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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2012 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    http://youtu.be/y3REA0AKttI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXoZ0nyYrjM
  2. 1 point
    Wheelhorse never offered a 3 point for the c,3,4 or 500 series. This one was designed and fabricated by a very good priend of mine.
  3. 1 point
    Here are the rear brakes that were original to the Panzer. This is a mockup before I had it tore down and sandblasted. The diff with the drive sprocket bolted up.
  4. 1 point
    I needed to free up some space in my pole shed before winter so I finally got around to building my storage shelves for the horses, this is 5 feet wide by 18 feet long and will have a second story for additional storage for now I will only be using the lower platform for storing tractors so I should be able to roll them up a ramp with some help but eventually I am going to build a pad and forks for the farmall so I can use it to lift the horses. I used a lot of leftover lumber that has been around the farm so I am only into it for $75 so far with hardware and some purchased lumber. I built this in sections and bolted it together so I can take it down and move it if necessary. I can store a total of 18 tractors with this new storage system and I am going to build another one the same size on the opposite wall. Now it's time to hunt for some more horses to fill the shelves :thumbs2:
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Does this one get a seat or a horse blanket? :ROTF:
  7. 1 point
    Ben, I make use of the 3 point hitch a lot. I currently have it on the 417-8 and have it pinned in the upright position with a weight bar and suitcase weights on it.
  8. 1 point
    Hi there, I've been watching this sight for a couple of years and a fairly new member and this my first reply. My 2 stage had the same problem and a couple others. That plate will bend pretty easy, try a 12 or 15 inch cresent wrench, adjust to fit the thickness and push the upper corner inward. If it still doesn't look quite right pull the plate outward between the pulley and tractor the same way or with a large dead blow hammer. It might take a few back and forths. Essentially all your trying to do is get the small mounting surface of the pulley parallel and square with the drive line. Your idler tension and gearbox pulleys look real good in line with the set up, both of mine were really bad. Hope this helps Hydro. Craig, central Michigan
  9. 1 point
    Ever seen this? Quit laughing, give it a chance. People are amazing. :popcorn:
  10. 1 point
    Occasionally they will show up on ebay Curta, none up there now...but I sent you the link. Save in your favorites, and check back often. :WRS:
  11. 1 point
    That is a replacement engine and it is a series 2 which is a very good engine with a good oiling system. If my L107 can haul 750 lbs of coal you should do real well with your firewood
  12. 1 point
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