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From the Demystification Guide #492-4509
1 page 148KB
Posted by lynnmor November 8, 2020 for the 113358
I replaced my faulty sending unit with a Dorman 55818 in a 520H. The resistance specs are slightly different, but the unit can be used as is. By filing a small amount off the stops, I was able to fine tune the sending unit to the gauge. Be sure to look inside the tank and check for clearance between the float and the petcock screen, you might have to tweak the float arm just a bit. I made short pigtails with the proper ends to complete the wiring
82-12o502* - Correct
82 -12o502 - Not correct
82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet
113358 Fuel level sender used on - (No longer available)
1988 models 31-16OE01, 31-18OE01, 31-20OE01, C1-20OE01, E1-18OE01
1989 models 21-10K806, 21-12K806, 31-14K804, 31-16O801, 31-18OE02, 31-20OE02, B1-16O802, C1-20OE02, E1-12K802, E1-18OE02
1990 models 41-20O801, 41-20OE01, R1-12K801, R1-12K802, R1-16O801, R1-16O802, R1-18OE01, R1-18OE02
1991 model 41-20OE02, R1-20OE01*
1992 models 41-20OE03, R1-20OE02*
1993 models 73501, 73520
1994 models 73501, 73520
1995 models 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2
1996 models 73501, 73502, 73521
1997 models 73502, 73521