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  1. 29 points
    I had a Kohler #30 carb for my own C160-8 Cinnamon Horse on the bench today. This one's been soaking in the lacquer thinner for several weeks along with quite a few sessions in the ultrasonic cleaner. Here's a couple "before" pics. I use a combination of the above soak & ultrasonic cleaner intermixed with wire brushing by hand and machine. VERY.... CAREFUL.... USAGE.... of the machine spun brush. I also use a small pick and/or screwdriver and/or whatever's to hand for cleaning the grit and muck from orifices and corners. After the greatest part of the grime is gone I use a series of drills in the Dremel tool to bore a 1/8" hole in the welch plug on the side. Pop that out with whatever levering tool is close and works. More cleaning. More scraping. More brushing. Repeat. Repeat. Intermix as needed. Be sure to get in the area behind the welch plug and clean carefully. Also clean the tiny holes the feed fuel to the main bore. I use a tiny drill bit. Carefully. All the small pieces also need de-grubbing and anti tarnish treatment. I use a 3-48 tap to clean the threads of all 4 holes from the throttle and choke shafts. Once the body is clean.. I start reassembly. Here's the complete exploded parts assortment sans the 3/8" welch plug I forgot to set there. Welch plug hole shown empty. Plug setting in but not driven/flattened. Post flatten. I use the bit that's on the carb to indent the plug. Anything roundish and 1/4" or so diameter can be used. The larger bar in my hand is the "hammer/ hammah". Procedure for driving in the upper throttle shaft bore repair washer is similar. One of two in place. Both set in. Here's a closeup. You can see the two washers stacked and stuffed. Now I move to installing the throttle and choke shafts and blades. I use Blue Loctite. Brand name only. Four new screws. These are usually 3-48. Just the tiniest little dab of Loctite on each screw. Get the screws in place loosely then verify proper movement and placement of the blades. Each blade will usually need a little coaxing to set just right. Once that's satisfactory, tighten the screws. Now I install the 3 exterior screws. 1. Idle speed control. Small silver colored one. I always start high and adjust the RPM down later. 2. Upper RPM mixture. Coincidentally that's also the uppermost positioned screw. 3. Low RPM or idle air mixture screw. Be sure to set the above screws to the factory settings before starting the engine. The fuel inlet seat is threaded in next. I have a special nut driver I've modified by grinding down the circumference so it fits in the limited space. Drop the needle in and slide the float pin through. Check the adjustment. I set floats for these carbs about parallel with the body. Install the bowl gasket, then the fuel baffle. Center the bowl. Install the gasket and bowl retaining nut. Snug that up well but use caution to not overtighten particularly on original aluminum bowls. I most often replace the bowl with a Briggs and Stratton steel bowl. The older aluminum bowls are almost always crushed and deformed around the bolt hole. A few more pictures as completed.
  2. 29 points
    Last night I was plowing snow with my C-145. 25 degrees out, was dressed warm, had my heated gloves on and a smile on my face. Life was pretty good !! Then all of a sudden the engine stalled just like I had turned off the key. . Pushed the old girl in the shop for some diagnostics. Found that I had no spark. Multi meter showed that I was getting "+" power to the coil but no "-". Down side - points were not making a good contact. Up side - No need to buy a new solid state coil, or a new CDI box. Nor did I have to wait for said parts to arrive or wait till morning to take a drive to get new parts. Instead a quick cleaning of the points with some 1200 grit sand paper and I was back in business. $0 repair and only 15min down time.
  3. 25 points
  4. 24 points
    Old technology is the best if you have a person with an old soul around to make it work.
  5. 24 points
  6. 22 points
    No mirror pics for this one because I bought it and just drove it over to my Mother in laws house just a few blocks away. Just poured in a gallon or so of fresh gas and swapped in a fully charged battery. It then started right up even though it was -10 degrees celsius or so out. Ran a little rough at first but by the time I got it to it's temporary home it was running smooth and quiet. Hydro lift and drive both work perfectly. Deck might be seized or frozen, I will deal with that later. Has oversize tires on it, not sure what I am going to do about that. I did not make note of the hours or if the hour meter even works as the volt gauge does not.
