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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2012 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    i had a D160 that had the pump trashed from being run dry on oil and was told by just about everyone that D series hydro were D's only, till i talked to my dads old dealer he told me to bring him a pump and motor off any wheel horse sunstrand. he took one from a c120 took it apart and made it work, tractor ran great. so all you need to fix your d is a sunstrand out of a c series tractor good luck
  3. 1 point
    I would try giving it just a little bit of choke - if that helps it then its too lean, if it hurts it then its too rich. Then you get to work out whats different from last year...
  4. 1 point
    Hi Guys Me and my brother has just started and create frame to a snow plow as it is impossible to get one like that here in Norway so I post some pictures here .. More pictures etc. coming soon .. :thumbs2:
  5. 1 point
    Where do you keep the box of donuts??? :confusion-scratchheadblue:
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for the comment's guys.. it's funny to create it hope it will work too some uppdates on the parts..
  7. 1 point
    Once again, thanks for the compliments guys. KnightCoder, I am going by a set of plans I found on the internet. I have been sidetracked a little as I sold my mower and have to put a deck together fast and mount it on the C160. Here's my mower leaving. The deck I had is in pretty sad shape so I had to patch some holes, weld in the baffles and weld in a support bar. Here it is after sandblasting, welding, stripping and some rust converter. It's not pretty, it's actually more of a frankendeck looking thing now. Next I will spray on some rust encapsulator, POR 15 on the underside and then the color on the top side. Hopefully this carries me through until I can find a nice deck. Today I did mount the trans and drive chains and mounted the engine.
  8. 1 point
    Don't know if it's already been covered, but what brand and color paint did you use? Great job so far. I'm useing Martin Senour I.H. Red Bob, they had three shades of it in their paint chart and this is the darkest shade. I don't know much about paint codes but this is the label on the can. My local N.A.P.A. store sell it here.
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