice. I ended up dropping the tank and cleaned it out crud and it then she fired right up!
  7. 1 point
    tractor is pretty much offically done and ready for the shows heres the pictures when i bought it from jeff coffman and after i was done! few pictures throug out the restore.
  8. 1 point
    So I got a PM from "aredtractor" yesterday about living close by. Turns out he was about 6 1/2 miles from where I work! I decided to stop by on the way home for a "quick visit" and WOW! Johnny is a International Collector... If I get any of these wrong you will have to forgive me...by the time we got done I was on info overload! Johnny himself is a 1947 Model, so like this International Cub, those are his favorite year to collect. How about this little David Bradley... PO put the Honda on it...Johnny has an original engine for it...I think he has an original engine for every thing! Here is an interesting piece! If I remember right this is a 1947 Mighty Mite, these were made in Dennison Texas for only a couple of years by Jacques Company in Dennison Texas. Johnny has a couple of Cubs.....
  9. 1 point
    I'll bet Steve will have his shotgun loaded before you make it out of your driveway.
  10. 1 point
    Rectal-cranial inversion.... I Know Some Guys That Have This Side Effect, and They Don't Even Know It, But I Know They have It......It's More Common Than Someone Would Think.
  11. 1 point
    How about these Ian? Side effects may include: Inability to breathe Intermittent ignorance Temporary tooth loss Excessive belly button lint Unwanted Pregnancy Reverse Peristalsis Intermittent ignorance Ramndo Dylseixa In rare cases: Inner-ear euphoria Olfactory hallucinations Rectal-cranial inversion Idiopathic Colitis Complete collapse of civilization Andy
  12. 1 point
    Hello All, well its all done and we through the switch and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoooooooom the compressor started instantly and when we tested it it had a 24 amp start load which settled down to 14.7..... the at rest voltage was 123.5 and the running voltage was 119.5..... I guess its all better and its all because of Sparky..... Now I get running water , a shower and a toilet and I can move in.... Tony
  13. 1 point
    Stigian I have a rough idea what you are up against I had a great Uncle that had parkinsons and he could not eat for himself, Aunt Lavina had to feed him but he loved to hunt and every Thanksgiving when all of us fellows would go out Uncle Charley would always be with us because he was the best shot ! ! Solid as a rock with a gun in his hand. Jim in Texas
  14. 1 point
    Wow...I knew they grew some cute red heads in Oklahoma....but did not know they did it in a garden! I'm Moving!
  15. 1 point
    I spoke with the packing supervisor and he has approved the decal being sent along with the hats. Unfortunately the VP of addressing is getting a hair cut, but the hats and decal will be in the mail by this afternoon!
  16. 1 point
    well when it comes to stuff breaking down i am CHEAP and wont go buy new unless i have to. search RS for my battery charger post a few years ago. lot of guys told me to buy a new one. well new is not allways better and my old charger is a expensive one to replace for that model and it is a beast with 24V boost. i got one of the old farmers on another forum walk me thru the repair and fixed it. also that is why i allready had a tube of heat sink compound laying around to fix the laptop . for the laptop i research and watched many videos of different ways to repair. heat gun was one of them , but a little to extreme . also seen hair dryer trick. but i think bakeing it was the best.allowing the chip to slowly settle back in place. and pre 80's pennys have more copper in them.
