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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2012 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Red Square is not only a place to find information but is also a place to find good friends. A Few years ago I became good friends with a member that I met on Red Square, at first he was kinda getting under my skin next thing ya know we were poking fun at each other and then it was like he vanished! I started worrying over him like an ole mother hen and was getting concerned. I heard he was on Vacation or a trip or something So's I drew up one of my Cartoons for him. I guess when he seen it sipping his coffee in the morning he about choked with laughter. Later we met and the WHCC show and that cemented the friendship even further. My latest tractor project has been quite extensive and costly, and any good deals a guy could get along the way would surely help. this friend knew that on my shopping list was a new seat for the new Project Snow Chucker and today when MJ and I pulled in the driveway was a box from UPS. In the Box I found this. Butch My Friend you are a TOP SHELF individual, and thanks so much for the seat and most especially your friendship! And that I dont take lightly. Every time I get in the new Snow Chucker me and my Fat Butt will thank you! It's Quality guys like you that make this forum what it is. Yer Pal ~Dukester
  2. 1 point
    yes mike, the 1054 was definitely not the tractor to be my learning curve. this one by comparison is a cakewalk. i am sold on the ease of rebuilding these mid sixties long hoods, things could change, but im ready for a few more.........
  3. 1 point
    Looks really good Martin! Its got to be a lot easier on this tractor because you can work on the smaller pieces, as opposed to that big lump in the middle of the 1054.
  4. 1 point
    Today being MLK holiday- admission to the Museum was free. The grandsons have been after me to show them "The cars that I built". Of course , I told them, I didn't build the whole car-just an important part of it. As my luck would have it- Try as I might, I couldn't coax these old bones to get moving-too much pain from old gridiron hits and others. So they went with my adult grandson Lance and had a good time-they took a few pics that brought back memories of good times gone by. I was priviledged to work at Avanti both under Newman & Altman owership & Steve Blake. My area of expertise was to completely dress & assemble the complete engine and transmission assembly for placement in the frame. Each assembly took 6 1/2 hours to complete. When Steve Blake took over-we were making one car a day. I also got to build the engine & trans assembly for the first ever Convertible-sold to George Hamilton- the actor & shipped to California-this car was on a TV show too I believe. He wanted to increase production to 2 cars a day- he wanted to establish a network of dealerships. Up til then, you ordered, and picked up your car at the factory. I was given the task of redisigning the engine assembly bay so I could double my production. After a few days and some changes in the way I moved-I did it. I could just barely complete 2 assemblies in 8 hours. I was proud to put my stamp on each assembly of what was nearly a hand built car. The factory was featured in a " ROAD & TRACK " magazine in 1984. The magazine paid me $1 for permission to print something about me building the engines. Here the boys pictures-one of which was ANDY GRANITELLI s car that broke 29 speed records at Bonniville and was labeled "Worlds Fastest Production Car" oh yes their were some wheel horses there too Thanks for looking- wish I could have walked enough to have gone- but I have the smiles on their faces when they talk about "Grandpa's Cars"-Al
  5. 1 point
    Maybe Jake could put a star up there for Mike "sorekiwi"?
  6. 1 point
    Know that's looking gooooood! Top notch Martin!
  7. 1 point
    All I know is, when I try to sell something it's worthless but if I try to buy that exact same thing it's priceless. My solution is to just hang on to what I have and not buy anymore.
  8. 1 point
    Here's a video of a similar one. It's great as long as you never ever trip and fall or wear loose clothing. You may want to sign up for organ donation before using also.
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