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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Things I've learned from this post thus far 1. Splurge on the good detergent 2. Oxy Clean is my friend 3. If I find my self at a strip club it's best to change the oil before coming into the house And my wife says she would never waste vodka on a coat You guys are awesome. Even if I don't get the smell out at least I'm we'll entertained
  2. 1 point
    found this picture while trawling arouind internet i think its a great looking custom job does anyone know anything about it i would like to know how the steering was done
  3. 1 point
    I need more tractor storage(who don't!), so I made a drawing and fabricated a nice heavy duty tractor stacker shelf! With some help from my buddy Packrat, he cut all the 1 inch square tubing to within 1/4 inch of my specs and then I cut all the peices to specs and started the long welding process. This is pretty much the first welding project I have ever done! It had to fit in my garage perfectly to make it all work. I had to move some of the herd out. It took about 28 hours total to build it, clamp it, weld it, grind all the welds, paint it and move it into my over stuffed garage. Took alot longer than I thought it would but it paid off in the end! It fit perfectly in the spot and the bottom tractors fit on their parking pads to hold it down. The top tractors fit right on top of the support bars under all 4 tires. I need 2 sheets of 3/4 inch tongue and groove plywood to finish the top, but for now I used a 2X8 board and a 2X4 for the other one. Not bad for a rookie welder! Now I need another one for shits and giggles! How's it look fella's??? Thanks...Hammerhead
  4. 1 point
    Looks great. Of course this is a great idea for you round hood guys, but whats a guy to do with all C's and 400 series stuff? Mike........
  5. 1 point
    Here's a few of my Wheel Horse Headlights! Schwing!
  6. 1 point
    This one of a kind tractor your dad made is so cool! It reminds me of a time when people wasted little and made due with what they could find. I like it!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    At first I thought the table was for a tractor to sit on while being restored and it seemed like an awful fancy table for a tractor to be on with an awful skinny ramp . Nice job, lucky dog. Mike..............
  9. 1 point
    I think all my work clothes smell like gas, or oil, or grinding dust, or a combination of all of them...
  10. 1 point
    This tractor has been in the family since new.She's been sitting a few years,last fall i started to clean her up and get her running.I also put the original NFE back on.It will get a full resto when time and money permits.
  11. 1 point
    This one is completely homemade by my dad in 1967. It's just about the same size as a Power King. The Wisconson V4D has been massaged to produce 33hp. There are actually Wheel Horse parts incorporated into it. It's a beast and weighs in at just under 1300lbs
  12. 1 point
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