  7. 21 points
  8. 21 points
  9. 20 points
  10. 20 points
    I don’t like the “pick only one rule” This is my son and I on nearly matching Blackhoods I put together so we could get out and plow snow as a team. He’s only a few months from turning 30 now….I would guess he’s around 10-12 years old in this pic (he was always a BIG kid)
  11. 20 points
    Pick only one ehh??!? Man..... I like that one alot because it shows our main go to workers.
  12. 19 points
    Today would have been @JimD,s 75th birthday, he was taken from us much too soon. Jim served as a moderator on Red Square and always shared his sense of humor. for several years Jim would find unusual photos and post them with the title "Caption this" to bring out the humorous side of others. You are missed Jim.
  13. 19 points
    Possibly this is a plethora of pictures...
  14. 19 points
    You can set your watch by it. Put the snow plow or blower on then wait. And wait. and wait some more. Finally get some snow. Not a lot but like 3-4 inches. So I have to take my coonhound Bella for her walk that she demands every morning. I decide by the amount of snow on the ground I will plow the driveway when we get back. Besides it's a good idea to clean the carbunkles out of the tractor once in a while. The excitement builds as I crank over the K321 on the 953. It has sat since late Oct. when I put the plow on. It put puts to life! let it warm up. Put my plowing coat on and merrily head out to make a few passes. Mostly for where my wife parks and the sidewalk so she doesn't have to plod thru the snow and to keep the potential for ice build up down. Make a few passes and all of a sudden I notice the plow won't go down all the way. In fact if I hold the lever in the down position, it starts to go up! I'm like What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is a goin on here? Did one of those @WHX?? or @elcamino/wheelhorse put a hex on this tractor? So back into the shop I go. The left arm is all the way down but the chain is tight??? One in a million shot. Didn't get a pic but the pin on the hydraulic cylinder can move in and out and it moved enough to catch a link midway on the chain. The chain got wedged on the pin pretty good. Took a lot of prying to get it off. I added a spacer to the opposite side of the pin to keep it from getting close to that chain. The worst that ever happened was when I was snow blowing with Marvin the C145 I had. The T bar for the mower deck was still on and the nut for the bolt that held the bar to the lift chain backed off. I was going along and that bar caught a side walk crack and lifted the whole rear of the tractor off the ground! Had to drag the jack thru the snow to get that one remedied!
  15. 19 points
  16. 19 points
    One picture is a tough one for me. I have some great pictures that have a lot of memories. This is probably one of my most favorites. The first day wheelhorse_kid got his 604 out for its first drive after reassembling it from a literal pile of multicolored parts. He did 98% of the work himself too at age of 10. Ok maybe 11 I can’t remember.
  17. 19 points
  18. 19 points
    Headed into STL today and passed two Model A Fords on the bridge. They were rolling right along at around 50 mph. Older guy driving the lead car, maybe in his 70’s. Younger kid driving the chase car, probably in his 20’s. Not the best pictures, but tried to get them with the Arch in the background. Amazing to think those cars are approaching 100 years old. I love the look of cars from that era with the running boards, big headlamps, and spoke wheels. Even the smallest modem cars dwarf them. Hopefully you enjoy the pictures. Steve btw - I wasn’t driving.
  19. 18 points
    1977 C-120 Bought from the original owner. Didn't look like this when I got it. Cleaned it up a bit. Nice solid tractor.
  20. 18 points
    My Favorite back in 1990 on a new 1989 312-8 with my one and only daughter. Post em up.
  21. 18 points
  22. 18 points
    L-107 purchased by my father May 1967. First picture taken summer 1967 with my niece at the wheel, second picture 2021 same girl driving it. Last picture today, the old girl is still at work. she is my chore tractor used several times a week year round.
  23. 18 points
  24. 18 points
  25. 18 points
    The day I brought home my first 953 over twenty years ago. I still own both Wheel Horses and a few more.
  26. 17 points
    The first episode of “The Flintstones” television cartoon aired sixty-five years ago today. Fred Flintstone’s catchphrase, "Yabba-Dabba-Doo!" was a spontaneous inspiration that came from Alan Reed, the actor who provided Fred's voice. Reportedly the phrase came from his mother, who used to say, "A little dab'll do ya," probably borrowed from a Brylcreem commercial. Though the script called for a simple 'Yahoo!' Reed improvised and the rest is history.