  17. 1 point
    bummer to hear that scott. hope you get it back working soon. I had a simuliar promblem . a few times i would leave my laptop on all day and into the evening. the one time i did about a month or so ago and left it on when i carried it into the house from garage. later that night i started haveing promblems with the screen going on and off. next morning i turned it on and screen was pretty much dead. the promblem was it got so hot the video chip on the mother board broke free from the solder. This is how i fixed my 2005 gateway laoptop. i took the mother board out and wraped it in a few layers of tin foil. cut out a open square around the video card. made four 1" foil balls and set them on a cookie sheet. placed the motherboard on top of foil balls. preheat the oven to 385 and baked it for about 11 minutes. carefully pulled it out and let cool for 45 minutes.that reactivates the solder and sucks the video card back down. i reinstalled the mother board and placed a 1964 penny ontop of the video card chip with heat sink grease. then screwed down the copper tube and fan assembly over top the penny. the older copper penny helps draw heat out of the video card. got everything back together and has been running great. just yesterday i again left my laptop on all day untill 11pm last night with no promblems. most of the time i do try and shut it down thru out the day just to let it cool. and yes there is alot of little screws and tiny plug/connectors. when i put it all back together i had one screw left over. you allways have one screw left over on the job right ? ...LOL
  18. 1 point
    Who cares what it looks like. You've got yourself a highly desireable, good running, and driving for a total investment of fifty bucks. You done pretty good in my book Dave. :WRS:
  19. 1 point
    Some of you may be receiving your hats and on the packing list there's initials and scribbles, let me explain... To make the shipping easier for me, I decided to turn it into a game and my kids are the supervisors of individual departments. The shipping line begins with Brittany who takes the packing list and addresses the box, then initials that she has completed the process. From there the unfolded box gets taped and passed to Sean who packs the hat, with his initials. Megan then performs the quality assurance and the box gets sealed. They are on spring break this week and are really having fun with getting everyone's hats out the door. They are getting such a kick about the shipping to Australia and the U.K. as well as all over the U.S. They keep asking if you have received your hats, so if you have post a reply, they keep asking! I think that it's a good exercise for them and they look forward to packing and shipping.
  20. 1 point
    I agree . she would look just nice if she was cleaned up and just oiled all over eventually these unpainted original ones will become so rare that they will be worth more as they are. ( Just my opinion )
  21. 1 point
    Have you considered just stopping the rust and leaving it that color? It's only original once! Of course for that one to be original, you'll need to take off those 60's fenders and tool box! :hide:
  22. 1 point
    Anglo you are the master I want you to sell your house, move to the US and buy a house next door to me. That way I can use your lathe and we can work on tractors all day Bring a woman with you because I don't go that way .
  23. 1 point
    Better than a....veggie burger.....now that is disgusting.
  24. 1 point
    I thought yep, remember looking down on mine and seeing the exact same thing. Having put a clip and washer in place they lined up. I don't know the exact thickness of washer required but I found one that did the job by trial and error. Hope this clears things up. Andy I just took the PTO off of the engine from my donor horse. I noticed that there was a small round piece hanging around in the back of the assembly doing nothing. I found out it was part of the bearing assembly (No. 3 on the drawing). The bearing rusted away enough that it pretty much fell apart. It turns out to be Toro PN 102914. M&D has it on special for $107.00. Ouch. Anybody got the specs on this bearing? I can't imagine it really being more than a $30 part. There is no way I am going to pay over $100 for a bearing unless it is made of some type of semi-precious metal and blessed by the leader of a religious order.
  25. 1 point
    The reassembly process has begun...but I see now that its going to be slow....Already some issues but heres pics of todays progress, tins on the engine, rear fenders, inner fenders, got that god forsaken tongue thing off and the new 3 point brackets on. Got the turning brake calipers on but that showed me the 1st problem. Apparently someon had the hubs off the axles at some point and when they put them back on they drove them on so far that theyre almost against the caliper.... WITHOUT THE PADS IN IT YET!!!!! I have no clue how I'm going to get these hubs moved out about 1/2-3/4 of an inch. I saw what Paul went thru getting his off.... I also got my fancy fused ignition system. I will be using this to fuse the fuel pump, lighting and igniton system
  26. 1 point
    Well i'm sure glad there are people on here that give quick responses so i dont have to keep trying to dream up the right answer. thanks guys this is a lot of fun. i've got 10 horses in various stages of completion or incompletion so the projects get a little attention at a time . but its still fun
  27. 1 point
    I am a member of another site....different uploader......I don't trust that site. I'm a little quirky when it comes to this type of activity. Got a chance to go private and took it. However since you posted this Perry could download it himself....lol
  28. 1 point
    I got my Hienz 57 narrow front rolling tonight. I was going to use some 3.00-4 tri ribs, but they look like airplane landing gears! Haha So its going to get 3.50-6 tri ribs. Just have to finish the steering now then some sheet metal, paint and a motor! Joel
  29. 1 point
    Wow...a garden without pests! That would be like a country without politicians!!!
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