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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    This is a must go to event. There is always plenty of great folks and many bargains available. Make sure to mark this date on your calendar and come buy, sell, and swap!
  2. 1 point
    I got a lawn ranger for my daughter. The tractor is complete other than it has no engine. The ID tag says its a L156 with the research I have done it looks like the L156 took a Tecumseh H60. The tractor I have has a key switch for electric start. So I was first wondering if my information about the engine is correct and second I am looking for the correct one that is complete with everything including the fuel tank. Can someone please help. Thanks Tater
  3. 1 point
    Man I dunno..... all that tracion action with the little itty bitty 1" axle 4 pinion work horse transaxle... might be way dangerous! Of course I don't mean that---Sparky has heard me say 1000 times that I have never understood all this 1 1/8" versus 1" versus 8 pinion versus 4 pinion debates that go on. I have whooped on the "weakest" 4 speed 1" setup from the 60's and never even a whimper. Nice tires!! and I wish we could see them in snow..... looks like we wait for next year.though or perhaps get in the dirt with the mid mount grader! Tony
  4. 1 point
    A few times on the forum when a member posts an engine problem the reply might state something like...."have you tried replacing the condenser." $2.50 is cheap enough...however I have to drive 30 miles round trip to buy one. The price of this possible fix is now over 10 bucks (and rising). Testing is free. Besides...why throw something out that works???
  5. 1 point
    Yeah Sparky..... you are partialy correct.. LOL. I have these tractors here that are engineless. But the engines are in the back on the bench getting worked on. But I do have three that are complete and running. One of the is even equiped with an awsome boat seat..... LOL
  6. 1 point
    Enjoy your birthday Steven. Because 40 isn't to bad but 41 means your on the downhill grade But one good thing your going down on a Horse HE ! HE ! JIM @ DEE
  7. 1 point
    Lets try this again. After consulting with my IPhone tech. WH Jason maybe this will work.
  8. 1 point
    The guy wants $800 for it. It has a 14.5 hp. Briggs. Who says a Briggs is no good? I've had plenty of reliable Briggs engines. Now if you were to say Techy @%#$##. Was going to go look at it but just can't go or I'll bring it home. It's got Chevy rear disc brakes and rack and pinion steering. The guy did a lot of work. Here is my hot rod Craftsman
  9. 1 point
    A few quick checks with the multimeter set on low ohms (click on image to enlarge) many low cost multimeters may have difficulty accurately representing a low ohms reading in this range. They main point on reading primary winding ohms is not to have an open circuit (seen as OL or ---- reading) on the meter. The ohms reading will vary slightly from one manufactuer to the other BUT a low reading less than 1 ohm may indicate your winding is shorted or you are using a coil intended for use in a capacitive discharge system . Coils with low ohms primary windings for CD systems will overheat and fail on a 12 volt points based system. Switch the multimeter to the 20K ohms range (no range change required on AUTO RANGE capable meters) Measure the secondary ohms reading.
  10. 1 point
    Generation My Dad and I met mostly in the “here and nowâ€. I didn’t know the man before I was born, in his younger days. Dad, when I knew him, talked mostly about events from his past. My future, unknown, yet to be discovered, could not be discussed in any depth, only speculated. But it was mine, to be shaped by me, and was of great interest--mostly to me. In comparison to my father’s past, all I could offer was a little grist for a gruel of passions we shared. So now I am dealing with the same hiatus, but on the other end. There’s not much I can offer constructively to my children and grandchildren that is seen as useful, much less interesting. My dated references and limited knowledge of the contemporary are two reasons for the gap. Not to be unhappy-- I have now gone back to being a student and the business of learning-- still with the hope of occasionally contributing to the lesson. Its a big classroom.
  11. 1 point
    One WH pulls in our club with two 10hp's in the 20hp class. Not very impessively though
  12. 1 point
    here is a pic of some of the parts
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I loaded up 7 Wheel Horse's and a Bolens at my local farm days tractor show. Great show in Centerburg Ohio only 5 miles from my home. I usually bring 2 trailer loads to this show but didn't have time to do it this year My Grandson had his 1962 Bolens Model 600 there also. The weather was nice and I got a few names of people who wanted to sell their old WH... Hammerhead...
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