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Plow Turning 8in 1955-1963 PP-8 & RC-10 coulter OM IPL sn.pdf

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Operator manual
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From price list dated October 1, 1954 most likely for the 1955 model year

Plow Turning 1955 7in model PP-7 less coulter for walking tractors


Plow Turning 1955 8in model PP-8 less coulter for walking and riding tractors

Plow Turning 1956 8in model PP-8 less coulter for walking and riding tractors

Plow Turning 1957 8in model PP-8 less coulter for walking and riding tractors

Plow Turning 1958 8in model PP-8 less coulter for walking and riding tractors

Plow Turning 1959 8in model PP-8 less coulter for walking and riding tractors

Plow Turning 1960 8in model PP-8
Plow Turning 1961 8in model PP-8
Plow Turning 1962 8in model PP-8
Plow Turning 1963 8in model PP-8


Plow Turning Coulter 1955 10in model RC-10

Plow Turning Coulter 1956 10in model RC-10

Plow Turning Coulter 1957 10in model RC-10

Plow Turning Coulter 1958 10in model RC-10

Plow Turning Coulter 1959 10in model RC-10

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