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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Haven't seen it in person yet but i go to pick it up this weekend. Im pretty excited it will look good in the barn next to my 753.
  2. 1 point
    I did that this summer the night before the wheel horse show. Mower deck caught, tires spinned, kicked out ramps and went end over end landing directly on my head. Had a minor concussion but that didn't keep me from going to the show! Glad you are ok. In the process of making metal brackets for my wood ramps (locust wood-very very strong) the metal brackets will have a hole and then drill a hole in the pickup bed floor for each ramp so that way when you put the ramps onto the truck you can stick a bolt or pin through the holes to lock them in place to the truck. Charlie
  3. 1 point
    Glad your ok and the tractor is not too badly damaged! One word...TRAILER! For the money and effort we put into these things, they are worth it!
  4. 1 point
    The sealant your referring to is yamabond Indy
  5. 1 point
    I have a 2 gallon ultrasonic cleaner that I used in another line of work years ago. It's been sitting on the shelf since 2005. Now that you have brought up the subject, I think I will try some Berryman's carburetor dip in it.
  6. 1 point
    while amidst the forum switch and me getting back on it as well as being in my last 2 weeks of school... EVER! my life has been crazy. haven't touched one of my tractors in probably a month so i apologize for not having anything figured out just yet. for times sake, it will probably be very similar to last years calender. i will try and get it cranked out as soon as i am done with school. thanks again for all the pictures, you guys are great! Justin
  7. 1 point
    Oh great, now I really cant post pics of my rusty and faded C-165 8speed . Super lookin machine!! Mike.........
  8. 1 point
    Here you go Bud, Essentially, you need to lift either the ground wire or the positive cable leading from the battery terminals and insert your meter set to read DC amps in series with the remainder of the tractor wiring. READ YOUR METER INSTRUCTION MANUAL ON HOW TO SET THE METER FOR DC AMPERAGE AND WHICH METER SOCKETS YOU NEED TO INSERT YOUR MEASURING LEADS INTO TO MEASURE CURRENT. The sockets for current are different than the sockets to measure voltage and ohms. This is true 99% of time on multimeters. SET THE METER TO READ THE HIGHEST CURRENT POSSIBLE - USUALLY 10 AMPS ( some meters have a 20 amp scale). THIS IS DONE TO PROTECT THE METER FROM BLOWING AN INTERNAL FUSE IF THE CURRENT THRU THE METER EXCEEDS THE METER RANGE. If the parasitic current is less than 1 amp, the meter may not register any reading on the 10 map scale. It is then safe to switch the meter to read on a lesser scale for DC amps - say 200 milliamp (.200 amps). Hook up the meter leads in your tractor like in the diagram above. The parasitic current will actually be flowing thru the meter body. Let's say for the sake of conversation, the parasitic drain is in the headlamp circuit. We hook the meter up in the positive battery cable circuit, note the meter reading and it is .3 amps - so we have a 300 milliamp (.3amp) parasitic drain. Now lets look at all the components current will flow thru in the above diagram. Starter solenoid , ignition coil, and lighting circuit. Start by removing the blue wire from the starter solenoid - no change in meter reading - no parasitic current flowing thru the solenoid. Replace the blue wire. Lift the orange wire from the ignition coil - multimeter reading remains at .3 amps. So no parasitic current is flowing thru the ignition coil. Replace the orange wire. Now we come to the headlight / taillight circuit. Lift the Green wire from the headlight Multimeter indication drops to zero amps - you found the circuit the parasitic current is flowing thru. Now, if you have taillights parallel wired of headlights, disconnect the headlights. Still have .300 amps on the multimeter readout - well sir, you have unwanted current flow to the taillights. Time to take a visual look at the taillight wiring / taillight housing. If you let me know what model tractor you have, maybe we can pull a wiring schematic and start to highlight the different current paths in that particular model. Please say its not a 520H !! Good question - thanks for starting a good thread.
  9. 1 point
    Before inserting shift lever, make sure that the forks are aligned in the neutral position as shown below:
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