  27. 17 points
    Wishing each of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope it is a memorable time for you all, and may you be blessed!
  28. 17 points
    Nicely done man! I'd have been out there doing a sage smudge and creating new words for a few minutes....
  29. 17 points
    My 1971 Bronco, and my FILs 1972 Charger.
  30. 17 points
    Received my fender pan back from the body shop this week. This pan had a bit of a journey from the Big Show in PA to CT and then to Maine. Credit goes to @Sparky for the selection, who knows how many he picked through, but this pan was in very nice condition. I think it's been here for 3 years and finally got to have it stripped and painted. It was painted with single stage and clear coated. The one that is on the 420 now will be transferred to the 418-A to give that one a bit of an upgrade. Thanks again Mike
  31. 17 points
    Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place but just wanted to make a post to thank you all for helping me out with my literal hundreds of questions I've asked here! Buying this old horse, I was really nervous as I couldn't find any manuals or information online. Well, you all are such a wealth of knowledge, and have answered my questions and given me advice so quickly. Good, fast and cheap - they say you can only have two. Well, you guys have helped me free of charge so I know which two you all are! I will be searching on here how to support the site and would like to join the club too. The money is nothing compared to how much help you all have been and what a source of information this forum is. Thank you again!! Really appreciate it!
  32. 17 points
    My first Wheel Horse which led me down the rabbit hole that started the Wheel Horse addiction, that led to this forum. Then the camaraderie and friendship that has been created from it.
  33. 17 points
    a CREATION of my grandfathers. I believe he pieced together a lawn ranger and a 6 speed rear end. He had a tiller he was bound a determined to use and he did
  34. 17 points
    @JCM Thanks for the post.This should go multi page for sure. I met you with Eric and Trina a at Zagray two years ago.
  35. 17 points
    This is the new Frarny MSATCBS (Mechanical Stability Antilock Traction Control Braking System) that will soon be the required replacement for the one wheel braking system on all Wheel Horse tractors. Patent applied for by Fred Flintstone, designer and Barney Rubble, mechanical engineer. Price installed = $35 Replacement pads = $0.50
  36. 17 points
  37. 17 points
    After all these years of wrestling that 60” deck out from under the tractor I finally got smart and used my little gantry crane and a come-a-long to lift the front of the tractor and just roll the deck forward. So simple I could not believe I didn’t think of this sooner. Then I power washed everything including my 48” deck which was on the 418-C. The Peco vacuum was then put away until next year’s leaf harvest! In order to put it away I had to shuffle some stuff around, so I thought I should take some pictures.
  38. 17 points
    Just had to share this with you guys. This is unreal !!
  39. 17 points
    Today I put the decals on the 308. The decals definitely finished it off. It’s quite the transformation.
  40. 16 points
  41. 16 points
    A few other years mixed in. The first one is more recent of my 76 but the others were taken late 70's-early 80"s. Some of the 76 before it became a 'B'160 and as it was off Chandlers salesfloor.
  42. 16 points
    Yeah could not post just one! First pic is my first meet and greet as a guest in CT. That is vinsrj my son brennanbo and I checking out my early 55’. Fast forward a bit to the two of us riding around big show on our seniors. Being able to share this hobby with my son and of course all the friends I made along the way makes it special.
  43. 16 points
    I kinda like this one with the two girls backed by pine tunnel.
  44. 16 points
    I guess I have to pick one but here it is- Wheelhorses with a horse
  45. 16 points
  46. 16 points
  47. 16 points
    The day it all started at our house... My son riding the C-105 for the first time. Given to him by his uncle for his budding lawn and snow business... circa 2015.
  48. 16 points
    Finally scored my next project! Was holding out for the single 16 Kohler of some variety in the 8 speed and patience finally paid off after a wash and oil rub down! I'll do a post after I get it going! Happy to have a worthy winter project!
  49. 16 points
    It’s all you guys fault! He’s a Snow and WheelHorse Junkie! 😂😂 There is maybe 1/2” and he ran outside to try out his plow. @TonyToro Jr. IMG_5062.MOV
  50. 16 points
    Please allow me to rephrase that for you. Somewhere out there is a man who is so glad you are his Ex-Wife, he is a lucky man!
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