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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2012 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    ....... you'll find this interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzoXPav7uzs
  2. 2 points
    Generation My Dad and I met mostly in the “here and nowâ€. I didn’t know the man before I was born, in his younger days. Dad, when I knew him, talked mostly about events from his past. My future, unknown, yet to be discovered, could not be discussed in any depth, only speculated. But it was mine, to be shaped by me, and was of great interest--mostly to me. In comparison to my father’s past, all I could offer was a little grist for a gruel of passions we shared. So now I am dealing with the same hiatus, but on the other end. There’s not much I can offer constructively to my children and grandchildren that is seen as useful, much less interesting. My dated references and limited knowledge of the contemporary are two reasons for the gap. Not to be unhappy-- I have now gone back to being a student and the business of learning-- still with the hope of occasionally contributing to the lesson. Its a big classroom.
  3. 1 point
    :music-rockout: http://www.fark.com/vidplayer/6988734 :music-rockout:
  4. 1 point
    Wheel Horse's deserve the best...........gold horse shoe
  5. 1 point
    Hello I have for a year now a Raider 12 and now I want to build a clevis hitch but I do not know how I get the force from the levers to the hitch. Could somebody to send a photo of the hitch and the dimensions of it?Sorry for my english, I m from Europe. Thanks in advance Bobie01
  6. 1 point
    :text-datsphatyo: Cool site Terry, thanks for sharing it. http://www.dumpr.net/
  7. 1 point
    Or for the truly cheap cut the head of a nail clamp it in the vice and hang the blade on it
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Had to take a test ride
  10. 1 point
    Well Took MJ to a Dr's Appt today and I spied this one on the way. On the way back I negotiated with the Owner and Picked this Junker up for $200.00 Owner Says he took it in on trade the PO said it ran just fine and it quite and has wireing problems sat over the winter and the next spring is when the guy traded it in. Ive so far sold 3 decks in the condition of this one for $300.00+ So will do the same on this one and this Tractor will become a freebe Well anyways nothing a wax job and a new Seat wont fix Here some Pics Cheers ~Duke
  11. 1 point
    I have used this analogy before, it's like falling in love and marrying a model and then you decide not to have sex with her because you might spoil something???? Now...does that make any sense? ....it's only a grader blade!!!!!
  12. 1 point
    I don't think anybody ever said the hydros are no good. There are some jobs that a hydro does better and some jobs that a gear drive does better and I think that's the point people are trying to make, not that hydros are junk. I have more hydros around here than gear drives. I keep certain attachments on the hydros and other attachments on the gear drives. Like Steve, my loader tractor is also a hydro with a foot control. I know I've abused it and it's never let me down. I couldn't imagine running a F.E.L. on a gear drive tractor, I would waste way too much time clutching and shifting. I do however prefer tilling with a gear drive, I've tried with hydros, but still prefer to put an 8 speed in 1st gear, low range and open the throttle up. It's just more comfortable for me to travel at a certain speed without having to play with the DCL, and one pass is usually all I need to till a perfect seed bed. A hydro is handier when you get to the end of the row and want to turn around quickly, but all in all I still prefer to till with an 8 speed. I'll probably never mow with a gear drive again if I can help it. I can never seem to find the right speed, I don't have that problem with a hydro.
  13. 1 point
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