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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2012 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Here are some pic's of my progress on restoring my 18 auto. Started as just building a f.e.l. and has progressed to basicly redoing as much as I can. The front spindles had alot of play so I cut the ends off and replaced with new 1" round stock.(see pic) The axle has some play in the spindle ends so I machined the ends out and installed brass bushings,(see pic) NO play now! Also drilled the ends of the tie rods and inserted zerts(see pic) Also purchased new 27 x 10.5 x 15 rear turfs(carlisle) new 18 x 8.5 x 8 front turfs(carlisle). Bead blasted front and rear rims and painted them black.(suppose to be cream but I like black) More to come as progress resumes. Thanks. Ok, I think this should show the pic's. (fixed:nylyon)
  2. 1 point
    As usual Ian, its a great update. On a different note, this is the first time reading your thread with the new server host. Your build thread is chock full of pictures and its usually a bit of a wait to get all the pictures and whatnot to load but this time it was just a few seconds. I like that! Mike...........
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I still say this is a GREAT project, and an awesome job to boot! I think it's great you're doing this for your daughter, and yes this means you'll be making another one (at least) for your son! I have 3 girls, so I'm intentionally keeping away from this thread when they are looking! My 6 year old has already laid claim to one of my Rangers. I guess the size of those tractors really appeals to the kids. They do after all look kinda like a toy! I'm 6'0", 230lbs, so I do look a bit huge driving mine. Maybe I should fix them up for my girls too- because at least they would get used more!
  5. 1 point
    I have had a few of the 430's and they are an excellent tractor. The size and weight are no problem and with the power steering you can back that big tractor in a very small tight spot with one finger-no struggling with the wheel. As stated above they just sip the fuel and WFM is the place to go for info. They are a little tight to work on IMO(the down side) Here is one with the front end loader and my boy just playing on it, we were using the broadcast spreader for weight .
  6. 1 point
    Pretty Rad! That ain't no NUT ROASTER! With that engine it'll be a dad burn Johnsonville Brat griller. :ychain:
  7. 1 point
    Ahh, been following you for some time Arpeggi8 is my alter ego... I'm into rallying, building analogue synthesisers and anything else geeky !
  8. 1 point
    if you put one of my wife's reproduction seat covers on your square pan seat The color won't matter brian
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