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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Up till about three months ago I had a grasshopper 721 zero turn I had been mowing the grass with, but it finally got so wore out it just was'nt worth fixing anymore, rusted out deck, kubota engine smoking like crazy, etc, etc. Well I had a little B-80 that I used years ago that I had always wanted to fix up. Long story short, I started fixing it up with the intentions of just making a good worker out of it, well one thing lead to another, and I kept fixing it up a little more, and a little more, until I eventually had completely restored it, now it was not by any means a perfect restoration, but it looks good. So here I am with a tractor I really love, and about 5 acres of grass to cut. I live very far south, so we dont really get any freezing weather, but we have had alot of rain so the grass is growing like crazy, so it requires alot of mowing! I am having a little trouble watching wear and tear happen to my almost new looking 37 year old horse. Is there anyone else out there that can feel my pain, or am I the only moron out there that would completely restore his horse, and proceed to work it like a dog? Matt It does'nt look quite this good anymore.
  2. 1 point
    Wow...props to the site! Just wanted to say thanks to all the guys that gave assistance to me. I just inherited my Pop's 92 416-8. I had some problems mounting the mower deck but got that figured out thanks to yalls help. Took it out today and cut my grass...man what a machine! My dad sure knew how to pick em. This tractor is a brute...I had a john deere that I sold to my neighbor(actually gave it to him for $100) when I found out I was getting the WH. I love this tractor! Best machine Ive operated. And the memories are awesome! My dad got his first Wheel Horse back in 71 when he purchased an 18 acre farm in Chandlersville, Ohio, between his army stints. Im pretty sure it was a bronco. He taught me to ride it and I cut the yard with it after that. He did the garden with it too. I remember thinking Im gonna have one of those one day! I would rather have my Pop still around ....but this machine sure makes the loss more bearable! Wheel Horse Rocks!
  3. 1 point
    Hi Everyone, i think its time i come out of the woodwork, we just got a foot of snow, and the C-160 is down and out... time to fix er up. i'm heading straight to the engines forum, it's in pieces now, i took it apart two years ago, and haven't had the cash to get it back together. this horse is part cat i think, and unfortunately i'm working to bring around life #3. low oil has taken it out twice. if you could only see the shame on my face now... i've been reading here for a couple years on and off, and figured it's time to join the fun!! Troy
  4. 1 point
    I got testing an old system the old idler pully's old system
  5. 1 point
    im sick of the lame ringtones that my iphone came with. dont really care for the music type ringtones ive used in the past. so i started looking for tractor sound ring tones. any body use them? i know there the wh jingle in the files section. not sure if thats what i really want though........ heres one i found, might try to search out a few others. still undecided...... tractor_sound.mp3
  6. 1 point
    Maybe she just thinks your ready to go! Matt :flags-texas:
  7. 1 point
    It's getting to the point that you can increase the value of you car by how much gas is in it! Insurance company's are putting higher values on cars that get good gas mileage. A friend of mine had a caviler with 175000 miles on it and it got totaled and they gave him $1000 over blue book because it was good on gas. go figure I am sick of buying over priced gas!!!!
  8. 1 point
    I think government needs to mandate that gas not be over $2.00 a gallon! We all know that gas prices are inflated like a balloon with way too much hot air. If a President would mandate this price with a $0.10 raise in gas prices a year, the economy would go to a all new high like the way it was 15 years ago and people would be very happy Am I dreaming, Yes, too many tight a__ politicians in office, but big brother wants there thumb over are head making sure they are in control of us. Its time I start moon shining and mixing it with gas to make my one e85 gas. I wish that I could do that, but it's getting to that point. It feels like our country is loosing our freedom with all the taxes and fuel cost! You have to work more and drive less, and if you want some luxury time on a holiday, they make sure they benefit from it by raising the price right before you go. There, I vented a little, but still don't feel any better!
  9. 1 point
    Here is an X-ray view of what components are inside the Tecky SSI unt. The CHARGE COIL you refer to and called out in the service manual as a possible source of problems is under located the flywheel. basically, the charge coil is excited by the magnets on the flywheel and sends pulses up to the SSI unit. SSI units charges up the capacitor in the unit and a pickup coil triggers off the long and short pins on the flywheel. The trigger pulses is recieved by the transistor inside the SSI unit and dupmps the capacitor charge into the coil primary - whiich of course - dumps energy into the coil secondary and ZAP - a spark. I sent you email with more detail that might bore most folks.
  10. 1 point
    hey commando,i thought maybe you lost your mind too,picking a sears over the trusty horses?just kidding and looks like a great score
  11. 1 point
    My ringtone is Red Solo Cups, Toby Kieth, but a tractor ring tone could be pretty cool
  12. 1 point
    We share the same bucket list Karl, except my #1 would be hitting the powerball so I could fund the rest. :teasing-poke:
  13. 1 point
    Looks like ya done real good! Congrats! Duff :thumbs:
  14. 1 point
    Dant have any of Tiffany, but here is Angie planting some onions at dusk...Potatoes have to wait until Saturday.
  15. 1 point
    Craig, a very cool quote I must admit! I'm a reletively savy writer myself, but never heard that expression before. You made me do a Merriam-Webster search, and as a result, I've learned something new. Thanks! :handgestures-thumbup:
  16. 1 point
    Welcome to the forum. You will need one more tractor for each of your Sons. I understand your loss. My dad passed last May. He was an Army Veteran. Dad earned four Bronze Stars in WW2.
  17. 1 point
    How do you get the red tint in the dirt? :ROTF: Looks like it should grow watermelons too.
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