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Tiller 36in 1970-1973 7-1232 OM IPL SN.pdf

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Operator manual #A-5225
6 pages 1.5MB
Dated 11/10/69


Fits GT-14 with 3ph
Requires 8-5412 and 8-4121

Drive belt 9151 (5L x 90 or 5/8" x 90")


Tiller 1970 36in model 7-1232

1970 serial numbers that have shown up for the 7-1232

139958 - A guess - First digit if there is one not readable x39958


Tiller 1971 36in model 7-1232
Tiller 1972 36in model 7-1232
Tiller 1973 36in model 7-1232

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