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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2011 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    well after 20 years put my tractor back together, thanks to this site i was able to find needed parts for assembly, starts in half pull and runs smooth, hard to believe it runs so good, i used auto. engine paint on the engine and its off a shade so i think i'll pull engine out and recoat with the paint i used on the rest of the tractor (now that i know its running and adjusted) then i'll put the clinton decal on it. i'll be looking for a recoil eventually but right now the rope works fine. also i made up the stop switch with some things i had in my garage and may change that someday. pulled it out this morning for some photos. thanks for everyones help and the nice comments on my previous post maybe i'll see some of you at some old tractor event. bob.
  2. 2 points
    That's a nice butt, wish I could get a piece of that....... did I just say that? :blink:
  3. 1 point
    Thought I start a thread where we could post up some of our favorite snow video/pictures being that for the most part nobody got any snow this Christmas season. So...let's see what you've got, here's a couple to get the party started. http://www.youtube.com/user/amcrules00?blend=1&ob=video-mustangbase#p/u/17/pu48aGgLkzw http://www.youtube.com/user/amcrules00?blend=1&ob=video-mustangbase#p/u/16/Roz22ku5OuY http://www.youtube.com/user/amcrules00?blend=1&ob=video-mustangbase#p/u/14/r8uReR2kNx8 http://www.youtube.com/user/amcrules00?blend=1&ob=video-mustangbase#p/u/13/wCTI9qHcBzc
  4. 1 point
    NY!!!! your just as bad as Stevebo your going to be on the naughty list Brian If I'd a known it was a Christmas gift Craig I woulda stuck a big 'ol red bow on it ! But there probably wont be any tractor stuff under this years tree which is fine since I just went to NY and picked one up today. Mike........... ]
  5. 1 point
    wow, thanks for all the kind words, around 1975 i was at friends house hangin out when his mom walked outside and started tellin him to clean out the garage and all of it! i seen that rj sittin in the corner and said that too? she said you want it take it, not really knowing what it was (i just thought it was the coolest thing) i took it home got it runnin, my dad would hook a wagon behind it and ride the little kids around the yard , i do have some old photos but i'll have to dig them up, i guess maybe i should have left it original but anyway about 15 years ago i had this idea to repaint it, well i just got the hood, seat, and gas tank back 2 months (unfinished) and decided to try to finish it up and thats when i found this site and found out just what i had and there are other people like me out there that like these old tractors too. i was at a party and talked to my friend about a month ago he could not believe i still had it, he said his dad bought it new or close to it and used it up north at his cabin to haul trees out back for firewood that why he has no attachments, he said he was 6 years old (1963) and drove it around all the time and did remember it had a oil bath air filter but didn't know what happen to it and that was one thing i was missing, charlie pitcher hooked me up with a new one. from what i figure its a early 55 (fuel tank mounted on frame) early engine number 1200-152. this clinton has been sittin for a very long time and i had my doubts, but i have to say this engine has never been rebuilt and run like a top w/no smoke. i'm happy its back in 1 piece again and hangin around here i just hope i don't get this wheelhorse bug like some of you guys or this is going to get expensive! lol bob.
  6. 1 point
    Thinking I might do this next year!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Shoot me an email/pm....I'll give it to you... I'll post a pick of it when it's done......in about 17 hours. It looks even better when it's cooked, and the taste........there ain't nobody that doesn't like it. Is that a double negative Oh well
  9. 1 point
    Umm, not what I was expecting, but that looks almost as desirable though.
  10. 1 point
    Well here is where I am at presently with the engine. Made it over a few hurdles and learned a few things. First rebuild on a twin I have done altho have done a couple truck engines befor years ago. The more I play with it the more I like it. Should have It running over the holidays hopefully the next movie after this one will be it running. ~Duke
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