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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    i would like some help on how to mount the pump to the tower. The 702 has a manual lift thats wore out and i have the pump and cylinder but unsure about how to mount and where thanks Josh
  2. 1 point
    I picked up this old trencher at auction the other day. I was wondering if anybody's ever seen one of these or might know anything about it... Who made it? What year? It has a Wisconsin motor on it. Any info or helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  3. 1 point
    I would think that the camshaft spacers might slip during this process.Then you would have to try to get them realigned or they may fall to the oil pan. He really needs to see inside if the block around the pin is badly cracked. yeah paul, the camshaft end spacer would be a concern if your not familiar with where it is..... probably better to remove the sump and check out the back of the block in that area, too. you could use the magnum until you get the k going again. thats if it lasts. you did say it had a knock and that is a concern. depending on where the knock is, you could stick a hole in that engine before you get much use out of it. if it were me i would be checking out that engine internally before using it. a bit of time spent here could save the engine. if you can do without the tractor, i would work on the k engine first. if you are lucky it might be a quick fix, you dont really know for sure until you get into it. i would probably get the magnum as well, but i would work out whats causing it to knock before using it.
  4. 1 point
    I did but camera was set to high of resolution and the forum wont allow that big of file to be uploaded but i will change that and definitely change that and take more and then post them sorry bout that
  5. 1 point
    I tore mine apart last night with minimal effort and didnt have any special tools other than small long punch to get out the spring pin that was holding the return to center spring in.of coarse it was broken so now lookin for an old style spring
  6. 1 point
    This should be a link to Brinley's web sight set up information, I printed this one and saved it so I could take it out with me. It is very informative. Hope it helps out. http://www.weekendfreedommachines.org/techinfo/plowsetup.html
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