The Higher Power whom I choose to call God created all of us as equals from the womb. Some go on to achieve recognition in ways that garner great attention from the the masses, whether for good or bad. Others are simply content to make this world a far better place through good works done without the need or desire for recognition or praise, quietly touching and enriching the lives of those lucky enough to come into contact with them. I consider myself know such a person, and for that I can only say Thank You, Terry......
And among such men I also count the likes of Karl, TT, Chuck, Bob, Jack, and so many, many more who give of themselves, their knowledge and their resources to make this forum, this special part of our world, a place to gather, share, offer support and sometimes just to commiserate in a world that seems to have forgotten life's simple pleasures. It is a privilege to be among you.
Duff :flags-waveusa: