Up till about three months ago I had a grasshopper 721 zero turn I had been mowing the grass with, but it finally got so wore out it just was'nt worth fixing anymore, rusted out deck, kubota engine smoking like crazy, etc, etc. Well I had a little B-80 that I used years ago that I had always wanted to fix up. Long story short, I started fixing it up with the intentions of just making a good worker out of it, well one thing lead to another, and I kept fixing it up a little more, and a little more, until I eventually had completely restored it, now it was not by any means a perfect restoration, but it looks good. So here I am with a tractor I really love, and about 5 acres of grass to cut. I live very far south, so we dont really get any freezing weather, but we have had alot of rain so the grass is growing like crazy, so it requires alot of mowing! I am having a little trouble watching wear and tear happen to my almost new looking 37 year old horse. Is there anyone else out there that can feel my pain, or am I the only moron out there that would completely restore his horse, and proceed to work it like a dog?
It does'nt look quite this good anymore.