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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2012 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Hi, I am Gary Pond (Cecils son who worked for Wheel Horse for many years until sold). My son Jonathon Pond, sister Constance, and I had the pleasure of visiting your annual Wheel Horse Collectors show in PA the year that Michael Martino came out with his 2nd edition of From the Horses Mouth. As my Dad was a number of years earlier, we were greatly impressed and proud to see the large gathering of the wonderfully restored old Wheel Horse tractors and owners. Michael tracked me down about 5 years before the 1st edition to see if Cecil was alive and could be contacted. He told us of the Collectors Club and the need for more accurate information. That started a long and happy relationship (friendship) between Cecil and Michael. A family member (Jonathons Mother) showed me a link to your blog. The Pond family wanted to say "Thank You" for all of the heart felt comments about Cecil, Elmer, and Wheel Horse Products. Our appreciation and respect to all Participants. The above photo shows 4th generation Jonathon Pond with a tractor that his Great-Granddad Elmer Pond designed.
  2. 3 points
    well,about 1965 sorry about the green and then about 1968... it is me and my daughter who is now almost 50 years old! (holy crap!) on a Jacobsen I just repainted... wow, I forgot i used to have hair! and this is her daughter 25 years later.... she is now 23 yo and my grandson about 10 years ago the same dude now love it......life goes on! Redbirdman
  3. 2 points
    So you look like the abominable snowman. I would suggest either buy a cab or dress for it. Not everybody has a snowchucker like Dukes. Its pretty much one of a kind. Buy a snow suit (Carharts come to mind), a mask to cover your face, gloves and goggles. If I can do it I am sure that you can.
  4. 2 points
    I think it's a given, this image should be featured in the new for 2012 calender this year. Confirm?
  5. 1 point
    So I purchase a nice 2-stage blower to run on my 520H. Today I have the first chance to use it with about 3 inches of snow. I FROZE MY A#$ OFF! Holy Crap! How in the heck do you guys do this? I know not everyone has a snow cab. Once I thaw out a bit Im to have to rethink the snow cab idea again. Denver
  6. 1 point
    I get lots of friendly help with my yard work Thanks Francis
  7. 1 point
    1968 Commando 8. Stored in enviromental cellar for 15 years in PA.
  8. 1 point
    OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!! I'm in LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! That's like something you see in architectural books and S***! Absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. 1 point
    Don't be timid, throttle up and let it fly. That little red cab will keep you warm and dry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu48aGgLkzw
  10. 1 point
    I see a cab in my future.. For now I wear the black carharts(arctic wear) and I keep the chute down and bear it.. :angry-chillpill:
  11. 1 point
    That firepit came out real nice. Now we need a pic with a fire in it! Mike.............
  12. 1 point
    Here are some images of the models that I have made in Solid Edge.
  13. 1 point
    I remember the first time I blew snow...It was windier that S*** out and it didn't matter what direction I blew into, I was a freaking snowman when I was done. Got done, got off the tractor, and IMMEDIATELY started the hunt for a cab. ONE OF MY BEST PURCHASES EVER!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't imagine doing without one now...The cab for your 520 is harder to find than the run of the mill 300 or 400 series tractors. Good luck
  14. 1 point
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