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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Well it's taken me 4 months but I finally got my WH looking better. I just have to paint the wheels and get this frustrating 48" mowing deck to level side to side. All new paint and fantastic new decals from VinylGuy! OK, I'm not mucch of a painter so please go easy. Old Pics: Working on the deck: Dash Console duded up: My wife thinks it looks good enough to keep now. I guess she just couldn't show much love to the old look,
  2. 1 point
    Got it running... I have a video, but I don't know how to upload it... Can anybody help?
  3. 1 point
    here is the other thing i got from the dealer a rear end and front end lift u put it under the axle tubes or the front axle and tilt it back to take tires off or work on something i also got this nice tire changer from me neighbor for free will make my tire changing and bead braking easy to do now
  4. 1 point
    Just a mini update. I had some extra time the last two days so I took the engine down some and cleaned it up and painted it today. I think the next engine I paint will be completely disassembled. The paint turned out ok. I was trying out a new paint gun and at first I was pouring it on so there is some runs but they might be where no one will see or notice them. Sorry the pictures are from my iPhone. Thanks for looking, Chris.
  5. 1 point
    That's messed up! I had'nt herd anything about it, but when I buy ground beef, thats all I want to buy. Give it a little while, I'm sure they will find its cancer causing just like every other stupid thing they have decided to put out there for the consumer. Life is short enough without them shortening it for us. Matt :flags-texas:
  6. 1 point
    Yummy. I don't know if I should use a spoon or a straw. Decisions Decisions.
  7. 1 point
    The hood is finally fixed, I had the front tires foam filled (adding 44 lbs) and I put 20 lbs of lead in a modified mule drive box I made. This should keep the nose down when loading into the truck. I'm ready to start tilling for the spring. By the way, big time kudos to Vinylguy for the decals. They look awesome. I'll get some better (in focus) pics once the weather gets a little nicer.
  8. 1 point
    Hey Al, you know you can't get mad at these major corporations pulling these fast one's on us...they're people too, and they've got rights you know. Besides...which would you rather have...pink slime, or soylent green? :ROTF:
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Is it me, or did that guy look a little reluctant to approach those two? Probably didn't want to blow their cover. :ROTF:
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Hey Tony, This past Fall I ran across a similar problem on a C-160. Long story short, somewhere along the way, one of the previous owners had the magnets let go in the flywheel and just "willy nilly" glued them back in. The poles were reversed on 2 or 3 of them; hence low AC output. Since it quit charging on you about 6 months ago, this ain't your problem but I thought I'd throw it out there for someones "future reference". You should try another stator to see if that fixes the issue.
  13. 1 point
    ...and it seems the factory agrees...looks like you've revived a trend Martin. :)
  14. 1 point
    No I mean you use a punch or chisel to crack or break the balance gear in half then slide it off the pin. It is best to chisel it by the thinnest part of the gear.
  15. 1 point
    I realize its been a couple of months since I posted any progress pictures so here are a few more. I'm at the stage where I can start to put things back together. Here's what I started with. The tractor was starting to really show its age. I suppose it didn't help that for the past 10 years that I've had it back it plowed snow that had a lot of salt in it that really caused a lot of surface rust. This engine was rebult once when my family owned it. Don't know what the last owner did to it. I'm having trouble posting pictures so I'll have to add them in another post.
  16. 1 point
    Just another short update before I run off to class. I didn't have time to clean the transmission so I just focused on the wheels this morning. I got most of the pits on the front sides out with sanding and then I primed and wet sanded before I sprayed them. The primer was Valspar's restoration series gray. I couldn't find a premixed color for the wheels so I ended up spray painting them with the Valspar Almond. I was actually pleased with the results of the spray paint. If I had not seen the wonderful thing people on here do with spray paint I would have never tried it, so Thank You. Here are a couple of pictures of progress. As you can see with one of the wood piles I am also building a deck in my spare time. I hope to have it done before the show also .
  17. 1 point
    Not a lot got done this weekend other than some E-tanking and scrubbing. I had too much to do around the house. I need to get back to work on the 704 because packages are starting to show up. Hopefully I will start getting stuff to roll a little faster for me in the next couple of days. Right now I am just cleaning items and putting them to the side till I can get ready to prime. Here is some of the stuff that has showed up so far. One set is for the 704 and the other is a set for the Suburban.
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