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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2012 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    :angry-cussing: Profit Profit :angry-cussing:
  2. 1 point
    I started out last summer picking up a 1990 520H parts tractor that had no rear tires, front axle, engine, gas gauge, volt gauge, hour meter, and no steering. The hood and fenders had a lot of rust pits, and paint was pealing off in many places. I got it cheep and wanted for a loader tractor. I already had the forward swept axle, and gear deducted steering, And as for the rear tires I wanted 26x12x12's on it. I picked up a good running kohler 18hp Magnum from Kelly and started piecing it together bit by bit. I installed one of Matt's foot control assembly's on it and painted the tins (hood not finished yet still in primmer). I got it running today and took it for a spin with NO hood on it as it isn't ready yet. I have to say that it is faster then any of my other tractors by far! and the pedal control is just SWEET!!! It works Great from slow to fast and centers when you take your foot off. I am so happy with the way this tractor is turning out that I may need to find another one to put the loader on It's a blast to drive and is so much easier to drive then my 96 520H with the foot control! I have worked on this tractor hear and there as not to brake the bank if you know what I mean. I got all the gauges to work but the tach. Still need to play with that a little more to find out whats wrong with it. I got some new decals from Terry coming soon and we will see how they look in a few days. Hear are the pics Look at the lift lever, I moved the control from the steering wheel to hear as it will have a 3 point on back. this way I won't get bumped while using the loader. Hydro motion lever is also removed
  3. 1 point
    Well a guy called me the other day said he needed some parts for his RJ35. I told him to come over and see what we could find. I shot the shi, err breeze with him and he said he would trade the RJ35 for something else if he saw something he likes. Then he said he had another old WH that had a Wisconsin engine on it and a Ford Model T rearend!!! Uhh ya got my attention now! He didn't know what kind of WH he had apparently. So I am trying to make a deal on them both so I can't wait to see what they look like!! Wowsa!
  4. 1 point
    This is not exact so let me know what changes are needed. I have a better flag at the shop on my work computer.
  5. 1 point
    i thought you were all about sears- roper now ha-ha. go with the 14 auto much more versatal. jay
  6. 1 point
    I think it bears asking what you plan on doing with it before just jumping to conclusions. The GT-14 is a bigger machine, and while it doesnt have the adaptability of the 14 auto, if youre just planning on a restored machine that gets used only once in awhile, I'd get the GT. Its far more collectable. Now if youre going to use it as a worker on a weekly basis, the 14 auto is the way to go. Granted it weighs much less and doesnt have a 3 point but if you plan on mowing, snow removal, and rototilling its gonna work out great for you
  7. 1 point
    I agree with the above, the GT14 is a nice machine, but as was said parts and attachments will be easier to locate for the 14 auto
  8. 1 point
    Go with the 14 auto. Its a 1973 machine and all the B,C,300,400 and most 500 series attach-a-matic attachments will work on it and are real easy to find. Mike........
  9. 1 point
    14 auto for sure! GT14's are a bread all there own, alot of parts are not interchangeable with other tractors
  10. 1 point
    Buy the 14 Auto... the parts are more readily available than for the GT14... same deal concerning attachments. Whichever one you ultimately buy make sure to get the rearend hot and fully test it before you lay the cash down.... Transmission/pump repairs on the Sunstrands can be very expensive. Just my thoughts Tony
  11. 1 point
    Can you give us a little information on the two?
  12. 1 point
    The parts have to come from somewhere and there seems to be more and more reason to believe Toro's stock is dwindling. For every one that dies I'm sure several others live! Our hobby would grind to a halt pretty quickly without used parts. Oh yes...since when has profit become a dirty word in America? :coffee:
  13. 1 point
    Now I wish I had something to sell! Maybe I will get rid of my deere 110 but who knows Need to get more red in the barn. Jake
  14. 1 point
    My two cents. I have been using a tall chute single stage for years. I live in Maine and we can get some serious snow and I am never anxious about having just a single stage. Low 1 on the real deep stuff and high one on the lighter ones. If you learn how to keep the auger full with the correct speed, a single stage will work just fine; How's this for deep snow?
  15. 1 point
    Don, You can count The Duke down but dont count him out!
  16. 1 point
    Well I part tractors all the time, sorry but it funds my hobby, and I try not to part complete tractors but many are beyond rebuilding with out having another parts tractor or two, I have good running tractors here and no one wants to pay $300 for a nice running tractor that needs paint and minor tinkering, but I can sell the engines out of them for $200-300 if it was not for the demand for the parts I would not do it, but I get a dozen emails a week just from guys here wanting parts, so don't blame me, I'm just filling the need for parts, they could all be in the junk piles and no parts used off them.
  17. 1 point
    think of this way,if no one parted them there would be not nearly as many runners out there and hey it didnt go to the crusher like so many have,it will go to a good purpose,i have never parted out a machine but i have bought lots of used parts to keep my fleet going,so try and think of the positive if you can
  18. 1 point
    Well I got the engine started this weekend took a total teardown and new rings, carb kit and lots of elbow grease, but the beast lives
  19. 1 point
    It worked for a snow blower hookup. Dont know why it couldn't be done with some mower modification for the mid mount too. Mike
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