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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2012 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I feel good, whoa-oa-oa-oa I knew that I would, whoa-oa-oa-oa
  2. 2 points
    I just picked up this little Lawn Ranger h60 6hp tecumseh , 1965 model L-155 this is my first Wheel Horse. I thought maybe my grandson could drive it around in the yard in a few years. I got it not running. it had no spark and carb needed cleaned. today I cleaned the carb and the points. it has good spark now
  3. 1 point
    Hi everyone, Was wondering if anyone knows the size of the front wheel bearings for my 1976 Wheel Horse C160 tractor. I am not near the tractor but am heading where it is next week...the front bearings are tired! Wheels are stock 16x6.50-8 (tires). Any help would be great, I'm guessing Grainger will have them, or my local John Deere Dealer. All the best, Jason
  4. 1 point
    I just wanted to wish my buddy Stevasaurus good luck next Wednesday. He will be having shoulder surgery due to his "fall from grace" last November. Best to you Buckaroo!
  5. 1 point
    Hi Guys- It never fails-when I'm feeling weary and down from the daily grind (Foster Care, etc) Something happens to brighten my day- I'm so proud of my son Alan Jr. right now I had to tell someone. You might remember. I told you he is the chief Design Engineer @ Rolls Royce in Indy. I showed you videos of the plane he had a significant part in designing-The F-35 Supersonic Stealth Fighter. He designed the dry clutch assembly that lets it transfer main engine power to a lift fan that allows it to take off & land vertically. He has since subbmitted 7 or 8 publications for patents concerning this and other things concerning it. He just recieved his first "Offical Notification" and Plaque from the Government granting him a U.S. Patent.! He is Poo-Pooing it as nothing-but I told him -no way-I and the rest of the family could not be prouder! I just had to tell you guys-my extended family-Thanks for looking!-Al
  6. 1 point
    If you want top notch follow AngloTraction . . . it has got to be one of the finest restorations I have seen (like everyone elses too). He is the most anal (that means picky in the US, Anglo) person I have seen besides myself and Maynard :)
  7. 1 point
    Well it looks like we have a big reveal date. It is just about done with just a little tweaking that needs to be completed. My daughter is in kindergarten and they have a class wide show and tell each Friday. This week is the letter "t". I noticed this a few weeks out and thought it would be cool for her to show off her new tractor to all of her classmates. The big reveal will be a little after 1:30 p.m. EST and I will make sure there will be a camera in tow. I will try and capture as much as I can and post them up here Friday night or sometime this weekend. This will be a blast!
  8. 1 point
    Steve: I feel your pain - literally! I have had 9 knee surgeries all on my right knee. I have had acl reconstruction, pfl reconstruction, open debridments, and more. I even used a walking cane for two years. My best advice I can offer is to keep moving and try strengthening all of the muscles that support your knee. Two years ago my right leg was so much smaller muscle-wise compared to my left leg. I had a standing order with my doctor for nearly 6 years of Vicodin because of my chronic pain. I would be in so much pain that I would be in tears after doing something physical outside. I was in physical therapy for all of those years too - I had enough! I decided to try something different - my knee was shot, but not my muscles. If I could rebuild my muscles around the knee than I perhaps could live a better life. I decided to start strength training. Two years later - longer story short, I now am in so much less pain and I have my life back. I share my story with a lot of people around here and would be willing to answer any questions you have. Each situation is different - but the principles are the same. Let me know if I can help.
  9. 1 point
    Great score!! I am going to have to start going to my local Toro dealers to see if I can find anything!!
  10. 1 point
    Hey Gents, Went into a local Toro repair store, you know, those old shops that are loaded with old stock...this old fellow had bags of them. Thanks again for the help, they fit perfectly. Jason
  11. 1 point
    This drawbar hitch can be used with the slot hitch in place and attaches to the rear snowplow attachment -in this case on a 1054 but could be used on other Wheel Horse tractors. This hitch allows you to attach a ball, a clevis and has several holes in the drawbar for pins , etc to attach other equipment.
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