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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I turned the 'puter on this morning and come here and noticed the pleasant change to RS !!! I seem to like the layout better , and seems like it is easier to navigate. And i am really likin' the Christmas theme !!! Darrell
  2. 1 point
    I think you had a option, My 875 came with a factory solid link, but it would still float because it was manual lift. But with hydro lift you can get down pressure with a solid link, witch works good for moving dirt, but bad for moving snow on a gravel drive. I have both and I use the chain most of the time. It would be nice to have a float option in the hydro lift valve so you could have the best of both worlds.
  3. 1 point
    Thanks to SteveBo's help, it's now in my workshop. I'm gonna do some minor things first to get it running and operating smooth.
  4. 1 point
    Wow, they're increasing the size to 60 pages. Now Duke can write some longer articles. I'm going to have to check into a subscription. :handgestures-thumbupright:
  5. 1 point
    I don't have anything to add, but I vote for Buckrancher's Stainless Steel RJ58.
  6. 1 point
    i will be in touch with a few of you towards the end of the week regarding getting high quality images. After a 10 page research paper, and 3.5 page finally essay i have 2 classes finished and 2 more to go. One 20 minute portfolio presentation (culmination of my entire 4 years of school) and a 10 minute thesis presentation which is a culmination of a years worth of work. So very close to the end! I will get rocking on the calender this friday and try and get it done by next week thanks everyone! Justin
  7. 1 point
    Has anyone successfully removed the needle bearing from a manual PTO housing without damage? Does it require any special tool? I have 2 PTOs that I would like to rebuild. They both have bad bearings. I removed the needle bearing from one, but found that the outer case of the bearing is very soft material, and it gets damaged easily. I am afraid that I may damage the new ones putting them back in. Any tips or pointers would be helpful. I do not have access to a press. Only standard mechanics tools. Thanks
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