About This File
Model years are a guess
Shows up in price list dated October 1, 1954 for the 1955 model year
Not a very good copy
1 page 300KB
1955 Disc harrow 32in model DP-118 with eight 11" discs for walking and riding tractors
1956 Disc harrow 32in model DP-118 with eight 11" discs for walking and riding tractors
1957 Disc harrow 32in model DP-118 with eight 11" discs for walking and riding tractors
1958 Disc harrow 32in model DP-118 with eight 11" discs for walking and riding tractors
1959 Disc harrow 32in model DP-118 with eight 11" discs for walking and riding tractors
1960 Disc harrow 32in model DP-118 with eight 11" discs for walking and riding tractors
The October 1954 price list also lists
1955 Disc harrow 24in model DP-116 with six 11" discs for walking tractors
Not in the 1955 price list