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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2012 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    today I make the 3 pt setup for the gt 14 and pics of other horses
  2. 1 point
    Just dropping a few pictures of the latest project, Haban model 414E 48" sickle bar made for WH. Maybe somebody knows better, the closest I could find was this fits about 1968-1973 model WH with 8-12 HP. After removing the center Attach-A-Matic, the gearbox fit perfectly and the front hangers fit the front axle with one small change. I had to make the rear hanger. The lift mechanism was the problem, it had a chain and pulley mounted on a off center lever. I wanted to use hydraulic lift, so my fourth design finally worked. That came with a lot problems, I had to move the drive axle over about 1 1/2" to make room for the lift lever, move the gearbox about 1", and reinforce the frame work because of where I was lifting it. The original gearbox gears were shot, so I found a Jacobsen 48" snowthrower gearbox, NOS made by Haban with the same casting numbers. The output shaft was keyed instead of splined, so I had to make a new front half driveshaft to fit. I cleaned and left all the original parts as I bought them and painted everything I made. The lever is connected with short chain and slides in the U-shaped block. I've been looking for some type of manual for this exact model with no luck. Not really necessary because I've found that very few parts are available. Craig
  3. 1 point
    So with all the recent 70's and 80's temperatures, I said enough is enough. I went ahead and took off the winter equipment off of her and got it ready for spring duties... One last time outside (hopefully) before breaking it all down. While I was at it, I had to lower all of my family's bikes from the storage lifts. And then I had an idea... We'll see how long this will last. So far I've bumped my head only once First spring duty, lawn rolling Ahhhh, that feels MUCH better now ! Hopefully I didn't tempt old man winter from returning this season. It is only March... -BK
  4. 1 point
    I have been a personal defense and tactical shooter for years.
  5. 1 point
    this is the sound of my Horse sorry for my english
  6. 1 point
    i like to small game hunt. i have not gone hunting since the year 2000. my dad past away in 2001 and i just have never got back into the groove. guns just sit in the safe. i did break out the sears 16ga double barrel last year and shot some shells thru it. my dad was a huge clay pigeon shooter. back in the day when we lived on the farm my dad built a shooting range . i can remember all his buddys comeing out to shoot every sunday . he had the fastest finger out of his friends hitting the two triggers on the 16ga and dropping birds. my birthday lands on the first day of pheasant seaon. i could allways plan on haveing that day off of school, waking up early with dad and hitting the corn fields for birds. my dad belonged to one of the top 5 largest deer camps in northern MI. with 2700 acres of private land we had alot of nice bird hunting in the fall. i am not a big deer hunter but blessed that the members still invite me to the club. it is a place where me and my dad had alot of good memorys . i still go there twice a year in the off-season and help cut wood and maintain the club . i am not a member yet but they want me in there. just is a bit pricey. hopeing someday i will join. ill be going there this may :)
  7. 1 point
    Tim, I think you touched on an important issue when you said Having joined the forum getting on for a year ago now I've found the knowledgebase here in the threads and the friendly help that those with far more experience than I are prepared to offer very helpful indeed. There is a place (and need) here for even the simple 'how to do' and 'what not do to' threads. The knowledgeable and experienced can do these things blindfold with one arm behind their back but to many new to the game who use the forum including guests (who are after all potential future members) even the simple stuff is important. So well done for raising the issue. Nice D-200 by the way. I'm restoring one here in the UK at present (see Euro section) - a real labor of love given that they're rare here and it's not possible to buy a 'scrapper' for parts. If anyone out there has a parts tractor with the correct hood catches for a 'D' that they'd be prepared to part with (excuse the pun) please do get in touch. Andy
  8. 1 point
    I got in a little rolling action
  9. 1 point
    Ok got my ignition parts from napa going to dry fit all components cut wires ,conectors and such my father disected the trigger coil found the wires in the back like ed's site sayed to do my unit has no electronic board mine is the older ssi rats nest wiring, unit very hard to find the right wires and they are very very small thanks to my father the electronic engineer found them in the hardened backing, tested the unit and works now just have to put control module and coil some were, hope it works ,re did complete tractor got a litle carried away but it will be nice when done, if it dosen't work i do have a fourteen kohler in stead of the tekky here are some pics
  10. 1 point
    Van email the pictures so we don't have a fight on our hands. Congrats on the new tractor. Hope you can get that tooth taken care of.
  11. 1 point
    I'd have to agree with Sparky. It does sounds as though it does run and cut grass. Not a real common tractor around here and it might have limited interest. Like you said, you don't know whether or not you are going to keep it so the trick is not to pay too much for it. If he insists on anything above 400 I'd have to close my eyes and walk away.
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